
  • 网络take the stage
  1. 随后,一名新的表演者登上舞台。音乐也从轻微的挑逗风格转变为享乐的快感。

    As new performers take the stage , the tone changes from subtle flirtations to that of hedonistic pleasure .

  2. 他登上舞台,结果迎来阵阵嘲笑和口哨嘘声。

    He walked on to the stage to be greeted with jeers and whistles .

  3. 歌手登上舞台。

    The singer mounted the stage .

  4. 是什么吸引你登上舞台的?

    What 's the attraction of going on the stage ?

  5. 赛勒斯从一只巨大的泰迪熊内部登上舞台,唱了自己的名曲《WeCan'tStop》。

    After entering the stage from the inside of a giant teddy bear , Miley sang " We Can 't Stop , " one of her own hits .

  6. 随着人类对语义技术的不断研究和探索,语义Web技术已经日趋成熟,这标志着基于自然语言的检索将逐步登上舞台。

    With the human semantic technology continues to be researched and explored , Semantic Web technology nearly becomes mature , which marks that based-on natural language search will gradually be on the stage .

  7. 9:09:展会负责人保罗•肯特手持白色iPad登上舞台,同时公布了几个注意事项。

    9:09 : Paul Kent , who runs the Expo , takes the stage with white iPad and some announcements .

  8. 他砍了许多不成功的计划(例如Newton),并让许多改变世界的产品登上舞台,造就了今日的苹果。

    From here , Steve went on a spree of killing off unsuccessful projects ( like Newton ) before ushering in many of the changes that would , ultimately , turn Apple into the company we know today .

  9. BenedictCumberbatch出演的舞台剧《哈姆雷特》要2015年夏季才会登上舞台,不过这部莎士比亚舞台剧却早早的已经破了伦敦剧院舞台剧的售票记录了。

    Benedict Cumberbatch will not play Hamlet on the British stage until the summer of 2015 , but the Shakespeare production has already set ticket-sale records for London theater productions .

  10. 然而,就在这部达米安?沙泽勒(DamienChazelle)编导的现代音乐片的制作人员和演员登上舞台、激动地发表致谢演说时,他们却被告知《月光男孩》才是真正的获奖者。

    But as the producers and cast of Damien Chazelle 's modern musical were on stage giving emotional thank you speeches , they were told that Moonlight was the real winner .

  11. 那名演员神气活现地在舞台上走来走去[登上舞台]。

    The actor strutted about [ on to ] the stage .

  12. 之后,艾玛登上舞台,发表了她的获奖感言。

    Later Emma took the stage and gave her acceptance speech .

  13. 乐队登上舞台开始唱第一首歌。

    The band came on stage and started their first number .

  14. 一个女人走过来,很快引着她登上舞台。

    A woman came and whisked her to the stage .

  15. 当她登上舞台时,她的歌迷们歇斯底里地大声尖叫。

    Her fans screamed hysterically as she walked on stage .

  16. 他登上舞台后,受到大家的热烈欢迎。

    He appeared on the stage and was warmly gratulated .

  17. 香港的影子货币正慢慢登上舞台。

    Hong Kong 's shadow currency is continuing to creep into the light .

  18. 三是多极化,加拿大英语、印度英语继英国英语、美国英语之后逐渐登上舞台;

    The third is multi-polarization , Canadian English and Indian English are just examples .

  19. 合唱团登上舞台时耽搁了一小会儿。

    There was a short hold-up while the choir moved on to the stage .

  20. 他们登上舞台时,人群爆发出了一阵欢呼。一些老员工眼眶湿润了。

    When they strode onstage , the crowd roared . Some longtime employees wept .

  21. 当这位天皇巨星登上舞台时,所有的观众都站立起来向他鼓掌欢呼。

    When the superstar appeared on the stage , all the audience stood up to applaud .

  22. 大卫20岁登上舞台,从那时起他面对任何问题时都很稳定。

    David went on the stage at the age of20.He very stable to face any problem .

  23. 传叫童:告诉表演者什么时间登上舞台的人。

    Callboy one who tells performers when it is time for them to go on stage .

  24. 我登上舞台,我面对的是国会大厦,美国国会大厦,炫目的美丽。

    In front of me is the Capitol Building , the United States Capitol , lit beautifully .

  25. 当女演员登上舞台时,观众中爆发出一阵掌声。

    ST : A loud applause exploded from the audience when the actress went on the stage .

  26. 然后,我希望登上舞台,我希望做一名演奏者。

    And then , I wanted to be on stage , I wanted to be a performer .

  27. 手术之后的声明中,他说他期待再次登上舞台表演。

    In a statement after the surgery , he said he looked forward to being onstage and performing .

  28. 表演的序曲结束以后,每一名舞者会轮流登上舞台,展现一些受欢迎的绝妙动作和表演。

    After the opening act , each dancer takes his turn on stage , representing some popular fantasies .

  29. 他们会传递一个帽子,随后他们进入演出场馆和我们一起登上舞台,

    and they would pass the hat , and then they would come in and join us onstage ,

  30. 另外,续航里程更长的燃料电池汽车也开始登上舞台,从电池动力汽车那里抢走了不少风头。

    Elsewhere : fuel-cell cars with their longer cruising range move center-stage , stealing the limelight from battery-powered cars .