
ɡài wǎ
  • tiling;cover (a roof) with tiles
  1. 屋顶可以盖瓦了。

    The roof is ready to be tiled .

  2. 盖瓦叠板式盖瓦式叠板前固定盖板针布隔距太紧或与锡林针布不平行。

    Very close setting of front plate or non-parallel setting .

  3. 让我们在我们的盖瓦发动机中实现它。

    Let 's implement it in our tiling engine .

  4. 盖瓦叠板式盖瓦式叠板轿车侧梁内板顶盖冲压成形数值模拟研究

    Research on Stamping Forming Numerical Simulation for Side Beam Internal Plate Cover of Car

  5. 它的建筑一般化,盖瓦的屋顶,百叶窗没有漆成绿色,墙上也没盖常青藤。

    The building was regular , the roof was tiled , the window shutters were not painted green , nor were the walls covered with honeysuckles .