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  • subcutaneous bursa
  1. EKG:窦性停搏、窦性心动过缓、Ⅱ度房宣传导阻滞,Ⅲ度房室传导阻滞,常见的并发症:局部感染、皮下囊血肿、电极脱位。

    The common complications were local infection , subcutaneous hematoma and electrode dislocation .

  2. 起搏器埋藏在头静脉切口内侧的皮下囊袋内。

    All pacemakers were placed in the subcutaneous package at the inner part of the incision .

  3. 材料与方法对确诊为囊虫病(皮下囊尾蚴、脑囊虫病)又伴有心脏不适或心电图异常的30例患者用二维超声进行了治疗前、后的系统观察。

    Materials and method A systematic observation before and after the treatment was given to the patients with confirmed diagnosis ( subcutaneous lesions of cerebral cysticercosis ), most of the cases had uncomfortableness in heart of abnormality on electrocardiogram .

  4. 皮下滑膜囊动物模型的建立及其生物学特性实验研究

    Establishment of an animal model of subcutaneous synovial bursa and its biological features

  5. 猪肉和人皮下猪囊虫囊液抗原的免疫印迹分析

    Immunoblot Analysis of Cysticercus Cellulosae Antigens Taken from Pork and Human Tissues

  6. 结果术后2周时,皮下形成滑囊腔结构,肉眼见囊腔内表面光滑,扫描电镜见囊壁内表面有微绒毛结构,囊壁表层有A、B型细胞的超微结构特征;

    Results At 2 weeks after operation , a synovial bursa structure was found around the silica gel bag . Scanning electron microscopy showed microvilli on the smooth internal surface with the ultrastructural characteristics of Type A and Type B cells .

  7. 结论皮下形成的滑囊腔模型,其功能结构在一定程度上类似关节滑囊腔,囊壁表层细胞具有滑膜细胞的表型特征。

    Conclusion The experimental model of subcutaneous bursa is similar to the joint synovial bursa in structure and function , and the lining cells of bursa have the phenotype characteristics of synoviocytes .