
  • 网络the golden calf
  1. 亚伦根据以色列人的要求制造金牛犊来对抗神。

    Aaron made the golden calf at Israel 's request because the people rebelled against God .

  2. 金牛犊刚好要做成王位的基座,而这个基座会招引异教诸神。

    The golden calf was just going to be the base of a throne , to which pagan deities would be drawn .

  3. 金牛犊则能将他们引向某种力量,可平息他们的恐惧。

    The calf would give them access to forces that could assuage their fears .

  4. 人们为什么要铸造金牛犊呢?

    Why did the people make it ?

  5. 这个故事因表现了人们膜拜自己创造的金牛犊而被广为铭记。

    The story is popularly remembered as having the people worshipping the golden calf they had made .

  6. 我们发现有趣的是,北方的王耶罗波安在伯特利设立的错误的崇拜竟然是一个金牛犊。

    It is interesting that the false worship established in Bethel by Jeroboam was a golden calf .

  7. 亚伦用这些金子作了一个金牛犊,以色列人把它当神崇拜。

    With the gold Aaron made a golden calf and the people worshipped it as their god .

  8. 你认为金牛犊会向他们点头微笑吗?当然不会。

    Do you think that golden calf nodded and smiled and joined in ? Of course not !

  9. 金牛犊的问题起源于摩西长时间的离开营地。

    The problem of the golden calf began with the prolonged absence of Moses from the camp .

  10. 以色列人在西乃山用金牛犊代表上帝,就是这样犯罪。

    This is what happened when the Israelites at Sinai made a visible symbol of God in the form of a golden calf .

  11. 一个原因就是,金牛犊本可用作一个基座,以吸引旧式埃及众神。

    One reason is that the golden calf would have acted as a pedestal to bring in the old-style gods of the Egyptians .

  12. 保罗可能是想到了亚伦曾在以色列叛离神时应众人的要求,制造金牛犊。

    Paul may also been thinking of the time when Aaron made the golden calf at Israel 's request when they rebelled against God .

  13. 这讲的是金牛犊的故事,以色列人违背摩西和律法,熔铸了一尊巨大的金牛犊雕像。

    Then it tells about the golden calf story , how the Israelites rejected Moses and the law , and made a golden fat calf to worship .

  14. 不过,如果金牛犊不是个偶像,又没有亵渎任何一条戒律,为什么《圣经》要如此抵触建造它呢?

    But why was the Bible so against the making of the calf , if it was not an idol and did not violate any of the commandments ?

  15. 只是耶户不离开尼八的儿子耶罗波安使以色列人陷在罪里的那罪,就是拜伯特利和但的金牛犊。

    However , he did not turn away from the sins of Jeroboam son of Nebat , which he had caused Israel to commit-the worship of the golden calves at Bethel and Dan .

  16. 因为人们完全有理由认为,在最初的希伯来奴隶逃离沙漠的历程中,金牛犊事件根本就从未出现在他们的记忆中。

    For there is every reason to think that the incident of the calf was never a part of what the original Hebrew slaves remembered as happening in their desert escape at all .

  17. 他们所作的实在满了罪恶。他们对着金牛犊献祭,然后,就唱歌跳舞,吃喝玩耍,做了很多有罪的事。

    They brought offerings and laid them on the altar before the golden calf . Then they began to sing and dance , to eat and drink and do all sorts of sinful things .

  18. 我们知道偶像虽然有眼睛,但它们能看见吗?有耳朵,但它们能听见吗?有嘴巴,但它们能讲话吗?金牛犊根本没有感觉,又不能看见,不能听见,也不能说话。

    We know statues have eyes , but can they see ? Ears , but can they hear ? A mouth , but can it speak ? ? ? That golden calf didn 't know or see anything .

  19. 《圣经》故事记载,摩西在西奈山上忙于接受《十诫》时,他留在山脚下的逃亡奴隶熔铸了一尊巨大的金牛犊异教雕塑。

    In the Bible , the story goes that while Moses was busy up on Mount Sinai collecting the Ten Commandments , the escaped slaves he had left at the base of the mountain smelted a great pagan sculpture of a golden calf .

  20. 然而,《出埃及记》之所以花了如此长的篇幅来反对金牛犊,还有第二个原因&而随着人们会在未来数周数月讨论银行业监管问题,这个原因预示了到时无疑会发生的事情。

    Yet there is a second reason that the book of Exodus goes on at such length against the golden calf – and it prefigures what is undoubtedly going to happen as banking regulations get argued about in the weeks and months to come .