
  • 网络biomaterials;biomaterial;biomedical material
  1. 在生物医用材料方面的应用主要包括抗肿瘤药物、DNA荧光探针和荧光分子开关;

    The applications in the biomedical materials included mainly anticancer drugs , DNA fluorescence probe and fluorescence molecular switch .

  2. DSC结果显示,在176°C条件下出现了胶原的玻璃化转变,与BC相比稍有下降,但仍能满足生物医用材料121°C灭菌的要求,热稳定性能良好。

    DSC results showed that the glass transition temperature of COL was 176 ° C , and thermal stability declined slightly comparing with BC . COL / BC displayed a good thermal stability which could meet the sterilization requirements of biomedical materials at 121 ° C.

  3. Ti基生物医用材料表面K2Ti6O(13)涂层的制备与表征

    Preparation and characterization of K_2Ti_6O_ ( 13 ) coating on titanium matrix biomedical material

  4. 生物医用材料316L不锈钢的磨损腐蚀特性研究

    Wear-corrosion Behavior of 316L Stainless Steel for Biomedical Applications

  5. 结论PDLLA-CPP复合材料是一种安全的可吸收性生物医用材料,有良好的细胞生物相容性。

    Conclusion PDLLA-CPP is a new and safe medical with good biocompatibility and absorbability .

  6. 研究了AZ31镁合金作为生物医用材料的体内外生物降解行为。

    In this paper , the biodegradation behavior of AZ31 magnesium alloy was studied and its potential as a biodegradable medical material was also discussed .

  7. 生物医用材料,简称生物材料(Biomaterials),是一类具有特殊性能或功能,可用于动物器官和组织的修复与替换、疾病诊断与治疗,与动物生物相容的一类材料。

    Polymeric biomedical materials , also called biomaterials for short , are a kind of materials with particularly properties such as biocompatibility . They could be used for tissue and organ repair or substitution and disease diagnose and therapy .

  8. Ti-O薄膜具有良好的血液相容性和潜在的表面内皮细胞化能力,具有应用于与血液相接触的生物医用材料表面改性的潜力。

    Due to the remarkable hemocompatibility and potential advantages of endothelial cells ( ECs ) adherence behavior , Ti-0 films are widely applied in surface modification of biomaterials .

  9. 本论文为了进一步拓展PPDO在生物医用材料领域的应用,采用将PPDO与亲水性高分子接枝共聚的方法来改善PPDO疏水性和降解行为不连续的缺点。

    These disadvantages therefore limited the application of PPDO in the biomedical materials . In this work , we adopt the graft copolymerization of PPDO with hydrophilic polymer to improve the properties of PPDO .

  10. 与PPX相比,表面磺化改性PPX(PPX-SO3Na)的接触角变小,亲水性增加,更有利于作为生物医用材料。多糖类生物医用材料&甲壳素和壳聚糖的研究及应用

    Compared with PPX , the sulfonated PPX ( PPX-SO_3Na ) has lower water contact angle and better hydrophilicity , which is useful for biological materials . The Advance of Polysaccharide Biomedical Materials-Chitin and Chitosan

  11. 目前大规模使用的生物医用材料镁合金有AZ31、WE43等。Al可能引起透析性脑病综合征、老年性痴呆等一些退行性神经疾病,被认为是一种非必需性的低毒微量元素。

    At present , a large-scale used biomedical magnesium alloys mainly include AZ31 、 WE43 etc. However , the Al element may cause dialysis encephalopathy syndrome , alzheimer s disease and other degenerative neurological diseases , which is considered as a non-essential trace element of low toxicity .

  12. 新型生物医用材料&止血纤维的制备与应用研究

    Studies on Preparation and Application of Improved Biomaterials & Hemostatic Fibre

  13. 骨组织损伤修复生物医用材料的研究进展

    The research of biomedical materials in bone tissue grafting and replacing

  14. 层层自组装技术在生物医用材料领域中的应用研究进展

    Progress on Layer-by-Layer Self-assemble Technique in Surface Design of Biomaterials

  15. 辐射接枝共聚合反应及其在有机生物医用材料制备中的应用

    Irradiation Graft Copolymerization and Its Application for Preparation of Organic Biomedical Materials

  16. 壳聚糖基生物医用材料及其应用研究进展

    Recent Advances in the Study on Chitosan-based Biomedical Materials and their Applications

  17. 镁合金在生物医用材料领域的应用及发展前景

    Application and development prospect of magnesium alloys as biomedical materials

  18. 生物医用材料现状和发展趋势

    The Current Situation and Developmental Trend of Biomedical Materials

  19. 八五重大基金项目&生物医用材料的基础研究成果介绍

    Achievements of major program entitled fundamental study on bio-medical materials granted by NSFC

  20. 可降解生物医用材料的降解机理

    Biodegradation Mechanism of the Biodegradable Biomaterials for Medicine

  21. 该材料从结构和尺寸方面考虑能够用于生物医用材料。

    Considering its structure and size , the hydroxyapatite sheet is suitable for biomedical materials .

  22. 该交联膜有望用作可控降解的生物医用材料。

    The new crosslinked chitosan films are expected to be used as controllable degradation biomaterials .

  23. 重点突破生物医用材料及器械的优化设计和评测等关键技术。

    Breakthroughs in biomedical materials and equipment to optimize the design and evaluation of key technologies .

  24. 该聚电解质复合膜作为一种潜在的生物医用材料,有望与细胞、药物及活性因子结合,在组织工程皮肤领域得到应用。

    The polyelectrolyte complex membrane is expected to be used as scaffold for tissue engineered skin .

  25. 复合纳米生物医用材料的研究

    Research Actuality on Nano-composite Biomedical Materials

  26. 生物医用材料与组织接触会发生一系列复杂的生物反应。

    When biomaterials are contacted with the tissue , a variety of complicated bioreactions could be activated .

  27. 这些微纳尺度杂化材料有望在智能材料、生物医用材料等方面有一定的应用。

    These nano - to micron-scale hybrid materials possess potential applications in smart materials and biomedical materials .

  28. 壳聚糖基复合材料类新型生物医用材料

    Novel Chitosan-based Composite Biomaterials

  29. 因此,胶原蛋白作为生物医用材料的理想原料在临床医学各学科中发挥着越来越重要的作用。

    So collagen plays more and more important roles as biomedical material in all fields of clinic medicine .

  30. 胶原蛋白被广泛地作为生物医用材料使用,具有良好的生物相容性、组织再生功能和机械性能。

    Collagen is widely used in biomedical field for its excellent biocompatibility , regeneration of organization and mechanical properties .