
  1. 有些人可能不知道,乔治娅·格洛梅在2008年的《青春爱欲吻》中扮演乔治娅·尼克尔森,也就是说她是一个偶像。这个电影主要讲的是乔治娅想要获得剧中男神Robbie的爱。

    For those of you that don 't know , Georgia Groome played Georgia Nicholson in 2008 's Angus , Thongs around Georgia trying to win the affections of " sex god " Robbie on screen .

  2. 帕尔默曾获得达拉斯大学(DallasUniversity)的裁剪专业学位—这对黄金组合的出色设计技能使其获得了“衬衣男神”的绰号。

    Palmer has a degree in pattern-cutting from Dallas University - and the duo 's technical skills have led to the nickname " the shirt boys . "

  3. 这个电影主要讲的是乔治娅想要获得剧中男神Robbie的爱。

    The movie revolved around Georgia trying to win the affections of " sex god " Robbie on screen .

  4. 扮演主角福尔摩斯(Holmes)和华生医生(Dr.Watson)的分别是本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇(BenedictCumberbatch)和马丁·弗里曼(MartinFreeman),他们现在都是中国年轻人心目中的新晋男神。

    The actors portraying the protagonists , Holmes and Dr. Watson , Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman , have become new favorites for young people .

  5. 一股韩流正席卷中国,很多中国女人迷恋金秀贤(KimSoo-hyun)和李敏镐(LeeMin-ho)那样的韩国明星,把他们尊为男神。

    A Korean wave is sweeping across China , with many Chinese women worshipping South Korean actors Kim Soo-hyun and Lee Min-ho as demigods .

  6. 女性心目中的男神形象同样令人称奇,比起像瑞恩·高斯林(RyanGosling)或莱恩·雷诺斯(RyanReynolds)那样拥有轮廓鲜明的腹肌的男性,她们更愿意对方衣服下面是松弛的老爸身材。

    The verdict for men was equally surprising as women don 't want chiselled abs like Ryan Gosling or Ryan Reynolds , they 'd rather see a relaxed dad bod under the car bonnet .

  7. 东方神话中女神得到着力歌颂,西方神话则是男神受到着力歌颂;

    In eastern mythology goddess are extolled but in western mythology gods praised .

  8. 小男孩见到“男神”喜不自禁

    When This Little Boy Couldn 't Keep It Together After Meeting His Heroes

  9. 纳什博士英俊得像个男神,但极不寻常,一个以前的同学告诉纳萨。

    Dr. Nash was handsome as a god , a former classmate told Nasar , but deeply unusual .

  10. 超好看的,而且我发誓不是因为男神贾斯汀·汀布莱克参演了才这么说的。

    It 's wonderful , and I swear I 'm not saying that because Justin Timberlake is in it .

  11. 一天男神为了表达自己的爱慕之情,热议送了一面又大又亮的神镜给女神。

    One day the god presented a big and shiny divine mirror to the goddess as a token of love .

  12. 演员,因出演《暮光之城》改编电影中的少年狼人——男神雅各布•布莱克而成名。

    The actor known for playing the lycanthropic teenage heartthrob Jacob Black in the film adaptation of The Twilight Saga .

  13. 纳什博士“英俊得像个男神,”但极不寻常,一个以前的同学告诉纳萨。

    Dr. Nash was " handsome as a god , " a former classmate told Nasar , but deeply unusual .

  14. 另一位则这样写道:卷福拉小提琴的时候最性感,他是我唯一的男神。

    Curly Fu is the sexiest when he plays violin , said another . Curly Fu is my only male god .

  15. 不过因为超级抓眼的卡司和新型完美男神,它还是从同类电视剧中脱颖而出了。

    But it outshines its television counterparts with its eye-catching cast and its creation of a new type of ideal man .

  16. 女神是伟大的母亲,男神是伟大的父亲,而我们是祂们的孩子;

    The Goddess is the Great Mother , and the God is the Great Father , and we are Their children ;

  17. 巫术崇拜是女神和她的配偶男神赋予人的自然生命力的庆典。

    Wicca is a celebration of the life-forces of nature as personified by the Goddess and her consort , the Gods .

  18. 从人类文明的历史进程来看,人类社会经历了由母系社会到父系社会的演变过程,神话也经历了由女神神格向男神神格演化的历程。

    Whith the development of human civilization , human society has evolved from matriarchal society to patrilineal society . So do the myth world .

  19. 换言之,被男神拒绝后,女生更容易拒绝其他路人甲式的男士。

    In other words , after being rejected by a hunk , women were found to be more inclined to reject a less attractive man .

  20. 造物主选择了男神与女神来管理这些宇宙,男神的其中一位,你们许多人称之为上帝的,成为了这个宇宙的管理者。

    Creator selected the gods and goddesses to rule over the universes , and one of the gods , whom many of you call God , became the ruler of this universe .

  21. 陈寻拥有所有高中时“男神”的必备特质:长相帅气、担任班长、还打得一手好篮球。

    Peng 's character possesses all the characteristics of a high school hunk . He 's got a handsome face , he 's class monitor , and he 's an excellent basketball player .

  22. 你心仪的男神说:“周六一起出去吧。”结果到半夜1点,他终于来短信,暗示他想的……咳咳……不止是出去而已。

    The Guy You Want to Date says , " Let 's hang Saturday . " At 1 a.m. , he finally texts , indicating his interest in , ahem , hanging . Nuh-uh .

  23. 看着方茴站在操场边为她心中的男神加油,看着故事中五个好朋友在树上刻字要永远在一起,我也看见了自己的影子。

    When Fang Hui stood courtside cheering for her basketball star , and when the five classmates promised to remain friends forever by carving their names into a tree , I saw a little bit of myself .

  24. 研究发现,“在被男神拒绝之后,女生同样也会轻视或是疏远长相平平的男生,即使这些男生向她们抛去橄榄枝也是如此”。换言之,被男神拒绝后,女生更容易拒绝其他“路人甲”式的男士。

    Researchers found that " rejection by an attractive man also led to derogation of , and distancing from , an unattractive man - even when that unattractive man offered acceptance . " In other words , after being rejected by a hunk , women were found to be more inclined to reject a less attractive man .

  25. 因为我上的高中是男校,现在神要补偿我?

    Susie : I want you right here , right now .