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  • dermatologist
  1. 家庭医生把她的病人交给了皮肤科医生。

    The general practitioner referred her patient to a dermatologist .

  2. 和图马佐一样,SkinShift的创始人吕蒂·哈珀博士(RuthieHarper)也不是皮肤科医生——她是内科医生。

    Like Dr. Toumazou , SkinShift 's founder , Dr. Ruthie Harper , is not a dermatologist ; she 's an internist .

  3. 想想吧,根据《南部医学杂志》(SouthernMedicalJournal)显示,一名皮肤科医生一年需要在将近3万个表格上签字。

    Ponder the fact that a dermatologist must sign his name to forms almost 30000 times a year , according to a 2008 article in the Southern Medical Journal .

  4. 其它设备具有与皮肤科医生一样的美容疗效,如PaloVia皮肤紧致仪(SkinRenewingLaser)使用“点阵式光热分解作用技术”来消除粉刺。

    Others offer the same technology as your dermatologist , such as the PaloVia Skin Renewing Laser , which uses " fractional photothermolysis " to combat acne .

  5. 马萨诸塞州切斯纳特希尔(ChestnutHill)的皮肤科医生杰弗瑞•多弗(JeffreyDover)说:这是我们鼓励大家使用防晒霜的绝佳依据。

    ' This is great fodder for us to encourage people to use sunscreen , ' said Jeffrey Dover , a dermatologist in Chestnut Hill , Mass .

  6. 阿克瑞芝(RobbAkridge)说:“清洁是特别无聊的事情,人们都不喜欢做。”另一名皮肤科医生也给了阿克瑞芝一项任务,他回忆说:“你必须得让清洗这事儿变得有意思。”

    Another dermatologist gave Dr. Akridge this mandate , he recalls : ' You have to make cleansing sexy . '

  7. 她在医院的走廊中与其皮肤科医生CostaSoares谈论她的病情并表示感到担忧。

    In the corridor of the hospital , she talked to Costa Soares , her dermatologist , about her case and expressed her concern .

  8. Mesotech演变而来的科学研究和广泛的皮肤科医生团队的奉献精神。

    Mesotech evolved from the extensive scientific research and dedication of a team of dermatologists .

  9. 芝加哥28岁的律师斯蒂芬妮?塞缪尔(StephanieSamuel)告诉她的皮肤科医生说:我就觉得自己特别干净。她的医生对此回应道:不!

    Stephanie Samuel , a 28-year-old attorney in Chicago , told her dermatologist , ' I get the squeaky clean feeling . ' To which the doctor responded , ' No !

  10. 高伦雅芙(Proactiv)三步祛痘法联合创始人、皮肤科医生凯蒂?罗丹(KatieRodan)说:“你不能把你脸上的痘痘洗掉。”高伦雅芙现归高西伦克(GuthyRenker)所有。

    You can 't wash the pimples off your face , ' say Katie Rodan , a dermatologist and co-founder of the Proactiv three-step system , which is owned by Guthy Renker .

  11. 方法:按PASI记分法,三位皮肤科医生分别对银屑病患者进行评估,将所得资料计算各指标的Kappa值。

    Method : The scores of PASI and its components in patients with psoriasis vulgaris were obtained by three dermatologists independently , and then , Kappa value of each component was calculated .

  12. 皮肤科医生BiancaCostaSoares认为前来圣保罗州ACCamargo医院做皮肤检查的人数增多是每年宣传运动的结果。

    Dermatologist Dr Bianca Costa Soares credits the annual campaign with an increase in the number of people coming to the AC Camargo Hospital in the State of S ã o Paulo for skin checks .

  13. 约翰·霍普金斯医院(JohnsHopkinsHospital)的皮肤科医生路易斯·加尔萨(LuisGarza)说,鲁索利替尼疗效可喜,他会考虑给那些不能用其他方法治疗,且对其潜在副作用有所了解的病人开鲁索利替尼。加尔萨未参与该项研究。

    Dr. Luis Garza , a dermatologist at Johns Hopkins Hospital who was not involved in the research , said the results were encouraging enough that he would consider prescribing ruxolitinib to patients who could not be treated with other methods and who understood potential side effects .

  14. 当一个孩子的父母亲用这种美体液治疗婴儿的湿疹时,引起了一位儿科皮肤科医生的关注,由此引起了MHRA的关注。

    The lotion was brought to the attention of the MHRA by a paediatric dermatologist who became concerned when the parent of a baby he was treating for eczema started to use this product on the baby .

  15. 皮肤科医生说,在夜间洗脸最重要。

    Face washing at night is most important , dermatologists say .

  16. 皮肤科医生如何开展真菌病的临床科研

    How does dermatologist carry out clinical scientific research on mycoses

  17. 如果发现突然性的秃发,请去找皮肤科医生。

    If the detection is suddenly sexual bald-headed , please seek dermatologist .

  18. 苏格兰皮肤科医生调查的基底细胞癌治疗

    Management of basal cell carcinoma by surveyed dermatologists in Scotland

  19. 杰克逊和他的皮肤科医生埃诺德·克莱因有着很好的私交。

    Michael was very close with his dermatologist , Dr. Arnold Klein .

  20. 皮肤科医生对性病患者的污名印象与歧视现状及其影响因素

    Stigma and Discrimination against Sexually Transmitted Disease Patients among Dermatologists

  21. 461例皮肤科医生手、足真菌病调查分析

    The Investigation of Hand - Foot Mycosis in 461 Cases of Chinese Dermatologists

  22. 莉莎起了严重的疹子,她要去看皮肤科医生。

    Lisa is going to see a dermatologist for her bad skin rash .

  23. 皮肤科医生向4个不同的应用程序上传了188张皮肤损伤的照片。

    Dermatologists uploaded 188 images of skin lesions to four different app-based services .

  24. 她想让我帮她推荐一个皮肤科医生,她换了湿疹。

    She wanted a referral to a dermatologist . She 's got eczema .

  25. 当然这听起来比跋山涉水去找皮肤科医生要容易地多,对不?

    Sure sounds a lot easier than trekking into the dermatologist , right ?

  26. 皮肤科医生表示,虚荣心是人们使用防晒霜的强大动力。

    Dermatologists said vanity is a strong motivating force when it comes to sunscreen use .

  27. 但如果让皮肤科医生看,他们会看出更多。

    But if you ask a dermatologist , they can see a whole lot more .

  28. 如果对你指甲外观非常在意,请看皮肤科医生。

    If you 're concerned about the appearance of your nails , see a dermatologist .

  29. 皮肤科医生的美国癌症协会强烈推荐全年每天使用防晒产品。

    Dermatologists and the American Cancer Society urge the use of sunscreen everyday and year-round .

  30. 有些设备(如丹尼斯医生)是由皮肤科医生所研制;

    Some devices , such as Dr Dennis Gross 's , are created by dermatologists .