
  • Royal Salute;Royal gun salutes
  1. 你知道他们是否卖一种叫做皇家礼炮的苏格兰威士忌吗?

    Do you know if they sell Scotch Whisky called Royal salute ?

  2. 芝华士皇家礼炮、苏格兰、百龄坛、白马、尊尼获加、黑方、杰克丹尼、龙津等等。

    Chivas Royal Salute , Scotch , Ballantine 's , White Horse , Johnnie Walker , Black Label , Jack 's Daniel 's , Long John and so on .

  3. 早在二十多年前,一些重要品牌如芝华士、马爹利、皇家礼炮就已进入中国市场,并逐渐成长为中国进口烈酒市场的领导品牌。

    Key brands such as Chivas Regal , Martell and Royal Salute were introduced into the country over two decades ago , since then they have grown to be China 's leading portfolio of imported spirits .

  4. 然而,由于进入中国后,帝亚吉欧在中国市场的占有率比马爹利,芝华士,皇家礼炮和其他品牌的老对手要低得多-法国保乐力加集团。

    However , due to enter China later , Diageo 's market share in China has a much lower than Martell , Chivas Regal , Royal Salute and other brands of old rival-the French group Pernod Ricard .