
  • 网络Autoimmune disorder
  1. 结论(1)LADA患者,尤其是携高滴度GADAb的LADA患者,与经典的T1DM相似,易合并甲状腺自身免疫紊乱。

    Conclusions ( 1 ) LADA patients , especially those with high titer of GAD-Ab , have high risk for thyroid autoimmunity .

  2. 结论:芪箭消瘿汤可调节桥本氏甲状腺炎的自身免疫紊乱,减轻EGFR的过度表达,对小鼠实验性自身免疫性甲状腺炎疗效明显。

    Conclusion : Qijianxiaoying decoction can adjust the auto-immune disorder in Hashimoto 's thyroiditis , decline the excessive expression of EGFR , which have a good curative effect on EAT .

  3. 可能的诱发因素包括:病毒感染,自身免疫紊乱以及药物使用。

    Possible triggering factors include viruses , other autoimmune disorders and drugs .

  4. 目的:本文对角蛋白17的序列和辅助性T细胞抗原表位进行了分析预测,为一定遗传背景下T细胞介导的自身免疫紊乱引发银屑病这一观点提供了研究基础。

    Objective : We analyzed the protein sequence and predicted the helper T cell epitopes in order to lay the foundation for the immunological pathogenesis of psoriasis .

  5. 此研究小组中有413人因为个人的甲状腺病史、其他自身免疫紊乱或甲状腺功能紊乱家族史而被认为属于高危人群。

    Of this group , 413 were deemed to be at high risk because of a personal history of thyroid or other autoimmune disorders or a family history of thyroid disorders .

  6. 狼疮和其他自身免疫功能紊乱,通常是由疫苗引起的,而非出于自我伤害的意图。

    Lupus and other autoimmune disorders are usually caused by vaccine and not by the desire to harm self .

  7. 其他科学家建立了一种学说,推论它是一种自身免疫的紊乱,即机体攻击自身健康组织。

    Other scientists theorize that it is an autoimmune disorder , as healthy tissue is attacked by the body .

  8. 一直以来,医生们就怀疑某些类型的病毒有可能促使自身免疫功能紊乱,如红斑狼疮、多发性硬化症等。

    Doctors have long suspected that some sort of virus might precipitate autoimmune disorders , like lupus or multiple sclerosis .

  9. 尤其是出现妇科疾病和自身免疫系统紊乱,而这样的观察报告可能导致公众担忧疫苗的安全性。

    This is especially the case for gynaecological and autoimmune disorders , and such observations may lead to public concern about vaccine safety .

  10. 过敏性紫癜是儿童时期常见病和多发病,是儿童继发性肾炎的最常见的原因,与患儿自身免疫状态紊乱密切相关。

    Hench - Schonlein Purpura , a common disorder in children and the most frequent etiological factor for the second nephritis in pediatrics department , is highly related with the immunologic derangement of the patients .

  11. 而共同的原因为自身免疫系统调节紊乱。

    Common reasons for the immune system is its own disorder .

  12. 甲状腺相关眼病是一种自身免疫稳定机制紊乱,引起异常T淋巴细胞对甲状腺和眼外肌的反应性疾病。

    Thyroid-associated ophthalmopathy is a kind of autoimmune disease , in which abnormal T-lymphocytes are induced against thyroid and external ocular muscles .

  13. 目的探讨血清甲状腺过氧化物酶抗体(TPOAb)在筛查孕妇发生自身免疫性甲状腺功能紊乱中的诊断价值。

    Objective To research the clinical value of serum thyroid peroxidase ( TPOAb ) in screening thyroid dysfunction in pregnancy .

  14. 提示服碘油虽可纠正机体缺碘状态、改善甲状腺功能状态,却易使成年人机体产生甲状腺自身抗体,而造成甲状腺自身免疫功能紊乱。

    It suggested that human iodine nutrition and thyroid functions were improved dramatically , yet thyroid autoantibodies produced and thyroid autoimmune might disorder .

  15. 自身免疫性甲状腺病是人群中最常见的自身免疫性紊乱之一,在女性患病率2%~4%,男性约1%。

    AITD are the most common autoimmune disorders in population , affecting between 2 % and 4 % of women and up to 1 % of men .