
  1. 《华尔街日报》报道说,IBM公司计划逐步将这些工作转移到印度、中国和其他地方。男主播

    Wall Street Journal is reporting that IBM plans to gradually move the jobs to India , China , and elsewhere . MALE ANCHOR

  2. 男主播据CNN的安德鲁•布朗最新报道,本次时装秀除了高跟鞋和短裙外,还有更多的看点。

    MALE ANCHOR As CNN 's Andrew Brown now reports , there was more to this show than high heels and short skirts .

  3. 在决定发行《Mr.Babe》之前,Kurashina曾为另一本名叫《Men'sKnuckle》的杂志担任过十多年的主编,那是一本专门为年轻纤瘦的日本男主播打造的时尚杂志。

    Kurashina was in charge of Men 's Knuckle , a magazine aimed at young slender Japanese men working as hosts , for over 10 years before shifting completely and launching Mr. Babe .

  4. 我不是小孩,我是男人,我是男主播!

    I 'm not a baby , I am a man . I am an anchorman !

  5. 新型环保汽车上路男主播环保车辆仍然很少,但是日本的主要汽车制造商已制订了宏伟规划,以生产更加环保的汽车。

    ANCHOR MALE The number of environmentally friendly vehicles is still pretty small but Japan 's top automaker has big plans for greener cars .

  6. 男主播但是如果告诉其他的国家他们必须在英语、德语或法语中选择一种作为第一语言的话,将会有一场你前所未见的斗争。

    ANCHOR MALE But just try telling any of the other countries that they have to default into either English , German or French , and you 'll have a battle the like of which you 've not seen before .