
  • 网络Buckingham;The University of Buckingham;Buckingham University
  1. 今年春天早些时候,我参加了我的岳母在英国白金汉大学(UniversityofBuckingham)的毕业典礼,她被授予了艺术史硕士学位。

    Earlier this spring I attended my mother-in-law 's graduation ceremony at the University of Buckingham , where she was being awarded an MA in history of art .

  2. 身为改革派的白金汉大学校长安东尼•塞尔顿爵士(SirAnthonySeldon)感到,有必要进行重大改变。

    Sir Anthony Seldon , the University of Buckingham 's reformist vice-chancellor , feels that significant change is necessary .

  3. 同样的,那些拿到平生第一个学位的二十多岁的年轻人的活力也让人感动,尤其是那些借助白金汉大学和萨拉热窝科技学院(SarajevoSchoolofScienceandTechnology)合作办学来学习的波斯尼亚人。

    Likewise , the energy of the twentysomethings picking up their first degrees was stirring , especially the Bosnians who had come over as part of a partnership between Buckingham and the Sarajevo School of Science and Technology .

  4. 白金汉大学的副校长特伦斯基利表示:学费是最美妙的东西。

    Fees are the most wonderful thing , says Terence Kealey , Buckinghams vice-chancellor .

  5. 原先每年招收750名左右本科生的白金汉大学,现在申请人数是原来的两倍多。

    At the University of Buckingham , which takes around 750 undergraduates a year , applications have more than doubled .

  6. 过去学生们常常认为私立学校超出自己的经济许可范围(白金汉大学每年收取学生11250英镑)。

    Many students used to think private universities were beyond their financial reach ( Buckingham charges EU students 11,250 a year ) .

  7. 白金汉大学副校长于日前预测称,未来启迪人心的教师一职,将由智能机器而非人类来担任。

    Inspirational teachers of the future will be intelligent machines rather than humans , the vice-chancellor of the University of Buckingham predicts .

  8. 设计与技能并重的家具专业课程设置体系的研究&英国白金汉大学设计系家具专业课程设置

    Study on the Setup of the Courses of Furniture Major Focusing on Design and Techniques & Setup of Major Courses at Furniture Department in Britain Buckingham University

  9. 白金汉大学副校长,威灵顿公学前校长塞尔登爵士说:“我认为,中小学和大学的影视形象在舆论造势中远比通常认为的重要。”

    Sir Anthony Seldon , vice chancellor of BuckinghamUniversity and former headmaster of Wellington College , says : " Televisionand film portrayals of schools and universities are far more important inopinion formation I think than generally realised . "

  10. 白金汉大学教育与职业研究中心的艾伦·史密瑟斯教授认为,开始学校教育之时,女孩们在口头表达方面要比男孩们稍稍强一些,而男孩们对数学的热情要比女孩高。

    Professor Alan Smithers , director of the Centre for Education and Employment Research at the University of Buckingham , said girls started school with slightly better verbal skills , while boys started with a slightly greater aptitude for maths .

  11. 对于这项新的咨询课程,白金汉大学的教育学专家艾伦.史密瑟斯教授说:“你可能会觉得如果人们容易遭受二次创伤,他们从一开始就不会在这一行工作。”

    Of the new counselling sessions , Professor Alan Smithers , an education expert from Buckingham University , said : ' You would have thought that if people were likely to suffer from secondary trauma , they wouldn 't be in that line of work .

  12. 英国白金汉大学教育与就业研究中心主任艾伦·史密瑟斯教授说:近几十年来,认为让孩子根据自己的节奏进行自主学习更好的激进言论占据了英国的教育界。

    Professor Alan Smithers , director of the Centre for Education and Employment Research at Buckingham University , said : ' English education was overtaken with progressive ideas in recent decades , which held it was better for children to learn by themselves and at their own pace .