
qīnɡ nián wén huà
  • youth culture
  1. 埃尔维斯·普雷斯利是现代青年文化的真正奠基人。

    Elvis Presley was the true begetter of modern youth culture .

  2. 当代中国青年文化的后殖民特征

    On Youth Culture of Modern China in Post - colonist Situation

  3. 青年文化心理与民族精神的培育

    Cultural Psychology of the Youth and the Cultivation of National Spirit

  4. 大多学校的青年文化无法胜任。

    In most schools , the youth culture is not competent .

  5. 全球化与本土化:当代青年文化价值观的双向构建

    The Bidirectional Construction of Youth Cultural Values : Globalization and Localization

  6. 这些词被认为是青年文化的一个组成部分。

    These words are a part of the recognized youth culture .

  7. 跨文化交流中的青年文化心理分析

    Analysis of Cultural Psychology of Young People in Terms of Cross-culture Communication

  8. 电影展现了青年文化令人堪忧的景象。

    The film presents a disturbing image of youth culture .

  9. 商业对青年文化的利用和影响,导致青年文化的沉沦;

    Commerce has great effect on juvenile culture and caused its devolution .

  10. 并探讨了波普设计风格与当时的青年文化的关系。

    The paper discusses the relationship between youth culture and pop design .

  11. 论商业对青年文化和青年精神的影响及对策

    On the Effect and Antidote of Commerce to Juvenile Culture and Spirit

  12. 当代中国青年文化的回顾与反思

    Review and reflection on the youth culture in contemporary China

  13. 伪满洲国时期《青年文化》杂志考述

    Investigation of the Periodical Youth Culture in Puppet Manchuria State

  14. 全球土著和青年文化奥林匹克/和平与可持续发展首脑会议

    Global Indigenous and Youth Cultural Olympics / Summit for Peace and Sustainable Development

  15. 试论唐诗的青年文化特点

    On the Characteristic of Youth Culture in Tang Poems

  16. 与欧洲大部分首都城市一样,它有着兴旺的青年文化。

    Like most capital cities in Europe it has a thriving youth culture .

  17. 青年文化是整个人类文化的一部分。

    Youth culture is a part of human culture .

  18. 公司需要那些适应当今青年文化的人。

    The company needs people who are attuned to today 's youth culture .

  19. 论青年文化的高层次提升

    On the high - level lift of youth culture

  20. 青年文化:青年社会化的新视角

    Youth culture : New perspective of youth socialization

  21. 从选秀节目的视觉文化看青年文化心理特征

    On Cultural Psychological Features Viewed from Visual Culture of TV Programs of Star Selection

  22. 网络社区中青年文化的表现征象

    General Manifestation of the Youth Culture in Net-Community

  23. 青年文化也是如此。

    Youth culture is also in this way .

  24. 在游戏中改变世界&论网络文化是一种青年文化

    Changing the objective world in play & Cyberculture is a kind of youth culture

  25. 如果这就是奥秘所在,那么统领全世界的应该是美国青年文化。

    If that were the secret , American youth culture would rule the world .

  26. 觉醒与培养:全球化与中国青年文化意识

    Globalization and the Cultural Consciousness of Chinese Youth

  27. 论青年文化建设中民族精神的弘扬和培育

    To Encourage and Develop National Spirit in the Construction of Young People 's Culture

  28. 后现代语境与我国青年文化

    Context of Post-modernism and Youth Culture in China

  29. 从解构走向整合&20年来大众文化影响下的青年文化嬗变

    From Deconstruction to Integration - Evolution of Youth Culture under the Influence of Mass Culture

  30. 全球化与青年文化发展

    Globalization and The Development of Youth Culture