
huáng tài zǐ
  • crown prince;royal highness
皇太子 [huáng tài zǐ]
  • (1) [crown prince]∶皇帝的儿子中已经确定继承帝位者

  • (2) [royal highness]∶英国君主选定的继承王位的人

皇太子[huáng tài zǐ]
  1. 明仁天皇现年82岁。1989年,他继承战时的天皇——父亲裕仁天皇的皇位。根据NHK的报道,明仁天皇告诉身边的助手,他有意在离世前将皇位传给自己的儿子——现年56岁的皇太子德仁。

    According to NHK , the public broadcaster in Japan , Emperor Akihito , 82 , who in 1989 succeeded his father , the wartime Emperor Hirohito , told close aides that he intended to pass the throne to his son , Crown Prince Naruhito , 56 , before he dies .

  2. 他被期望去成为皇太子和皇位继承人。

    His expected much from his son and made him crown prince and heir apparent .

  3. 皇太子昨晚去世了。

    The Prince Imperial passed away last night .

  4. MBA课程培养出来的是脱离实战的“皇太子”,虽然理论高深,但他们对将要经营的公司却一无所知。

    MBA programs created " crown princes " marked for the top who knew little about the businesses they would run .

  5. 皇太子暗示这是背叛行为,并要求进行一场大会战。

    The Grand Duke hinted at treachery , and demanded a general engagement .

  6. 46岁的皇太子德仁和42岁的皇太妃雅子只有一个4岁的女儿爱子公主。

    Crown Prince Naruhito , 46 , and Crown Princess Masako , 42 have one child , 4-year-old Princess Aiko .

  7. 他们的儿子皇太子德仁的王妃雅子仍处于抑郁症恢复之中。

    Masako , the wife of their son Crown Prince Naruhito , is still recovering from a form of depression .

  8. 广大拱增长使得有可能成长为一个独立的皇太子妃玛加丽上升设置成草坪。

    The broad arching growth makes it possible to grow Crown Princess Margareta as a free-standing rose set into a lawn .

  9. 如果这个孩子是个男孩,他就会成为继他的父亲德仁皇太子之后的第二皇位继承人。

    The baby , if a boy , will be second in line to the Chrysanthemum Throne after his father , Crown Prince Naruhito .

  10. 西汉初期,刘邦在建立了皇帝制度后便建立了皇太子继承制。

    The early Western Han Dynasty , Liu Bang set up at the emperor system after system set up to inherit the crown prince .

  11. 当时德军的战役统帅是德国皇太子,投入战斗的力量是德军的最精锐部分。

    The commander-in-chief at Verdun was the German Crown Prince and the forces thrown into the battle were the cream of the German army .

  12. 皇太子的弟弟和弟媳生有两个女儿,这意味着皇室王位的继承权将在这两个男人手里终结。

    The crown prince 's younger brother and his wife have two girls , which means the line of succession would end with the two men .

  13. 2001年,皇太子屠杀了皇室家族包括国王和王后在内的十名成员然后自杀。

    In2001 , the crown prince massacred ten members of the royal family , including the king and queen , and then took his own life .

  14. 我听说中方已通过外交渠道表示希望日本皇太子和太子妃来中国访问。

    According to my information , through diplomatic channels , the Chinese side expressed the hope that the Crown Prince and Crown Princess of Japan can come to China for a visit .

  15. 美国国防部长盖茨星期六下午飞离巴林。此前,他与巴林国王和皇太子就政治改革问题举行了会议。在盖茨离开后不久,麦纳麦爆发了又一次示威活动。

    U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates flew out of Bahrain Saturday afternoon after meeting with the king and crown prince about political reforms , and just ahead of another demonstration in Manama .

  16. 日本太子妃小和田雅子的预产期日益临近。日本这个世界上历史最悠久的君主制国家即将再添新丁。目前日本国人个个拭目以待,翘首期盼小皇太子的诞生。

    Anticipation is rising across an expectant Japan as the date draws closer for Crown Princess Masako to give birth to a possible , and long-awaited , heir for the world 's oldest monarchy .

  17. 为了防止这种风险,指定一名无能的皇太子作为下任领袖可能也没有那么糟糕如果他的金家成员身份能够让他管住整个朝鲜的话。

    Against that risk , the appointment of a clueless Dauphin as the next leader might not be so bad , if his membership of the Kim clan enabled him to hold the country together .

  18. 但是盖茨说,目前的一个问题是,一些反对派分子拒绝参加皇太子提议的对话。

    But he said one problem is that some opposition elements have refused to join a dialogue offered by the crown prince , a frustration the prince also expressed to reporters at the start of meeting .

  19. 皇太后传旨杀掉皇太子。

    The empress dowager gave orders to snuff out the crown prince .