
dēnɡ shān jì shù
  • Mountaineering techniques;mountaineering skill
  1. 裂缝救援是一项更副复杂一些的登山技术,有时候需要滑轮组和多组拖曳绳。

    Crevasse rescue is one of the more complicated mountaineering techniques , sometimes requiring pulley systems and multiple haul lines .

  2. 雪崩发生在尼泊尔境内的珠峰地段,当时一行约50人正在为定于下周开始的登山季进行技术准备,其中大多数人为尼泊尔夏尔巴人。

    The avalanche on the Nepalese side of the mountain hit while a group of around 50-people , mostly Nepalese sherpas , were doing the technical preparations for this year 's climbing season , which is set to begin next week .