
shēnɡ wù kònɡ zhì lùn
  • biocybernetics
  1. 生物控制论在人体功能调节中的作用

    The Effect of Biocybernetics on the Regulation of Human Body

  2. 本文通过具体实例阐述了生物控制论在人体功能调节中的作用,进一步扩大其应用范围,促进体系的完善和发展。

    This article is to explicate through examples the effect of biocybernetics on the regulation of human body and give an actual example of its further application .

  3. 生物控制论和系统仿真

    Bio-Cybernetics and Its System Simulation

  4. 因此,将生物控制论引入闭环式人工胰岛治疗装置无疑是糖尿病治疗理论上的再一次革新。

    Therefore , the introduction of the biological control theory to the closed-loop artificial islet of diabetes treatment device is theoretical innovation once again .

  5. 第四章从理论生物物理学的角度对量子生物学、生物控制论与生物信息论与神经生物物理的物理支撑作系统的分析。

    The theory support of physics in Quantum Biology , Biology Cybernetics , Biology Information Theory , Nerve Biophysics is analyzed in the fourth part .

  6. 现代的生物控制论就是如此。一百年前,这门学科在美国开始创立时也是隐隐约约的。

    So it is with the science of biological control in its modern sense . In American it had its obscure beginnings a century ago .

  7. 这对研究生物控制论的有关问题提供了一种手段,对临床诊断也有助益。

    This instrument provides a means to study the pupillary area control system from the point of view of biocybernetics and would be helpful to clinical diagnosis .