
  • 网络electromagnetic energy;electromagnetic wave
  1. 当天线接收到信号时,电磁能量将从AC转换到DC。

    When the antenna receives a signal , the electromagnetic energy is converted from AC to DC .

  2. 值得关注的是,在长时间的使用中,来自移动电话的电磁能量理论上将对人体组织造成伤害&例如,损害DNA。

    Theconcern is that , over time , the electromagnetic energy emitted frommobile phones could theoretically harm body tissue & by damaging DNA , for example .

  3. 目的:针对临床骨肿瘤微波热疗模型,对不同结构的微波热疗探头在骨组织中产生的电磁场分布及单位质量电磁能量吸收率(SAR)进行模拟计算。

    Objective : To investigate the electromagnetic field and specific absorption rate ( SAR ) distribution of different structure applicators with different depths for treating bone tumors using microwave hyperthermia .

  4. 方法根据临床上侵入式微波热疗的应用特点,从Maxwell方程出发,对微波热疗天线的电磁能量分布进行数值分析。

    METHODS According to the characteristics of invasive microwave hyperthermia used clinically , the electromagnetism power deposition in invasive microwave hyperthermia was numerically analysed on the basis of Maxwell 's equation .

  5. 通过迭代计算和电磁能量Joule加热的耦合方程来解Elenbaas-Heller能量平衡方程,可以对等离子体的温度轮廓进行模拟。

    The Elenbaas & Heller energy balance equation can be calculated by iteration procedure and Joule heating couple equation . The temperature profile of the plasma can be simulated .

  6. 如何在小型密集型系统中有效传输和辐射电磁能量已成为当今微波毫米波乃至THz技术发展面临的一个挑战。目前,纳米科技日新月异,纳米管阵列生长技术日益成熟。

    Nowadays , how to effectively realize the transmission and radiation of the electromagnetic energy in the micro-integrated systems become a challenge in microwave and THz engineering . Nowadays , with the development of nano-technology , the techniques of carbon nanotube growth are maturing .

  7. 无限大导体表面孔缝耦合电磁能量分析

    The analysis of coupling electromagnetic energy through apertures in conducting surfaces

  8. 对圆形平行板电容器电磁能量转换问题的浅析

    The preliminary analysis of electromagnetic energy transition of the circular parallel-plate capacitor

  9. 波导内壁的表面粗糙度会增加波导的传输衰减,消耗电磁能量。

    Roughness will increase the losses and waste the energy .

  10. 电磁能量在稳恒电路中的传输

    The process of transportation of electromagnetic energy in a steady current circuit

  11. 圆波导壁上小孔耦合电磁能量分析

    The Analysis of Coupling Electromagnetic Energy Through an Aperture in Cylindrical Wall

  12. 把电磁能量介入到模仿敌人发射的敌军系统。

    The introduction of electromagnetic energy into enemy systems that imitates enemy emissions .

  13. 微波暴露下儿童与成人电磁能量吸收比较研究

    Comparison of microwave energy absorption in children and adults

  14. 去看你的手间,去理解电磁能量、你的光环。

    Look between your hands to see the electromagnetic energies , your aura .

  15. 人体坐姿模型吸收电磁能量计算的研究

    Study on Calculation of EM Energy Absorption for Sitting Posture of Man Model

  16. 瞬态激励下圆盘轴向电磁能量的流动规律

    Electromagnetic energy flow pattern on the axis of a circular disk by transient excitation

  17. 时域有限差分法在有耗介质电磁能量吸收问题中的应用

    Use of the finite-difference time-domain method for calculating EM absorption in lossy dielectric scatterer

  18. 坡印亭矢量与电磁能量传输

    Poyntings ' Vector and Transmission of Electromagnetic Energy

  19. 电磁能量、机械能和焦耳热

    Electromagnetic Energy Mechanical Energy and Joule Heat

  20. 高功率脉冲电源是为脉冲功率装置的负载提供电磁能量的装置,构成了脉冲功率装置的主体。

    High-power pulsed source is the equipment that provides electromagnetic energy for pulsed power load .

  21. 左手物质中的电磁能量密度

    Electromagnetic energy density in a left-handed material

  22. 而且我们观察到金星表面会爆发出电磁能量。

    And also we have observed bursts of radio energy from the planet 's surface .

  23. 在某些情况下,电磁场可以被描述为一种输送电磁能量的波。

    An electromagnetic field can sometimes be described as a wave that transports electromagnetic radiation .

  24. 故意用电磁能量的方式传送使人误解的信息。

    The deliberate use of electromagnetic energy in a manner intended to convey misleading information .

  25. 交流元件的电磁能量传输

    The Electromagnetic Energy Transmission in A.C. Components

  26. 电磁能量的传输及长直螺线管外的磁场

    The Propagation of Electromagnetic Energy and the Distribution of Magnetic Field Around a Long Straight Solenoid

  27. 可见,对不同事例,能量传输机制有可能是不相同的,而电磁能量传输过程可能是最重要的,但不是唯一的。

    The electromagnetic coupling may be the most important among the possible coupling mechanism but not the unique .

  28. 以电容器的电磁场为研究对象,利用能量守恒定律,论证了低频交流电路中的电磁能量是在场中传输的。

    The electromagnetic field in a capacitor as an example was studied using the conservation law of energy .

  29. 不久你就可以能看见好像光场的电磁能量-你的头部周围。

    Soon you should be able to see the electromagnetic energies as a field of light-around your head .

  30. 该方法将输入的电磁能量转化为机械能,声源的产生和传播是关键问题。

    The key issue in this method is acoustic source as well as its mechanism of generation and propagation .