
  • 网络Duke of Buckingham
  1. 我是白金汉公爵,我一直都被邀请的。

    I 'm the Duke of buckingham . I always am .

  2. 白金汉宫是在18世纪为白金汉公爵而建造的。但是,1775年乔治三世购买了该宫后它便变成了皇家住宅。

    Buckingham house was built for the Duke of Buckingham in the18th century . however , it became a royal residence in1775 when George III bought it .

  3. 白金汉公爵都抗拒不了的女人。

    The woman that not even Buckingham could resist .

  4. 正如观众所期待的,奥兰多布鲁姆将扮演白金汉公爵这一角色,而詹姆斯将化身为公爵的大管家。

    As expected , Orly will play the villain , Duke of Buckingham , while James will play his servant , Planchet , in the classic tale .

  5. 白金汉宫(1701):英国君主在伦敦的王宫。因18世纪初为白金汉公爵建造的宅邸而得名。

    Buckingham Palace ( 1701 ): London residence of the British sovereign . It takes its name from the house Built there early in the 18th century for the dukes of Buckingham .