首页 / 词典 / good


  1. 路,作为一级监察区在北宋的监察体系中举足轻重。

    Road as a rank of monitoring area was an essential park of the Northern Song monitoring system .

  2. 中国古代监察区机能的转变和政区的由虚入实&以州制为例

    The Functional Shift of Supervision Area in Ancient China & A Case Study of ' Zhou ' System

  3. 此外,政府会协助区议会推广地区文娱康体活动,以及监察区内的环境卫生情况。

    The Government will also assist the councils in promoting cultural , recreational and sports activities and in monitoring local environmental hygiene .

  4. 建议堂区监察区内环境事务,向政府反映意见,推动区议员及立法会议员监察地区环保情况。

    Parishes should monitor district-wide environmental matters and voice opinions as well as urge District Board members and Legislative Council members to promote and monitor the environmental situations in the district .

  5. 对市监察机关作出的监察建议或对区监察机关的监察建议回复有异议的;

    Having dissent from the supervisory proposal made by the municipal supervisory department or the reply to the supervisory proposal made by the district supervisory department ;