
  • 网络Natural Study;Naturalistic study;Naturforschungen
  1. 发现歌德:德国学者对自然研究家歌德的研究

    Discover Goethe : The Study of Goethe as a Nature Researcher by German Scholars

  2. 例如在自然研究里,我们必须区别质料、力量、类别等等,将每一类孤立起来,而固定其特性。

    In the study of nature , for example , we distinguish matters , forces , genera , and the like , and stereotype each in its isolation .

  3. MLC在中医防治自然流产研究中的应用前景

    Application of Mixed Lymphocyte Culture ( MLC ) in TCM Prevention and Treatment for Spontaneous Abortion

  4. 以往自然法学研究的重点是一种独立于国家制定法之上的外在道德价值目标,即法的目的的道德性,追求实体正义(externalmoralityoflaw)。

    The latter aims at the target of the moral value , independent from the laws laid down by the state government , i. e. the morality of the objectives of the law is to seek the external morality of law .

  5. 关键的一步,将执行一个自然历史研究会按照更详细的数量超过年和跟踪的人如何HPV口腔感染导致癌症。

    A key step would be to perform a natural history study that would follow people over a number of years and track in more detail how HPV-oral infections lead to cancer .

  6. 武湖日本沼虾资源自然增殖研究

    Studies on the natural enhancement of Macrobrachium nipponensis in Lake Wuhu

  7. 影响草地土壤呼吸的主要自然因子研究现状

    Research Status of Natural Factors Influencing Soil Respiration of Grassland Ecosystem

  8. 生态破坏等级的自然度研究及应用&以海南岛为例

    The Disturbance Degree Study and Application of the Ecological Destruction Level

  9. 国际岩石圈计划与减轻自然灾害研究

    The international lithosphere program and Research on natural disaster reduction

  10. 双语命名实体等价对是自然语言研究和应用领域的一种重要资源。

    Bilingual Named Entity pairs are valuable resources for many NLP applications .

  11. 纯林自然稀疏研究综述

    Summary and evaluation of the researches on self-thinning pure stands

  12. 20世纪50年代以来中国综合自然地理研究进展

    Review and prospects : integrated physical geography in China since the 1950s

  13. 示踪气体浓度衰减法在民用建筑自然通风研究中的应用

    Natural ventilation study of a meeting room with the tracer gas technique

  14. 明代北京地区自然灾害研究

    A Study of the Natural Disasters in Beijing in the Ming Dynasty

  15. 国土整治与自然资源研究

    Territorial development and management and Research on natural resources

  16. 初中自然科学研究性学习的思考

    Project Learning of Natural Science in Junior Middle Schools

  17. 我国自然灾害研究进展与减灾思路调整

    The Advance of Natural Disaster Study and Adjustment of Disaster Mitigation in China

  18. 唯物辩证法在自然地理学研究中的重要意义

    On the important significance of materialist dialectics in the research of physical geography

  19. 北欧自然科学研究协会联合委员会

    Joint Committee of the Nordic Natural Science Research Councils

  20. 清末松花江流域的农业开发与自然灾害研究

    Research of Agriculture Exploiture and Disaster in the North-East Region in Late Qing

  21. 朱鹮人工种群自然繁育研究技术报告

    Technique report on natural breeding research of artificial population of the crested ibis

  22. 在动物自然栖息地研究它们的行为的动物学家。

    A zoologist who studies the behavior of animals in their natural habitats .

  23. 人体肌肉力量自然发展研究进展

    Advances in Natural Development of Human Muscle Strength

  24. 道教自然观研究

    A Study of Taoist Views on the Nature

  25. 自然科学研究与社会科学研究携手合作迈入21世纪

    Natural Science Research and Social Science Research Stride Into 21st Century Hand in Hand

  26. 嘉山台自然电位研究

    Study of natural geoelectric potential at Jiashan station

  27. 它涵盖了哲学、宗教、文艺、以及自然科学研究等多个方面。

    It covered a wide range from philosophy , religion , arts to natural science .

  28. 室内空调设备送风方式的模拟自然风研究是一个有重大价值的研究课题。

    Study of natural wind simulation for air conditioner equipment is an important research question .

  29. 黄土高原环境恶化的自然背景研究

    Background of environmental deterioration in Loess Plateau

  30. 二里头青铜器的自然科学研究与夏文明探索

    Scientific Research on the Bronzes of the Erlitou Culture and Exploration of the Xia Civilization