
  • 网络dermatologist
  1. 纽约皮肤专家麦克兰纳・亚历克西亚德斯-阿门内卡斯(MacreneAlexiades-Armenakas)说,她用MelaFind证实某颗痣是否需要去除,以及对多颗异常痣的“组织破坏”水平进行排序。

    New York dermatologist Macrene Alexiades-Armenakas says she uses MelaFind to confirm that a mole is to be removed and prioritize the level of disorganization in multiple abnormal moles .

  2. 伦敦的乔治斯·罗曼的诊所外,女士们排着队来找这位在消除皱纹和眉间除皱方面著名的整容皮肤专家。

    IN GEORGES ROMAN 'S clinic in London , women queue to see a cosmetic dermatologist renowned for zapping wrinkles and smoothing brows .

  3. 这种成分是目前皮肤专家的最爱,是夜晚补水保湿必备的成分。

    Now , this ingredient best loved by dermatologists , is available in your nightly moisturizer .

  4. 该研究将被拿到爱丁堡世界最大的皮肤专家会议上讨论。

    The study will be presented in Edinburgh at the world 's largest gathering of skin experts .

  5. 事实:皮肤专家将皮肤分为六个等级,从一级的颜色最浅到六级的颜色很深。

    Fact Dermatologists use 6 categories for skin types , from the lightest at type 1 to the very dark type 6 .

  6. 这项调查结果发布前,上周末英国刚经历了一场热浪天气。皮肤专家说,我们在日晒之前应该更谨慎地确认自己是否做好了防晒工作。

    The findings follow last weekend 's heatwave and skin experts say we should be more careful to check we 're protected before sunning ourselves .

  7. 这可是个大工程,因为如果你严格遵医嘱的话,皮肤专家会告诉你,你要准备满满一玻璃杯的防晒霜。

    This was no small feat , because if you listen to dermatologists , they say that you should have a shot glass full of sunscreen .

  8. 另一项由皮肤专家在英国布茨进行的研究表明,四月份在车里坐几个小时就会导致和老化相关的皮肤损伤。

    Another study , by skin experts at Boots , found even a few hours sitting in a car in April resulted in skin damage linked to ageing .

  9. 在本月召开的一次由Coppertone日光研究中心(CoppertoneSolarResearchCenter)举办的防晒护理研讨会上,我向皮肤病专家和其他专家提出了一些问题。

    I posed some questions to dermatologists and other experts at a sun-care symposium , sponsored by the Coppertone Solar Research Center , this month .

  10. 不过,宾夕法尼亚大学(Pennsylvania)的皮肤病专家乔治·柯萨莱利斯(GeorgeCotsarelis)博士,极力主张在进行更深入的研究之前保持谨慎。

    But Dr. George Cotsarelis , a dermatologist at the University of Pennsylvania , urged caution until further research is conducted .

  11. 不过,来自加利福尼亚大学的医学博士、皮肤医学专家LilyTalakoub建议说,与其整个夏季为此不安,不如行动起来,预防皮肤癌。

    But instead of stressing your way through summer , take action to build up your skin-cancer defense , suggests dermatology expert Lily Talakoub , M.D. , at the University of California , San Francisco .

  12. 多数皮肤病专家都建议不要在没涂防晒霜的情况下出门,他们说,仅仅防护导致皮肤灼伤的中波紫外线(UVB)还不够。

    Most dermatologists advise never to step outside without sunscreen and they say it 's not enough just to guard against UVB rays , the kind that cause burns .

  13. 今年6月,耶鲁大学(Yale)皮肤病专家布莱特·金(BrettKing)博士宣称,托法替尼(Tofacitinib)能促进男性普秃患者的毛发生长,且没有任何副作用。普秃是一种几乎可以造成全身毛发全部脱落的疾病。

    In June , Dr. Brett King , a dermatologist at Yale , reported that tofacitinib caused full hair growth and no negative effects for a man with alopecia universalis , a variant involving almost total hair loss .

