
  • 网络The Sermon on the Mount
  1. “登山宝训”是基督最广为人知的讲论。

    The Sermon on the Mount is among the best known of all the teachings of Christ .

  2. 他对登山宝训的研究冲击了那些从未读过这样的解经的牧师。

    His Studies in the Sermon on the Mount impacted pastors who had never read anything like this kind of exposition .

  3. 你或许可以考虑从'圣灵的果子'或登山宝训的'八福'品德开始。

    You might begin with the fruit of the Spirit or the Beatitudes .

  4. 有谁知道在马太福音中是怎么说吗?,在登山宝训里说的?

    Does anybody happen to know what that comes out in Matthew , it 's in the Sermon on the Mount ?

  5. 在登山宝训中,耶稣基督清楚地废除了礼仪律和民事律,那是神只赐给当时的以色列国的。

    In the Sermon on the Mount , Jesus clearly abrogated the ceremonial and civil law that God had given uniquely to the nation of Israel .

  6. 他在登山宝训上的律法说如果有人触犯了我们,我们不应捍卫自己的权利或抵抗。

    His law in the Sermon on the Mount says that we should not stand up for our rights nor fight back when someone wrongs us .

  7. 有人曾说“登山宝训”是“只给信徒”的。你认为这种陈述的涵义是什么?

    Someone once said that The Sermon on the Mount is " for believers only . " What do you think that person meant by this statement ?

  8. 如果我们把登山宝训解释为与加拉太书毫不相干(更遭的是以为他们彼此矛盾),那么,我们就没有正确地解读此二者。

    If we interpret the Sermon on the Mount as something completely unrelated ( much less , contradictory ) to Galatians , then we haven 't gotten either right .

  9. 耶稣讲完登山宝训之后,旋即遇到两个向祂求助、又显出莫大信心的人。

    Following the Sermon on the Mount , Jesus was abruptly brought face to face with human need on the one hand and beautiful , pleading faith on the other .

  10. 汤姆花费了所有的精力,全力以赴在背五段《圣经》内容。他选择的是基督《登山宝训》的一部分,因为这部分是全文中最短的部分。

    Tom bent all his energies to the memorizing of five verses , and he chose part of the Sermon on the Mount , because he could find no verses that were shorter .

  11. 他将登山宝训放在了福音书的前头,不是因为它发生在耶稣的事工的早期,乃是因为这是耶稣教导中一个重要的关于蒙上帝喜悦的生活的部分。

    He places the Sermon on the Mount early in his gospel , not because it happened early in Jesus'ministry , but because it is such an important part of Jesus'teachings concerning a God-pleasing life .