
tǐ tǒng
  • decency;propriety;decorum;forms and arrangement
体统 [tǐ tǒng]
  • (1) [decorum;decency;propriety]∶指体制、格局、规矩等

  • 我曾写过的第一部真正体统的故事

  • 被报纸专栏认为不成体统的许多论题,在理发馆的气氛中却被认为是合适的

  • (2) [forms and arrangement]∶指文章的体裁、条理

  • 体统各殊

体统[tǐ tǒng]
  1. 广播法允许部长们有权禁止任何触犯高雅趣味和体统的频道的播出。

    The Broadcasting Act allows ministers to proscribe any channel that offends against good taste and decency .

  2. 大家争抢最好的位子,真是有失体统。

    There was an undignified scramble for the best seats .

  3. 在当时情况下,这是我所能做的最合乎体统的事了。

    That was the only decent thing I could do in the situation .

  4. 你是不是告诉我,在戏台上的男男女女,像鳗鱼般的扭来扭去是合乎体统的吗?

    Do you tell me that it 's decent for men and women on the stage to writhe about like eels ?

  5. 一个数据源可以四像关系型数据库管理体统这样的数据库,可以是面向对象型的数据库管理系统,可以是XML文档,也可以是简单文件等等。

    A data source could be a database such as an RDBMS , OODBMS , XML repository , flat file system , and so forth .

  6. 本文阐述了asp+SqlServer技术在远程教学体统开发中的应用,比较了C/S结构和B/S结构在网络技术应用中的优缺点。

    This article elaborated the application of asp + sql server technology in the development of long-distance teaching system , compared the advantages and the disadvantages between C / S structure and B / S structure in the application of networking technology .

  7. TF-QT8-15型机“远程通信”控制体统,它为异地监控、故障查询、系统升级等提供了极大的方便。

    TF-QT8-15 Type Block Making Machine equipped with telecommunication control system to make great convenience in monitoring in other place , fault diagnosis and system upgrade .

  8. 喝醉了酒在大街上疯疯癫癫的有失体统。

    It is not respectable to be drunk in the street .

  9. 吃东西时发出声音有失体统。

    It is bad form to make sound while eating .

  10. 这里面暴露了他的赤裸裸的动机,竟达到有失体统的地步。

    It carried naked truth about his motives into indecency .

  11. 做事情总有一个合乎体统的方法。

    There is a correct way of doing things .

  12. 在这两种数字水印体统模型下,图像数字水印技术可以应用到三维模型的数字水印算法中。

    All the watermarking algorithm for images can be used in the two models .

  13. 尽管她非常爱他却无法忽视他那有失体统的行为。

    She could not ignore his indecorous behavior though she loved him very much .

  14. 承包商要为承包商相关公司的人员体统住宿。

    The Contractor shall provide accomodation to the personnel of all Contractor 's concerned companies .

  15. 它们杀死了麻风病菌,然后这些特种兵继续攻击体统。

    They kill the leprosy bacteria , and the corpses get tossed into the system .

  16. 他的行径很失体统。

    He bore himself most unbecomingly .

  17. 得到后向台阶内绕流问题的数值解。此法可推广到求解有限区域内多体统流问题。

    The numerical method presented here can be extented to the flow over multi-bodies in finite domain .

  18. 目前应用于智能车辆的视觉系统有立体视觉体统和单目视觉系统两种。

    At present , vision systems used in intelligent vehicles include stereo vision system and monocular vision system .

  19. 同时,银行自身应完善风险管理框架,强化资本管理方法,促进金融体统稳定。

    Meanwhile , banks should improve risk-management framework , build better capital management model and foster financial stability .

  20. 而国内的推导公式大多数都是应用的保角变换,复位势理论、叠加原理的方法,较多的研究直井垂直裂缝压裂的产能,而对于水平井裂缝体统研究仍相对较少。

    Most of formulae are provided by using conformal transformation , superposition principle , and complex potential theory .

  21. 她把他当个朋友,而且强迫我和他来往,真是有失体统。

    It is disgraceful that she should own him for a friend , and force his company on me !

  22. 把教区牧师助理或教堂牧师同一般行业的帮工比较,未免有失体统。

    It would be indecent to compare either a curate or a chaplain with a journeyman in any common trade .

  23. 主要的补救方法,是创造一个真正的贵金属支持的货币体系来替代黑暗政府破碎不堪的货币体统。

    The primary remedy is the setting up of a true precious-metals-backed currency alternative to the dark cabal 's broken monetary system .

  24. 例如体统管理员可以安装网络软件和配置一个服务器的文件系统使得客户机能够更好的共享文件。

    For example , the system administrator may install network software and configure a server'file system so client computers can access shared files .

  25. 当暑假临近的时候,聚集在布林伯博士学校中的眼睛没有光泽的年轻的先生们没有有失体统地作出任何表示,来表露他们的高兴。

    When the Midsummer vacation approached , no indecent manifestations of joy were exhibited by the leaden-eyed young gentlemen assembled at Doctor Blimber 's.

  26. 除了在较低水平仔细验证这个体统的功能方面的情况之外,系统集成测试还完成了非功能性的测试。

    In addition to scrutinizing functional aspects of the system at a lower level , the Systems Integration Test also encompasses non-functional tests .

  27. 有好多活动都体统免费食物和饮料,从来不用你自己卖什么吃的。他这样说。

    There are so many events with free food and drink that you never need to buy anything to eat , he says .

  28. 她发觉他那样自称自赞,是多么有失体统,而且他又是多么言行不符。

    She saw the indelicacy of putting himself forward as he had done , and the inconsistency of his professions with his conduct .

  29. 这不过是高尚体统的问题,一种优越教养的自负,尽到不使自己感情流露的责任而已。

    It was merely a question of " good form ," the conceit of a superior breeding , the duty not to give oneself away .

  30. 一周坚持三次半小时以上的运动,每天笑15分钟,这样会对人们的脉管体统大有裨益。

    Thirty minutes of exercise three times a week , and15 minutes of laughter on a daily basis is probably good for the vascular system .