
  • 网络Self-image;Self image;positive self-image;negative self-image;self-concept
  1. “好的”的行为有时会成为“坏”行为的通行证,因为你已经树立了一个健康的自我形象。

    The " good " action somehow licenses the " bad " action , because you have a self-image as a healthy person .

  2. 对健康的控制能力的增加也在自我形象、信心和尊严方面给PHA带来了好处。

    Increased control over their health has also brought benefits for PHA in terms of self-image , confidence , and dignity .

  3. 方法:自我形象量表(BIS)法。结果:吉林市中学生的BIS评分比延吉市为高;

    Method : Body Image scale Results : BIS of middle schoodstudents in Jilin city was higher than that in Yanji city .

  4. LinkedIn网近期的一篇文章中,领导专家杰夫-哈登写道,提升自我形象的最好方法就是帮助你周围的人成功。

    In a recent post on LinkedIn , leadership expert Jeff Haden writes that the best way to strengthen your personal image is by helping those around you succeed .

  5. 近170年来,炼铁和炼钢先后支撑了蒂赛德(Teesside)的经济和自我形象。

    For almost 170 years , iron and then steelmaking underpinned Teesside 's economy and self-image .

  6. 术后3~12个月自我形象评价均比术前明显提高(P0.0001);

    Self image was significantly improved at 3 months post-operatively ( P0.0001 ), and maintained the improvement through 12 months .

  7. 作为其中一本图书的发行人、文芸社主编TakuKabeya在接受《郝芬顿邮报》采访时称,他认为这类图书的魅力源自人们对自我形象的认知。

    Taku Kabeya , chief editor at Bungeisha , the publisher of one of the books , told The Huffington Post that he thought the appeal of these books comes from having one 's self-image confirmed .

  8. 通过改良后生活质量指数(MQLI)评估糖尿病性视网膜病变患者的生活质量,包括5个维度:躯体健康、心理健康、社会功能、自我形象和物质基础。

    And modified quality of life index ( MQLI ) was used to assess the QOL in patients with diabetic retinopathy that covered 5 dimensions : somatic health , mental health , social function , self-image and material base .

  9. 你需要寻找改变自我形象的方法。

    You need to look into ways to change your self-image .

  10. 自我形象与语音教学策略

    Self - concept and the Strategies of Teaching and Learning Pronunciation

  11. 下面一点是有关“自我形象”中有趣的一点。

    Now , here 's the interesting thing about your self-image .

  12. 肠造口患者自我形象与社会支持的调查

    Analysis of self-image and social support of patients with enterostomy

  13. 杜甫诗中的诗人自我形象

    On Du Fu ′ s Self Image in His Poems

  14. 你同意自我形象很重要吗?

    Do you agree having self-image is important to you ?

  15. 然而,这种自我形象与现实并不一致。

    This self-image is at odds with reality , however .

  16. 听起来她对她的自我形象还是有些放不开的包袱。

    Sounds like she has some hang-ups about her self-image .

  17. 走进圣·歌莲娜世界,可以给人彻底改变了的完全个性化的自我形象;

    Into chants Malena world can give completely changed completely personalized self-image ;

  18. 全喉切除病人自我形象与社会支持的调查研究

    Body Image and Social Support of Patients experienced Total Laryngectomy

  19. 关于朝,汉族中学生自我形象的态度分析

    The survey on the attitude of middle school students to body image

  20. 多使用你的脑海中的图像修改功能,用在你的自我形象上。

    Use your mental Photoshopping skills , and work on your self-image .

  21. 你必须要留意能赢得尊重的自我形象。

    You have to look the part to earn respect .

  22. 自我形象中的第三部分是自尊。

    The third part of your self-concept is your self-esteem .

  23. 请写下自己从过去到现在有过的自我形象。

    Please write down your self-image from the past to the present .

  24. 结论考试焦虑存在性别差异:女生更易出现问题性考试焦虑,其焦虑表现的身体反应重,在原因方面更关注考试失败对自我形象的损害。

    Conclusion Differences exist in test anxiety between the male and female students .

  25. 人的发现犹如石破天惊,震撼着五四知识分子们的心灵,他们尽情地表现自我形象,抒发自我情愫,表达自我要求。

    They freely demonstrated themselves and expressed their self - requirement and ideals .

  26. 李清照词中所展现的自我形象

    The Self-image Represented in Li Qingzhao ′ s ci

  27. 在面试的时候,你真的只有30秒的时间来建立自我形象。

    You literally have 30 seconds to make an impression during an interview .

  28. 构建校内网中大学生网络自我形象的因素分析

    Analysis on Factors of Virtual Self-image of College Students Who are Xiaonei Users

  29. 这可能会造成自我形象不佳、丧、至是犯罪的行为。

    This may lead to poor self-image , despair , even criminal behavior .

  30. 这种疾病损害了她的自我形象和人际关系;

    The disease has shaken her self-image and relationships ;