
  • 网络Life Science Technology
  1. 随着生命科学技术的发展,出现了很多新的生命伦理学问题。

    Recent rapid progress of life science technology has increased many new questions of bioethics .

  2. 产业创新主要是把信息技术和生命科学技术融入衰退产业并开发出全新的产品或产业的过程;

    Industrial innovating is combining IT and life science technology into the declining industry to develop new products or industries .

  3. 基因芯片技术即DNA微列阵技术是近年来在生命科学技术领域中,迅速发展起来的一项探索基因组功能的高新技术。

    Gene chip technology , that is DNA microarray technology , is also a kind of high technology developed rapidly in the field of life science and technology presently .

  4. 21世纪中心科学技术(centralscience&technology)转移的趋势是从信息科学技术到生物科学技术(包括生命科学技术)再到认知科学技术(智能科学技术)。

    The central science and technology shift trend in the 21st century is from info-science and technology to bio-science andtechnology ( including life-science and technology ), and further to cognitive science and technology ( intelligent science and technology ) .

  5. 20世纪末信息科学技术、生命科学技术等高技术迅猛发展,知识产权的国际保护问题日益突出,知识产权保护被纳入WTO规则的调整范围。

    With sciences and technologies of information and life develop quickly , it has been increasingly sticking out that the intellectual property should be protected by the international society and should be brought into the adjustment range of the regulation of WTO at the end of the 20th century .

  6. 原有的高新生命科学技术发展时期是科学过渡带;

    The past period for development of biotechnology is just scientific transition .

  7. 全球生命科学技术在呈现大爆炸式的发展。

    The global biological science presents its explosive development .

  8. 单位:暨南大学附属第一医院医学影像中心,暨南大学生命科学技术学院生物医学工程研究所。

    SETTING : Medical Imaging Center , the First Affiliated Hospital of Jinan University ;

  9. 第二部分具体分析了生命科学技术中的人性冲突。

    The thesis analyses humanity conflictions by life sciences technology from the point of humanity .

  10. 甘肃农业大学生命科学技术学院,甘肃兰州;

    College of Life Science and Technology , Gansu Agriculture University , Lanzhou , Gansu ;

  11. 生命科学技术中的人性冲突

    Conflicts Between Humanity and Life Sci-Tech

  12. 生命科学技术的哲学思考

    Philosophical Thought about Life Sciences Technology

  13. 生命科学技术时代的伦理难题

    The difficult ethic problems of the era of life science and technology and the countermeasures of solving them

  14. 对于生命科学技术的发展,审美意识指向的伦理准则是:人性原则,明辨义利原则和公平、公正与效益合理性原则;

    The ethic principles of aesthetic consciousness are personalty , prudential justice and benefit , fair and rational benefit .

  15. 摘要现代科学仪器和分析测试技术业已在众多的领域,特别是在生命科学技术领域获得越来越广泛的应用。

    Modern scientific instruments and testing & analyzing technique have been widely applied in various field , especially in life science and technology .

  16. 得出结论:日本应该建立一个生命科学技术的社会管理体制。

    A conclusion should be taken : the construction of a social governance system of life science technology in Japan should be established .

  17. 二十一世纪是生命科学技术的世纪,人类基因组研究更是生命科学技术中的前沿技术。

    21-th century is the era of biotic science and technology , Human Genome Research is an advanced technology in the biotic science and technology .

  18. 在生命科学技术、核技术、纳米技术等高新技术领域内,传统的遏制危险的手段已经捉襟见肘。

    In the high-tech fields including life science and technology , nuclear technology and nanotechnology , the traditional means which are used to prevent danger have been getting out at elbows .

  19. 英国人类胚胎研究管理体制建立的背景及其现实功能分析&兼论日本生命科学技术的社会管理体制结构

    Background of the Establishment of a Control System for Human Embryo in the UK and Its Actual Function-For the Construction of a Social Governance System of Life Science Technology in Japan

  20. 随着生命科学技术的不断发展,人们找到了与2型糖尿病相关的许多药靶基因,为2型糖尿病实现高通量药物筛选奠定了坚实的基础。

    With the development of life sciences , more and more drug targets relation to type 2 diabetes mellitus are discovered , which establish stability basic for high throughput screening type 2 diabetes mellitus drugs .

  21. 金属离子与蛋白质的相互作用的研究是生命科学技术领域的重要组成部分,是近十几年来化学与生命科学领域的研究热点。

    The interaction research of protein and metal ions is an important part of the life science and technology field ; it is the focus research in the chemical and the life science fields in the past ten years .

  22. 在新的世纪内,信息科学技术、生命科学技术和纳米科学技术是当前科学技术发展的主流,他们的发展将使人类社会、生存环境和科学技术本身变得更好。

    In this new century , the technologies of information science , life science and nanoscience are the main stream of modern science development . Their development will make our society , survival environment and science and technology become better and better .

  23. 行为生态学、保护生物学以及当代生命科学技术的发展,给生态学带来了一系列发展机遇。机遇之一:自然保护是当代的重要科学命题,是世界潮流。

    The emerging of Behavioral Ecology , Conservation Biology and the rapid development of modern biological technology have brought forward a series of opportunities to the development of modern Ecology : ( 1 ) Conservation of nature is a hot topic in the scientific research in the world .

  24. ABSCIEX是生命科学分析技术开发领域的全球领先企业,帮助科学家应对复杂的科学挑战。

    AB SCIEX is a global leader in the development of life science analytical technologies that help answer complex scientific challenges .

  25. 生物工程人工生命的科学技术基础

    The Science and Technology Basic of Biomedicine Engineering Artificial Life

  26. 探索生命科学与技术学院本科生专业英语教学新思路

    Searching for New Method of teaching English for Special Purpose for Undergraduates and Life Science

  27. 预计未来12个月内并购活动最集中的领域有制造业、金融服务业、生命科学和技术领域。

    Sectors in which most activity is expected in the coming 12 months include manufacturing , financial services , life sciences and technology .

  28. 肿瘤的药物治疗,基因诊断和分子水平的基因治疗也伴随这些生命科学的技术进步而迈进了崭新的时代。

    Medical treatment , gene diagnosis and gene therapy for cancer also stride forward a new period follower the technological advance of life science in this field .

  29. 加入国家生命科学与技术人才培养基地,积极参加讲座、培训,参加工厂化实训,并取得优异成绩;

    As a member of the National Base of Life Science and Technology Education , Actively participate in seminars , training , participate in the Industrial Training and achieved outstanding results ;

  30. 随着生命科学与技术的迅猛发展以及国家和社会对高素质创新型人才的需求,高等院校中实验教学的重要性日显突出。

    With the rapid development of life science and technology and needs of nation and community for cultivating high quality talent , the growing importance of teaching experiments is highlighted in universities and colleges .