
shēnɡ cí
  • temple to a living person
生祠 [shēng cí]
  • [life-time temple] 旧时指为还活着的人修建祠堂

  1. 加速生祠普遍化的社会因素主要包括各地的赋役改革、地方动乱、宦官专权等。

    The social factors accelerating the generalization of these temples include the reforms of taxes and corv é e , local rebellion , the monopoly of eunuch , etc.

  2. 民间淫祠在唐代社会非常盛行,主要表现为各种名目繁多的生祠、祭庙以及巫鬼信仰。

    The obscene folk temples were current in Tang Dynasty and which mainly shown as a multitude items as temples for living , sacrificial temples and belief in wizards and ghosts .

  3. 唐代地方祠祀的分层与运作&以生祠与城隍神为中心老城隍五香豆“西施”

    Levels and Operation of the Local Cults in the Tang China : With a Focus on Sheng-ci and Cheng Huang Miao Cinque Savory Beans " Xi Shi " of Old Temple of the City Gods

  4. 明代生祠主要为地方官员、抚按及平定地方动乱的军事将领而建,正德、嘉靖以后逐渐普遍化。

    In Ming dynasty , temples to a living official are mainly set up for local officials , military leaders who soothe and put down local rebellions and become general after Zheng de and Jia jing .