  14. 皮肤科专家查尔斯·E·科兰驰菲尔德三世博士这样说:“品质好的润肤霜产品,能够轻微地增加皮肤水分、保持皮肤现有水分、并促进皮肤分泌更多水分--你选择哪一类润肤霜取决于你个人皮肤的需要。“

    Dermatologist Charles E. Crutchfield III , MD , describes it this way : " It 's a product that will do anything from gently adding moisture , to sealing in the moisture you 've achieved , to helping your skin produce more moisture - and which type you choose should be based on your skin 's individual needs . "

  15. 同时,皮肤科专家提醒人们不要过分暴露在日晒环境下。

    Also , skin doctors warn people to be careful with sun

  16. 并不是每一位好莱坞明星的美丽肌肤都归功于皮肤护理专家。

    Not everyone in Hollywood owes their nice complexion to a dermatologist .

  17. 医生让我去看皮肤病专家。

    The doctor referred me to a skin specialist .

  18. 马克,你好。我知道你是皮肤护理专家。

    Hi , Mark . I know you are an expert in skin care .

  19. 这个产品是由皮肤科专家推荐的。

    This product is recommended by dermatologists .

  20. 皮肤科专家同意防晒产品确未提供完全的防护,但仍认为它们有所助益。

    Dermatologists agree sunscreens do not provide full protection , but still consider them beneficial .

  21. 我的父母带我看了很多皮肤病专家,但都没能治愈。

    My parents had taken me to dozens of dermatologists which were unsuccessful in helping me .

  22. 减少糖分摄入。一些皮肤病专家相信糖分会跟胶原蛋白结合,造成皮肤僵硬,出现皱纹。

    Cut down on sugar , which some dermatologists believe attaches itself to collagen , causing stiffness that leads to wrinkles .

  23. 如果你的青春痘很严重,你的私人医生很可能会让你咨询皮肤科专家。

    If you have a severe problem with acne , your regular doctor can most likely refer you to a good dermatologist .

  24. 科学期刊《太平洋标准》中的一篇文章同样指出,诸如临床验证或者皮肤科专家认可这类术语没有产业标准认证。

    An article from Pacific Standard magazine also points out terms such as clinically proven or dermatologist recommended have no industry standard definition .

  25. 他的结论是,那些声称化妆品经过了“临床验证”或者“皮肤科专家认可”的遣词用语既混淆视听又逃避事实。

    He concludes that phrases such as " clinically proven " or " dermatologist approved " are as vague as they are evasive .

  26. 科学期刊《太平洋标准》中的一篇文章同样指出,诸如“临床验证”或者“皮肤科专家认可”这类术语没有产业标准认证。

    An article from Pacific Standard magazine also points out terms such as " clinically proven " or " dermatologist recommended " have no industry standard definition .

  27. 跟着脸部皮肤保养专家,只需要几种简单的材料和几个步骤,既省钱又有诸多乐趣。

    Save money and have fun , too , using a few simple ingredients and these easily followed instructions by an expert in organic skin care products .

  28. 针对“自体疫苗”治疗病毒疣、疱疹,我省权威皮肤性病专家接受了本报记者采访。

    In view of from the body vaccine the treatment virus wart , the herpes , our province authoritative skin venereal diseases expert accepted newspaper reporter to interview .

  29. 皮肤病专家称,金发人种在阳光充足的地方或在高海拔、雪面会反射阳光的滑雪场中度假时需要格外小心。

    Dermatologists say that fair-haired people need to bee specially cautious when they vacation in sun-drenched places , or on ski slopes , with high altitudes and reflected sun on snow .

  30. 向皮肤病专家咨询你是否可以使用化学去皮,激光嫩肤,强脉冲光子或皮肤擦除术等治疗方法。

    Ask a dermatologist if you 're a good candidate for a topical retinoid cream , or for treatments like a chemical peel , laser-skin resurfacing , intense-pulsed-light treatment , or dermabrasion .