
  1. 看看印花,亮点是这飞船的登陆地就在Cupertino。

    and if you look at this picture , definitely the mother ship has landed here in Cupertino .

  2. 现在都有印有“苹果飞船”的T恤卖了。看看印花,亮点是这飞船的登陆地就在Cupertino。

    If you go to your shop at anything they have a T-shirt that says the mother ship has landed , and if you look at this picture , definitely the mother ship has landed here in Cupertino .

  3. 我们要在登陆地作战

    We shall fight on the landing grounds .

  4. 同时,在中国加入WTO以后,随着房地产消费市场的日益成熟以及大批实力雄厚的港台和国外开发商的陆续登陆,房地产业的竞争更加激烈。

    Meanwhile , with China 's entry into WTO , being ripe day by day of the real estate consumer market and the landing of large quantities of influential Hong Kong , Taiwan and foreign developer successively , the competition of the real estate is fiercer .

  5. 由于船型的先天性缺点,老式的平底驳船式登陆艇渐渐地不适应两栖战争的发展要求,世界各国都在积极研发新型的高速舰载登陆艇。

    Because of congenital defects , old flat-bottomed barge landing craft will not meet the development requirements of the war . Foreign navies are actively developing new transformable high-speed carrier landing craft .

  6. 去年为了港口发展计划,香港政府拆除了著名的天星码头与皇后码头。两处码头皆为英国政府当年登陆香港之地。

    Last year the Hong Kong government demolished the famed Star Ferry terminal and Queen 's Pier , where British royalty used to step onto the territory , in favor of a harbor development plan .

  7. 报道说,美国国家研究委员会建议未来的火星登陆者应该100%地进行杀菌。

    The advisory , which is based on a NASA-funded report by the NRC , recommends that all future landers be100 percent sterilized .

  8. 而在香港,我就能很开心地登陆浏览,兴奋地看到这么多熟悉的名字仍在这里!

    While in Honkong I can happily access and read your posts . It 's so exciting to see the familiar names here !