
  • 网络precancerous disease;precancerous condition
  1. 本文报告了声带癌前疾病及癌前病变29例,早期声门癌(原位癌,T1及T2)21例。

    Cases of precancerous diseases of vocal cord and 21 cases of eraly glottic cancers ( carcinoma in situ , T 1 and T 2 ) were examined under laryngostroboscope .

  2. 目的:探讨胃癌及癌前疾病患者血清细胞纤维连接蛋白(cFN)含量在不同胃疾病中变化情况及临床意义,及与幽门螺杆菌(HP)感染的相关性。

    Objective : To investigate the clinical significance of cFN concentrations in gastric carcinoma and precancerous diseases of stomach , and the relationship between the serum cFN concentrations and HP infection .

  3. 胃癌及癌前疾病组织中COX-2表达与血清胃蛋白酶原水平关系的研究

    Association between Serum Pepsinogen and Expression of COX-2 in Gastric Cancer and Precancerous Lesion

  4. COX-2、bcl-2和ki-67表达与胃癌及癌前疾病的相关性研究

    The Relationship Between COX-2 , bcl-2 and ki-67 Over-expressions and Gastric carcinoma and Precancerous Disease

  5. PGC基因多态与H·pylori感染在胃癌及其癌前疾病的发病过程中存在交互作用。

    The PGC gene polymorphism and H.pylori infection seem to display an interaction in the development of gastric cancer .

  6. PGC抗原对于胃癌前疾病的诊断具有较高的灵敏度和特异度,对于癌前疾病的诊断,对胃癌筛查、早期诊断具有一定的参考价值。化学与易制毒化学品

    PGC has high sensitivity and specificity in diagnosis of precursor of gastric cancer and can be a good indicator in the screening and diagnosis of precursor of gastric cancer and gastric cancer . Chemistry and Precursor Chemicals

  7. 外阴非瘤样上皮病,过去称为外阴营养不良(VNNED),视为癌前疾病,目前仅流行病学研究发现其有恶变倾向,三者在分子水平上是否存在一些相同的变化,尚不清楚。

    VNNED was called vulvar innutrition , was regarded as a disease before carcinoma , now only find it will to turn to carcinoma in epidemic , whether their have any same variation in molecule is not known .

  8. 胃液中二种相关胚胎抗原与癌前疾病的关系

    Relationship between two correlative embryonal antigens and precancerous diseases

  9. 脾虚气滞证胃病是癌前疾病,Ⅱb型肠化生是癌前病变。

    Spleen deficiency with Qi stagnation is precancerous disease and ⅱ b metaplasia is precancerosis .

  10. 胃癌及癌前疾病血清细胞纤维连接蛋白的检测及其临床意义

    Clinical Significance of Serum Cellular Fibronectin Concentrations in Gastric Cancer and Precancerous Diseases of Stomach

  11. 白细胞介素8-251位点单核苷酸多态与胃癌及癌前疾病的关系

    The Influence of the Polymorphism of Interleukin 8-251A / T in Gastric Cancer and Precancerous Diseases

  12. 目的萎缩性胃炎是癌前疾病之一,常为非萎缩性胃炎演变的后果。

    Objective Atrophic gastritis , as a pre-cancerous condition of gastric cancer , is developed from non-atrophic gastritis .

  13. 不同病理类型的癌前疾病在诊断后1020年内发生乳腺癌的危险度为1510不等。它们中的大多数亦增加对侧乳腺癌的发生机率。

    The relative risk of developing breast cancer within 10-20 years after diagnosis is quite different among histological types of premalignant disease , varying from 1.5 to 10 . Most of these diseases increase the rate of cancer in both breasts .

  14. 慢性胃炎是指各种病因引起的胃粘膜慢性炎症,是常见病和多发病,病情缠绵难愈,也是胃癌重要的癌前疾病。

    Chronic gastritis ( CG ) is chronic inflammation of gastric mucosa caused by a variety of causes which is common and frequently occurring disease . The disease is hard to be cured and an important precancerous disease of stomach cancer .

  15. 结论结节性甲状腺肿是甲状腺癌的癌前疾病,其发生发展过程中可发生癌前病变,对伴有非典型性增生的病例应加强随访。

    Conclusions Nodular goiter is precancerous disease of thyroid carcinoma . Goiter cases with atypical hyperplasia should be closely followed up .

  16. 通过引进先进的检测仪器,宫颈癌前病变和乳腺疾病的检出率增加,政府应继续重视妇女病普查普治,加大投入,乳腺癌和宫颈癌的防治可作为今后的重点。

    It is suggested that the government should pay higher attention to physical examination and treatment of reproductive duct disease , the prevention and treatment of cervical and mammary cancer are the emphasis of next stage . With advanced .