
diàn huà xiàn
  • telephone wire;phone line
  1. 我把通到他办公室的电话线拔掉了。

    I ripped out the telephone wire that ran through to his office .

  2. 基于PSTN电话线图像方式的远程抄表系统

    System of automatic meter reading with image method based on telephone wire

  3. 电话线被割断了。

    The telephone wires had been cut .

  4. 电话线缠绕在一起了。

    The telephone cable has got twisted .

  5. 他们已经在公寓里装上了新的电话线。

    They had installed a new phone line in the apartment .

  6. 电话线那头噼里啪啦地传来警察局长短促的声音。

    The Chief Constable 's clipped tones crackled over the telephone line .

  7. 接着他把电话线焊接到电话机上。

    He then soldered the wire to the telephone terminal

  8. 我不得不拔掉电话线。

    I had to unplug the phone .

  9. 他旋出螺丝打开电话机后盖,开始动手把话机跟电话线接上。

    He unscrewed the back of the telephone and started connecting it to the cable .

  10. 这条街上电话线纵横交错。

    Telephone wires criss-cross the street .

  11. 他可能会发现电话线被切断了,所以打不通。

    He may find the line cut on the telephone so that he can 't get through

  12. 他们竖起一根电话线杆子。

    They erected a telephone pole .

  13. 电话线那头沉默了好久,接着是一声惊叫。

    There was a long silence on the other end of the wire , followed by an exclamation .

  14. 拉尼温暖的微笑、点头和"我与你同在"式的友好都是不能通过电话线传递的无声信号。

    Rani 's friendliness - her warm smile , her nods , her ‘ I 'm here for you'friendliness - were all silent signals that didn 't travel through wires .

  15. 基于DSP的电话线视频图象传输系统

    The Telephone Cable Video Image Transmission System Based on DSP

  16. 通过在工程电测CT仪中的应用,证明该模块通过电话线实现远程通信控制效果较好。

    The application in engineering electric CT gauge proves that the module realizing the long distance control through the telephone network is effective .

  17. PVC,弹弓线,电话线,电脑周边线材,链接器配线。

    PU , PVC , slingshot lines , telephone lines , computer peripheral cable , linker wiring .

  18. 随着VoIP技术的不断成熟,使得用Internet连接代替传统的电话线进行语音通话成为可能。

    Because the VoIP technique continuously mature , it is possible to replaces the traditional telephone network with the Internet .

  19. 这对Notes来说真正是一个性能杀手,对于通过电话线复制数据库的移动用户来说尤其如此。

    This is a real performance killer in Notes , especially for mobile users who replicate their databases by phone line .

  20. 通过电话线远程登录NT网络的步骤;

    The third , procedure of NT network remote entry through telephone - card ;

  21. 和ISDN一样,ADSL使用普通合格的铜电话线。

    Like ISDN , ADSL will use normal qualified copper phone lines .

  22. 介绍仅用一条电话线,一个Modem,一个ISP帐号连接多个计算机到Internet网的方法。

    The article presents the method to make computers join Internet only with a telephone wire , a modem and a ISP account .

  23. ADSL(AsymmetricDigitalSubscriberLine)不对称数字用户环路是一种在现有电话线传输高速数字信号的一种宽带接入技术。

    ADSL ( Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line ) is a broadband access technology capable of delivering large bandwidth over existing copper telephone line infrastructure .

  24. 用普通电话线实现Internet高速接入的ADSL技术正在得到越来越广泛的关注。

    The ADSL technology , which utilize the conventional twisted pair to access the Internet with a high speed , is attracting comprehensive attention .

  25. 目前常用的远程监护系统是以通用微机为核心,用MODEM通过电话线传送心电数据,成本较高。

    The main part of existing remote monitor system is a computer while the cost of sending ECG data by MODEM is high .

  26. Modem是一个小装置,它使用普通电话线就能将数据从一台计算机传到另一台计算机。

    A modem is a little device that enables data from one computer to travel to another computer by using ordinary telephone lines .

  27. 目的通过电话线传输PACS影像资料,以解决异地调取PACS影像资料的问题。

    Purpose To transmit PACS image data by line to solve the problems of PACS image reference .

  28. 上位管理PC机与下位单片机8031之间采用异步串行通信方式,单片机借助RS-232经过Modem链接到公用电话线实现数据通信。

    Asynchronous serial communication is adopted between PC and LCU via RS-232 port , modem and public telephone line .

  29. 系统的通讯机制是基于现存的电话线和PSTN。

    The communication infrastructure of the system is based on the available phone lines and PSTN .

  30. 运载有线电视的线比标准电话线甚至ISDN快速。

    The lines that carry cable television are much faster than standard phone lines or even ISDN .