
  • 网络Electric Power Technology;Electric power tech;electric technology;Power Tech
  1. 随着电力技术日新月异的发展,发电厂机组的装机容量不断扩大。

    With the rapid development of electric power technology , the capacity of units becomes larger and larger .

  2. 随着技术的不断发展,新的电力技术与设备不断出现和应用。

    Along with the unceasing development of technology , the new electric power technology and equipment appear and be applied unceasingly .

  3. 为了开发超临界水氧化技术和超临界水电力技术,研究了五种不锈钢和一种镍基合金在192、292和392°C高温高压水中的耐腐蚀性。

    Five types of stainless steels and one type of nickel base alloy were tested for corrosion resistance in high temperature high pressure water at 192 , 292 , and 392 ° C.

  4. 该系统可以在线监测计量装置二次回路的电力技术参数、电能表的精度、TV二次压降、TV和TA的二次负荷等,并结合网页数据库实现了数据的共享。

    It can monitor the power parameters of the secondary circuits of energy measuring devices , and can test error of meters , TV secondary voltage drop and the secondary factual load of transformers . By web database , the users can share all the data .

  5. 配电网静止无功补偿器(DSTATCOM)是用户电力技术的重要装置之一。

    The static reactive compensator of distribution network ( DSTATCOM ) is one of the important devices for power customers .

  6. 对适用于配电网的静止无功发生器(DSTATCOM)的工作原理和硬件实现进行探讨,DSTATCOM可满足定质电力技术的要求,同时拥有键盘输入、液晶显示功能。

    The work theory and hardware realization of D STATCOM discussed in this paper . D STATCOM can satisfy require of custom power technology and provide with keyboard input and LCD displayer .

  7. 电能质量和用户电力技术的发展动态

    The Development Trends of Power Quality and Customer Power Technology

  8. 超导电力技术即将带来电力工业的革命

    Superconducting power technology will lead the power industry revolution

  9. 计算机网络综合布线技术在青海电力技术监督网中的应用

    The Application of Polytechnic Distribution System in Qinghai Electric Power Technical Supervision System

  10. 从事提供专业的电力技术,电力供电系统,电脑网路技术顾问等配套服务。

    Offering professional electrical technology , electrical power system , and technical advises of computer network etc.

  11. 基于用户电力技术的矿业电网电能质量的改善

    Improvement on electric power quality of mine electric power network base on user 's electric power technology

  12. 随着电力技术升级和电力结构的调整,传统的电力勘测设计市场竞争异常激烈。

    With the adjustment of electric industry structure and upgrade of electric technology , the traditional electric exploration and design market competes intensely .

  13. 超导电力技术将为电力工业带来重大的技术突破,其在电力系统中的应用具有重大意义,而失超保护则是对超导电力系统安全运行的保障。

    Superconductive power technology will bring the great technical breakthrough for the power industry , and also has the great significance in the application of electric power systems .

  14. 随着电力技术的不断更新,电力企业的管理,特别是电力设备的管理将面临着更大的挑战。

    With the continuous renovation of the electricity technology , the management of electric enterprises , especially the management of the electric equipment will face heavier challenge than before .

  15. 电力技术的不断发展,电力生产及应用的日益增长,迅速改变了人类社会的生产面貌,也深深地影响了人们的生活方式。

    It is for the non-stopping development of electrical technology and the increasing electrical production and application that changes the producing mode immensely and that affects human 's lifestyle deeply .

  16. 可以预测,超导技术将是21世纪具有战略经济意义的高新技术,而超导电力技术很可能首先商品化形成规模产业,从而将带动整个电力工业的革命。

    It is foreseen that superconducting power technology will be the prevailing high technology of 21 century . Its commercialization and industrialization will push the power industry into a new era .

  17. 由于目前电力技术监督管理系统数据处理采用手工方式,信息传递速度较慢,数据处理量较大,同时不利于技术监督信息的查询和共享。

    At present , the data of the supervisory management system of electrical technology is dealt by hand , the information is slowly transferred , a great deal of data is required to be dealt with and the information can 't be made for retrieving and sharing .

  18. Hall电流传感器是新型电力电子技术中不可缺少的检测器之一。

    Hall current sensor is one of the detectors indispensable to the new electric powder and electronic technologies .

  19. EDA仿真技术在电力电子技术实践教学中的应用

    The application of EDA emulational technique in electric power and electron practice teaching

  20. 控制理论、电力电子技术和数字IC技术的不断突破为励磁控制系统的发展注入了强大的动力。

    The breakthrough of Control theory , power electronics and digitalIC technology provides a powerful impetus to the development of the excitation controlsystem .

  21. 随着电力电子技术进一步发展,PWM逆变器在各种电力电子装置中得到了广泛的应用。

    With the further development of power electronics technology , PWM inverter has been widely used in a variety of power electronic devices .

  22. 随着电力电子技术、控制技术以及计算机技术的飞速发展,基于现场可编程门阵列(FPGA)的电机控制得到了越来越多的关注。

    Along with the rapid development of power electronic technology , control technology and computer technology , Motor control gets more and more attention based on the FPGA .

  23. VDMOS是将微电子技术和电力电子技术融合起来的新一代功率半导体器件。

    VDMOS is microelectronics and power electronics integrate a new generation of power semiconductor devices .

  24. 将多Agent技术引入电力市场技术支持系统设计中,提出了基于多Agent的广义电力市场技术支持系统模型和电力市场技术支持系统的设计方案。

    Multi-Agent is a new paradigm for developing software applications . By introducing multi-Agent technique into the design of electricity market operation system , a generalized model of electricity market operation system and a scheme of electricity market operation system are proposed .

  25. 随着人们对高性能电力传动技术的迫切需求和各种电力电子技术的迅速发展,PWM整流技术越来越受到人们的关注并得到广泛应用。

    With the rapid development of power electronics technology , especially the increasingly urgent need to the high performance , the PWM rectifier technology has drawn more and more attentions while been widely used .

  26. 由于IPM中的功率器件在测试过程中易损坏等原因,使得研究IPM的测试技术成为当前电力电子技术的热点之一。

    Improper control can destroy IPM , so the research on test technology of IPM become one of the hotspots of electric and electronic technology .

  27. 随着电力电子技术飞速发展,AC-DC变换器等电源设备给电力系统带来了严重的谐波污染问题。

    With the development of power electronics , the AC-DC power supplies have brought serious harmonic pollution problems to the power system .

  28. 随着超导技术和电力电子技术的发展,三相电流源型变流器(CSC)在超导储能领域依然占有主导地位。

    With the development of the technology of superconducting and power electronics , three-phase current source converter remains its dominant status in superconducting magnetic energy storage field .

  29. 本课题研究了嵌入式系统在SVC控制系统中的应用,是嵌入式计算机技术与电力电子技术结合的一个实例。

    This topic research embedded computer system in the SVC ( Static Var Compensator ) control system application . This is embedded computer technology and an electric power electronic technology union example .

  30. 随着电力电子技术、PWM调制技术、计算机控制技术、交流电动机的控制技术的发展,交流调速系统由于其坚固耐用、运行可靠等众多优点,正在逐步取代以前直流调速系统,在传动领域占据主导地位。

    By the development of power electronics , PWM technology , computer control and AC motor control , AC speed regulation system is replacing AC speed regulation system by its many faults such as solidity , safety and so on .