
ái jī yīn
  • oncogene;cancer gene
癌基因[ái jī yīn]
  1. 不同病变胃粘膜DNA含量与癌基因表达的检测

    Detection of the DNA content of stomach mucosa with pathologic changes and oncogene expresion

  2. 原癌基因CFos的表达开始增加,随后减弱。

    The expression of oncogene c-fos was increased , and became evidently weak at 180 min.

  3. 目的探讨人膀胱移行细胞癌基因表达谱的变化。

    Objective to investigate the change of gene expression in human transitional cell carcinoma ( tcc ) .

  4. 从石蜡包埋组织中提取DNA,是进一步研究抑癌基因的基础。

    It is the foundation to further research anti-oncogene to extract DNA from paraffin embed constitution .

  5. HER2/neu原癌基因胞外区片段DNA克隆及其在小鼠中诱导的抗体应答

    Induction of Antibody Response by Intramuscular Immunization with HER2 / neu Oncogene Extracellular Domain DNA in Mice

  6. 胃癌DNA非整倍体的临床意义及其与癌基因扩增的关系

    The clinical significance of the aneuploid in stomach cancer and its relationship to the amplification of oncogenes

  7. 低剂量电离辐射诱导小鼠脑c-fos原癌基因的表达

    Expression of c-fos protooncogene in mouse brain following low dose irradiation

  8. 大鼠衰老过程中脑细胞DNA与c-Ha-ras原癌基因的甲基化

    Methylation of Genomic DNA and Proto-oncogene c-Ha-ras in Brain Nuclei of Ageing Rats

  9. 地高辛标记核酸探针技术在家兔视网膜C-sis原癌基因检测中的应用

    Determination of C-sis Proto-oncogene in Rabbit Retinal Tissue by Technique of Digoxin-labeled

  10. CFos原癌基因在增殖的角质形成细胞中呈弱表达,提示其终末分化较差。

    C fos protooncogene is weakly expressed in proliferative keratinocytes .

  11. 高危性人乳头瘤病毒与抑癌基因P53在膀胱癌中的表达

    High risk human papillomavirus and P53 protein expression in bladder cancer

  12. Bcl-2和p53两种癌基因蛋白表达无明显关系。

    There is no significant relationship between Bcl 2 and p53 expression .

  13. 原癌基因bcl-2与神经组织程序化细胞死亡

    The protooncogene Bcl-2 and programmed cell death in nervous tissue

  14. p53癌基因产物在大肠癌中的表达及临床意义

    Expressions and Clinical Significance of p53 Oncogene Products in Carcinoma of Large Intestine

  15. HBV中的x基因被认为是它的癌基因。

    The x gene of HBV genome ( HBVx ) is considered as its onco gene .

  16. 同时应用DNA序列分析确定gsp癌基因突变率。

    Mutation rate of gsp oncogene was identified by DNA sequential analysis .

  17. 抑癌基因bcl-2在玉米染色体中的荧光原位杂交定位

    Physical Location of Tumor Suppressor Gene bcl 2 in Maize Chromosomes by FISH

  18. p53蛋白是参与调节细胞周期和凋亡过程的原癌基因。

    P53 is an important proto-oncogene involved in the regulation of cell-cycle and apoptosis .

  19. p53抑癌基因蛋白在外阴鳞癌和不典型增生组织中的表达

    Expression of p53 Gene Protein in Squamous Cell Carcinoma and Precancerous Lesion of Vulva

  20. 目的:研究青年人大肠癌抑癌基因p53蛋白的表达和细胞DNA含量。

    Purpose To study the expression of p53 protein and DNA content in colorectal cancer of young adults .

  21. bcl-2癌基因蛋白在滤泡性淋巴瘤中的表达及意义

    Expression and significance of bcl-2 oncogene protein in follicular lymphoma and lymphoid follicular hyperplasia

  22. 大鼠心肌肥厚时心脏心钠素、ras癌基因的表达

    Expression of ANP and ras gene in myocardiac hypertrophy of rats

  23. P53,Bcl-2癌基因蛋白表达与胃癌生物学行为的关系

    Relationship between the expression of P53 and bcl-2 proteins and biologic behaviors of human gastric carcinoma

  24. 人N-ras癌基因细胞型特异DNA结合蛋白

    Call-Type Specific DNA Binding Proteins of Activated Human N-ras Oncogene

  25. Ha-ras癌基因mRNA及rasp~(21)蛋白的表达受到抑制;

    The expressions of c-Ha-ras oncogene mRNA and P  ̄( 21 ) protein were suppressed thoroughly .

  26. 小儿肾母细胞瘤的发生与p53抑癌基因突变关系的研究

    A study of correlation between of occurrence of Wilms ' tumor with p53 tumor suppressor gene mutation

  27. 牵张激活通道对膨胀心室大鼠原癌基因c-fos表达的影响

    Effect of stretch-activated channels on ventricular dilation-induced c-fos expression in rats

  28. Twist被认为是癌基因蛋白,影响肿瘤细胞的凋亡。

    Twist is regarded as an oncogene protein , regulating the apoptosis of tumor cells .

  29. 原癌基因c-kitmRNA在自身免疫性睾丸炎中的表达及意义

    Expression and Role of Oncogene c-kit mRNA in Development of Experimental Autoimmune Orchitis

  30. c-fms癌基因在肝癌组织中的低甲基化发生率高于癌旁肝组织。

    The hypomethylation rate of c-fms oncogene in the HCC tissue was higher than that in the matching surrounding-cancer tissue .