
shēn qǐnɡ fèi
  • application fee
  1. CSDP考试注册费有两个组成部分:申请费,是不可归还和不可过户的,以及考试费。

    The CSDP examination registration fee has two components : the application fee , which is nonrefundable and nontransferable , and the examination fee .

  2. 学校同意让他免交申请费。

    The school agreed to waive the application fee for him .

  3. LEDA的布雷格表示,研究生院的申请费——包括备考教材、考试费和学校申请费——是如此之高,低收入家庭的学生普遍认为费用高得令人望而却步。

    LEDA 's Breger says that graduate school application costs - including prep courses , prep books , test fees and school application fees - are so high that is not uncommon for a low income student to decide the costs are prohibitive .

  4. 有些学校要收数额不多的初步申请费。

    Some institutions charge a small fee for the preliminary application .

  5. 申请费:新台币壹仟伍佰元或相当金额之美金。

    Application fee : NT $ 1500 or equivalent US dollars .

  6. 可以,但须分别支付申请费。

    Yes , but you must pay separate entry fees .

  7. 申请费和公告费由申请人负担。

    The application and announcement fees shall be paid by the applicant .

  8. 请保留收据的副本,作为已缴交申请费的证明。

    Please keep a photocopy of it as your proof of payment .

  9. 既不存在法定义务,也不申请费为完成这一形式。

    There is neither application fee nor legal obligation for completing this form .

  10. 新域名申请费为185000美元。

    The cost of a new name : one hundred eighty-five thousand dollars .

  11. 邮寄申请费的凭证。

    Post remittance warrant of application processing fee .

  12. 除申请费,获奖者还需支付别的费用吗?

    Other than entry fees , what fees will winners be obligated to pay ?

  13. 交纳申请费是你获得入学机会的前提条件。

    Paying application fee is the prerequisite of your getting the chance of enrollment .

  14. 由已交付的基本申请费减少。

    Reduced by basic filing fee paid .

  15. 一般签证申请费是多少?

    What 's the fee for application ?

  16. 支付申请费

    Step 2 : Pay the application fee

  17. 本人明白所缴交之申请费及学费将不获退还。

    I understand that the application fee and tuition fee submitted will not be refunded .

  18. 你可以设立网上账户,支付申请费之前把所有申请材料发出去。

    You can create your online account and upload all your entry materials in advance of paying .

  19. 签证申请费将会经由移民代理的地址转交退给申请人。

    The visa application charge will be returned to the applicant , care of the migration agent 's address .

  20. 他说,更重要的不是提供专利申请费和对专利申请的表彰,而是通过把企业和科研机构结合起来以促进创新。

    More important than offering fees and awards , Chen says , is improving innovation by combining enterprises with research institutes .

  21. 徐先生尽可能多次参加驾驶考试,先后共花了100多万韩元(1000美元)的申请费。

    Mr Seo took the test as often as he could , paying more than1m won ( $ 1,000 ) in application fees .

  22. 越南财政部公布,降低中国游客签证申请费,这一新举措将促进其旅游业发展。

    Vietnam 's Ministry of Finance announced move to lower Chinese visitors ' visa-application fees in a new step to boost its tourism .

  23. 请注意,只有您在上述最后期限前交上申请费,您的申请才会被视为完整。

    Please also note that your application will only be considered complete if you have submitted the application fee on or before the aforesaid deadline .

  24. 请在存款单(客户副本)或自动柜员机交易纪录上写上姓名,并将申请费收据贴于申请表上之指定位置。

    Please mark your name on the original customer copy of the Deposit Slip or the ATM Advice and stick it onto the application form .

  25. 督促程序因债务人异议而终结的,申请费由申请人负担;

    If the procedure of urging debt recovery is finalized due to the objection of the debtor , the application fee shall be paid by the applicant ;

  26. 国务院同时指出,国家机关和国有企业不得向困难家庭的高校毕业生收取工作申请费。

    The Cabinet also said that civil service posts and state-owned companies should not charge job application fees from college graduates whose families are in financial hardship .

  27. 你须缴交港币一百五十元之申请费。除因本校取消课程外,已缴之申请费概不退还或转让。

    You are required to pay an application fee of HK $ 150 which is non-refundable and non-transferable unless the programme has been cancelled by the Institute .

  28. 国际海底管理局和国际海洋法法庭筹备委员会先驱投资者申请费特别帐户

    Special Account for the Preparatory Commission for the International Area-Bed Authority and for the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea for Pioneer Investors ' Application Fees

  29. 申请人要求优先权的,应当在缴纳申请费的同时缴纳优先权要求费;

    Where the applicant claims priority , he or it shall pay the fee for claiming priority at the same time with the payment of the filing fee .

  30. 哦!好吧!我猜又一个美金45元申请费报销了!真希望我早知道乔治城大学大学这麽难申请。

    Bob : Oh , well-I guess that 's another $ 45 application fee down the drain . I wish I 'd known that Georgetown was so selective .