
shēnɡ wù diàn
  • bioelectricity
  1. 细胞生物电实施PBL教学案例

    Teaching cases of implement PBL in cell bioelectricity part

  2. 目的··:评价气溶胶生物电(aerosolbioelectricity,ABE)对海洛因依赖者戒断综合征的治疗作用。

    Objective : To observe the effect of aerosol bioelectricity ( ABE ) in the treatment of heroin addicts .

  3. 方法对成年大鼠下丘脑冠状切片SON神经元进行细胞内生物电记录,测定其细胞电生理参数。

    Methods The cell electrophysiology properties were obtained by the intracellular recording techniques from the SON neurons in adult rat hypothalamic slices .

  4. 本文设计并实现了基于USB接口的通用多通道生物电数据采集系统的研制。

    The paper presents a general multi-channel bioelectric signal acquisition platform base on USB interface for all kinds of bioelectricity .

  5. 从脑生物电活动和反应时二方面论述了生物学智力以及它与智商(IQ)的关系。

    This paper reviewed biological intelligence from two aspects , and its relation to IQ .

  6. 方法:利用脑立体定位手段将电极置入大鼠额叶皮层,采用单极引导法及计算机辅助FFT技术记录槐定碱对大鼠额叶皮层脑生物电变化的影响。

    Unipolar lead and computerized FFT technique were employed to record the effect of sophoridine on the bioelectricity change of frontal cerebral cortex in rats .

  7. 脑电信号(EEG)是中枢神经系统产生的生物电活动,它包含了丰富的神经系统状态和变化的信息。

    EEG are bioelectrical activity generated by the central nervous system , it contains a lot of the information about status and changes in the nervous system .

  8. 方法:采用细胞内生物电记录技术记录体外IMG电位。

    Method : Intracellular recordings were performed from neurons of the isolated guinea pig IMG .

  9. 本文设计了一个基于USB接口的通用多通道生物电数据采集平台,此平台适用于常见的生物电信号的采集和处理,介绍了此平台的软硬件结构原理和实现方法。

    Our group design a general multi-channel bioelectricity signal acquisition platform base on USB interface for all kinds of bioelectricity . This paper introduces the structure and implementary method both in hardware and software .

  10. 基于生物电特别是肌电信号(EMG)的人机接口研究是目前国内外人-计算机接口技术研究领域的热点之一。

    The human-computer interfaces based on biologic electronic phenomena , especially electromyography ( EMG ) are becoming one of the hotspot in the research field of human-computer interface .

  11. 有效抑制50Hz干扰的生物电放大器

    A Biopotential Amplifier with 50 Hz Interference Suppression Effectively

  12. 以生物电为信息载体的人机交互(Human-ComputerInteraction,HCI)技术,是当前计算机应用和信息处理领域的一个重要研究方向,相关的研究工作具有重要的科学意义和广阔的应用前景。

    Taking bioelectricity as the information carrier , human-computer interaction ( HCI ) technology is an important research direction in the field of computer application and information processing , related research work has great scientific significance and application prospect .

  13. 自组装膜(self-assembledMonolayer,SAM)是膜修饰电极发展的最高形式,对其进行研究和表征将对界面电子转移、生物电催化、分子识别与检测,以及构建生物传感器都具有开拓性的意义。

    The investigation on SAMs ( self-assembled monolayer ) is of interest and important for the researches of electron transferring process , bioelectrocatalysis , molecules recognition and detection , development of chemical sensor and so on .

  14. 目的通过研究Ilizarov外固定架与钢板内固定术后骨折部位生物电变化指导治疗。

    Objective To discuss the biological electric changes at fracture after treatment of Ilizarov ′ s shelf exopexy and steel board inner fixation to indicate the treatment .

  15. 如IL-2可影响神经细胞和胶质细胞的增殖、神经递质的释放及生物电活动等,还可能与睡眠、记忆、运动和中枢镇痛等有关。

    For examples , IL-2 may plays some roles in affecting the proliferation of neuron and neuroglia , the releasing of some neurotransmitters , the activity of biological electricity , and may be involved in the functions , such as sleeping , memory , locomotion and central analgesia .

  16. 目的研究膈神经生物电脉冲(bioelectricalimpulseofphrenicnerve,BIPN)在周围神经再生过程中的作用。

    Objective To study the effect of bioelectric impulse of phrenic nerve ( BIPN ) on peripheral nerve regeneration .

  17. 速尿对豚鼠耳蜗生物电的影响

    Effect of furosemide on the cochlear bioelectric potential in guinea pigs

  18. 影响血管内壁光滑度的生物电因素

    The Biological Factor to Influence the Inner Wall of Blood Vessel

  19. 磁场对生物电活动规律的影响

    Effects of the magnetic field on the behaviour of the bioelectricity

  20. 生物电迭加、记忆示波和密度微机处理系统

    Microcomputer Handling System of Superimposition and Memory and Density of Bioelectricity

  21. 方法细胞内生物电记录技术和灌流给药法。

    Methods The intracellular recording technique and the administration of superfusion .

  22. 胃肠生物电数字治疗仪的设计与研制

    Study and design for digital curing apparatus of biological gastric electricity

  23. 这台仪器可以记录植物体中生物电的变化。

    This instrument can record the changes of bioelectricity in plants .

  24. 生物电信息录制与导入技术和针灸穴位信息导入

    Bioelectric Information Recording and Input Technology and Acupuncture Information Input

  25. 辣根过氧化物酶活性膜结构及生物电催化性能

    Topography and Electro-catalysis Property of Horseradish Peroxidase Assembly Active Films

  26. 可以说是一种特殊的生物电诊断仪器。

    It was a kind of special bioelectricity examination instrument .

  27. 离体胰腺神经节的细胞内生物电记录及细胞电生理特性

    Intracellular Recordings and Electrophysiological Properties of Neurons of Pancreatic Ganglia in Vitro

  28. 普鲁士蓝复合纳米颗粒的电化学研究及生物电分析

    Electrochemical Study of Prussian Blue-Based Composite Nanoparticles and Bioelectrical Analysis

  29. 脑电信号是大脑皮层的神经元具有的生物电活动。

    Activities Electroencephalogram signal is bioelectric behavior from nerve cell in pallium .

  30. 移动式生物电记录系统中的红外无线通讯

    The Infrared Radio Communication in a Portable Bio Electric Signal Recording System