
dēnɡ lù
  • log on;register;record;enroll
登录 [dēng lù]
  • [enroll]列入;记载

  1. 安全登录认证凭据的处理是分布式WEB应用程序安全的基础,为提高基于。

    Processing the authentication proof of safely register is the foundation of security of distributional WEB application procedure security .

  2. 网络管理协议SNMP试图向UDP登录,但没有成功。

    Warning : SNMP failed to register client with UDP .

  3. 这个系统无法让你登录。

    The system is unable to log you on .

  4. 登录需要密码。

    You need a password to log on .

  5. 请登录我们的网站www.cobuild.collins.co.uk查看。

    Check out our website at www.cobuild.collins.co.uk .

  6. 顾客付费后登录系统和其他用户聊天。

    Customers pay to log on and gossip with other users

  7. 登录哈默网络联盟,就会找到另外12个专门播放恐怖电影的网站。

    Log on to the Hammer Web ring , with 12 more sites devoted to macabre movies .

  8. 当员工登录自己的电脑时,他们会看到某位同事的照片并要求他们猜出名字。

    When employees log in to their computers , they 're shown a picture of one of their coworkers and asked to guess that person 's name .

  9. 很多人都经历过“密码疲劳”,记住大量的密码已经成为人们日常生活的一部分,比如上班时的电脑登录密码,解车锁密码,ATM机操作密码等等。

    Password fatigue1 is the feeling experienced by many people who are required to remember an excessive number of passwords as part of their daily routine , such as to logon to a computer at work , undo2 a bicycle lock or conduct banking3 from an automated4 teller5 machine ( ATM ) .

  10. 通知提出的其他要求还包括:严格落实网络游戏用户账号实名注册和登录要求,不得以任何形式向未实名注册和登录的用户提供游戏服务。

    It also urged the strict implementation and logins , saying that online game providers must not provide any form of game service to users who fail to register and log in using their real identifications .

  11. 引起网怒的首要原因是网页慢速下载时导致的烦躁情绪,其它原因还有:图片无法打开,某些网站需要安装制定软件才能运行,登录某个网站前要求提交个人信息,以及不能提供任何帮助的“帮助”按钮。

    The top cause of web rage is the frustration are images that don 't load , websites that require specific software to run , requests for personal details before being allowed into a site , and ' help ' buttons which don 't really ' help ' .

  12. 打开ApplicationServer管理控制台并登录。

    Open an Application Server administration console and log in .

  13. properties文件用于配置客户端登录

    A log4j.properties file used to configure client-side logging

  14. 假定Web站点要求每个用户创建一个登录名。

    Say your Web site requires each user to create a login .

  15. 单点登录技术是一项非常重要的Web安全技术。

    Single sign-on is an important web security technology .

  16. 以root或具有root权限的管理员身份登录。

    Log on as root or an administrator with root privilege .

  17. 登录到Monitor安装的管理控制台。

    Log in to the administrative console for the Monitor installation .

  18. 使用在安装过程中设置的root密码登录系统。

    Log in using the root password you set during the installation process .

  19. 作为一个非root用户登录到此系统并运行如下命令。

    Log in to the system as a non-root user and run the following commands .

  20. 从CommunityEdition2.0开始,源自主体的所有安全性流都登录到安全领域。

    Starting from Community Edition 2.0 , all security flows from subjects resulting from logging into a security realm .

  21. 为这个登录模块更改下面两个自定义属性,将它们的值更改为true

    Alter the two Custom properties for this login module , changing the value for both to true

  22. 然后我们使用我们的登录连接,并创建一个RationalTeamConcert项目区域。

    Then we took our logged-in connection and created a Rational Team Concert project area .

  23. 登录到您想要更改的被监控的DB2实例。

    Log into the monitored DB2 instance you want to change .

  24. 单点登录系统中CA的设计和实现

    The Design of a Little Bit Single Entry System Inside CA with Realize

  25. 变更CMServer登录默认值

    To change CM Server logging defaults

  26. 在登录和测试服务之前,需要一个AIMID。

    Before you can log on and test your service , you need an AIM ID.

  27. 点击OK以切换登录窗口。

    Click OK to switch to the Logins window .

  28. 输入登录用户名和密码,单击OK

    Enter the login user and password and click OK

  29. 目前常用的Web单点登录协议是SAML协议。

    The commonly used Web single sign-on protocol is the SAML protocol .

  30. 注销JazzTeam服务器的登录。

    Log out of Jazz Team server .