
tián yuán shēnɡ huó
  • Pastoral life;rusticity;idyllic pastoral life
  1. 想到小廷代尔从小在这里过着田园生活,我就觉得高兴。

    It pleases me to think of young Tyndale growing up here in deep rusticity .

  2. 回到田园生活中去。

    Back to the land !

  3. 他过着田园生活。

    He lived a rural life .

  4. 之后,她用短视频展现中国食物的烹制过程、制作刺绣等传统中国手工艺品以及乡村田园生活,在海外走红。

    She went viral overseas afterwards with her short videos about cooking Chinese food , making traditional Chinese handicrafts such as embroidery and living an idyllic rural life in China .

  5. 圣雄甘地(MahatmaGandhi)对淳朴田园生活的理想化,为印度独立后的政策定下了基调:注重重工业的进口替代,而对创造劳动力密集型制造业的工作机会持有偏见。

    Mahatma Gandhi 's idealisation of rural simplicity set the tone for post-independence policies that concentrated on heavy-industry import substitution but was biased against creating labour-intensive manufacturing jobs .

  6. 是关于Jenny的,artist:艺术家retreat:退隐,静修Alison还在进行她那画家的田园生活,我现在很需要一个母亲的意见,inovermyhand:超过我的能力,头都大了,对我来说很难我觉得自己干不来。

    Rufus : It 's about Jenny . Alison 's away on an artists ' retreat , and I could really use a mother 's advice . I think I might be in over my hand . -

  7. 回归田园生活,享受劳动乐趣!

    Return to farm life , enjoy the work fun !

  8. 田园生活[风景]田园风光、诗、画

    Pastoral life [ scenery ] a pastoral scene , poem , painting

  9. 拥有家庭小农场,享受田园生活!

    Enjoy an idyllic life in a little household farm !

  10. 我依然向往田园生活。

    vi I still hankered for the farm life .

  11. 万分感谢。我喜欢安静的生活,也可叫田园生活。

    I do like peaceful life or I may call it bucolic life .

  12. 生活在大都市的城市居民越来越向往环境优美、节奏较慢的田园生活。

    The urban residents increasingly yearn towards the relaxed life in the beautiful countryside .

  13. 你想欣赏北欧田园生活的场景吗?

    Do you want to enjoy the scene of pastoral life in North Europe ?

  14. 唤起田园生活的音乐作品。

    A musical composition that evokes rural life .

  15. 美国郊区那大房子、大花园的田园生活依赖的正是廉价汽油。

    The American suburban idyll of big homes and big gardens relied on cheap petrol .

  16. 他厌倦城里的工作,渴望回去过田园生活

    He is tired of his city job and dream of get back to the land

  17. 阿非利卡人的田园生活,村广场和小教堂,全都一去不复返了。

    The Afrikaner rural idyll with its village square and little church has gone forever .

  18. 关于理想化的田园生活(尤其是牧羊人的生活)的文学作品。

    A literary work idealizing the rural life ( especially the life of shepherds ) .

  19. 田园生活的都市写真

    City description of the idyllic life

  20. 由理想田园生活的笼统概念到优美的文学蓝图。

    From the general concept of an ideal pastoral life to the beautiful blueprint of art .

  21. 第二,田园生活。讴歌了家乡田园景色的的秀美。

    Second , it is the idyllic life , which describes beautiful scenery of his hometown .

  22. 只有少数殷实的绅士仍然可以避居乡间过着田园生活。

    A few gentleman farmers with plenty of money can still escape to the bucolic life .

  23. 描绘农村、乡土日常生活题材,再现田园生活,是最具有乡土性和情感的。

    Depicting rural areas , local daily theme , reproduction of rural life , is the most local and emotional .

  24. 寻求安静祥和、纯朴自然的田园生活成为一种向往,需求,趋势。

    The search for quiet and peaceful , natural rural life is a yearning , a demand and a trend .

  25. 当我还是小孩子的时候,我住在乡村,我知道田园生活是多么的艰辛。

    When I was a child , I lived in the village . I know how arduous rural life is .

  26. 两位诗人有着共同的对大自然以及田园生活的热爱与崇拜,并且都将它们作为诗歌创作的永恒主题。

    They do share keen love and veneration for nature and pastoral life and take them as their permanent themes .

  27. 过去,甚至在今天的现代田园生活,动物在经济学中起到了重要作用。

    In past times , and still in rural cultures today , animals have played an important role in economics .

  28. 在诗歌创作中,诗人对自然和田园生活中的普通人情有独钟。

    The nature and the common people in rural life were chosen to be the subjects of his poetic creations .

  29. 为追求自由,他辞官归田,在田园生活中享受自由之趣。

    For the freedom , he resigned his officer , went back to the countryside , and enjoyed the freedom of rusticity .

  30. 有一天,他同她偶尔谈起了古代希腊的田园生活,也看出了她的沮丧。

    He observed her dejection one day , when he had casually mentioned something to her about pastoral life in ancient Greece .