
yòng cí
  • wording;diction;read;verbal
用词 [yòng cí]
  • [wording] 言词的使用或表达

  • 用词不当

用词[yòng cí]
  1. 这是同意书的标准用词。

    It was the standard form of wording for a consent letter .

  2. Syllepsis和Zeugma两种修辞格用词简练,生动形象,幽默风趣。

    Syllepsis and Zeugma , two figures of speech , are succinct in wording , producing vivid and humorous effect .

  3. “游牧者的定居”是用词上的自相矛盾。

    A ' nomad settlement ' is a contradiction in terms .

  4. 那样用词是不适当的。

    It was an unhappy choice of words .

  5. 他用词确切。

    He chose his words with precision .

  6. 他用词细心谨慎。

    He picked his words carefully .

  7. 贝文用词出神入化。

    Bevan was a magician with words .

  8. 古典希腊戏剧以韵文写成,通常用词讲究、结构整齐。

    Classic Greek drama was written in verse , usually in an elevated and formal style .

  9. 以营利为目的的公共服务机构——这是典型的用词上的自相矛盾(如果真有这种说法的话)。

    A public service run for profit — a contradiction in terms if there ever was one .

  10. 年轻王子讲话用词十分文雅。

    The young prince spoke in courtly phrases .

  11. 那是一个重要文件,他正在推敲用词。

    It was an important document and he was weighing his words .

  12. 有口才的人善于用词。

    An eloquent speaker is one skilled in the use of words .

  13. 他用词很不确切。

    He is quite inexact in his choice of words .

  14. 他这么做的原因是美国不同地区的居民拼写、发音和用词都不一样。

    He did that because Americans in different parts of the country spelled , pronounced and used words differently .

  15. 取决于SEC的裁定和用词,藉此政府或正式表态“投机造成价格波动”。

    Depending on how the commission rules , and on the language they use , this could point to a formal government determination that speculation causes price volatility .

  16. 此外,作者还研究了语言学习者在线信息处理时所遇到的听力问题,并在Anderson的语言理解认知框架下分析这些问题,提出了在一定程度上可以用词块解决这些听力问题。

    Specially , the writer explores learners ' listening comprehension problems on-line processing , then analyzes these problems based on Anderson 's cognitive framework of language comprehension .

  17. 但奥斯汀得克萨斯大学(UniversityofTexas)的研究人员进行的一项新研究发现,在闲聊这个问题上,男性和女性几乎是一样的,他们每天平均用词都达1.6万。

    But a new study by researchers at the University of Texas at Austin has found that when it comes to gabbing , men and women are about equal , with each using an average of 16,000 words a day .

  18. 仔细研究规范中的用词可以发现,虽然在postback上恢复了组件树,但是那些组件使用的backingbean数据并没有被恢复。

    Examining the words used in the specification reveals that while the component tree is restored on a postback , the backing bean data used by those components is not restored .

  19. 很有意思,对Ben的问题的最初回应是这么说的:“是有这样的社区的,但是他们比较孤立,很大一部分原因是为了避免由于用词混淆带来的沟通误解”。

    Interestingly enough , initial response to Ben 's question summarized in part as " the communities are there , but separate , in large part due simply to avoid miscommunication through term overlap " .

  20. 他在800名程序员面前公布Facebook战略时,用词经过仔细推敲,还使用了引人注目的图表,但还是显示出了一名23岁年轻人在提出新创意时可能会有的紧张。

    His unveiling of Facebook 's strategy in front of an audience of 800 developers was polished and used catchy graphics , but still showed the nervousness that might be expected of a 23-year-old pitching a new idea .

  21. 我们同时指出,所谓的海豚式踢腿“Dolphin-Kicking”是一条错误的用词。

    We also pointed out that dolphin-kicking is a misnomer .

  22. 在这种说法被公开并受到广泛批评之后,Pachauri说他“用词不当”,不能反映IPCC的政策。

    After this statement became public and widely criticised Pachauri said that he had used " a poor choice of words " that did not reflect IPCC policy .

  23. 我希望意大利语能在我内心定居,可是这语言有这么多变化,比方,为什么“树”(albero)和“旅馆”(albergo)的意大利用词如此相似?

    I wish that Italian would simply take up residence within me , but there are so many glitches in this language . Like , why are the Italian words for " tree " and " Hotel " ( Albero vs. Albergo ) so very similar ?

  24. 其次,在应用引进的测量工具之前,其用词应当仔细检查;

    Wording of imported instrument should be examined carefully before application ;

  25. 英语经贸契约的用词特点与翻译

    The Characteristics of Business Contract Wording in English & its Translation

  26. 生命质量评价领域的选择及其备择答案用词设计研究

    Choosing Domains in Quality of Life Assessment and Designing Alternative Answers

  27. 研究人们电子邮件的用词是一个好办法。

    A good indicator is to study people 's email etiquette .

  28. 用词浮夸是如今日常会话的时髦。

    The trend in everyday conversation is to use grandiose words .

  29. 用词不当或词不达意严重影响了对原文的正确表达。

    It seriously affects the accurate expression of the original meaning .

  30. 女权主义视角中的广告用词批评性分析

    A Critical Analysis of English Advertising Lexis from a Feminist Perspective