
ɡài mó
  • velum
  1. 小鼠腹侧盖膜区多巴胺细胞bursting不同机理的研究

    Multiple Mechanisms Underlie Burst Firing in Mouse Ventral Tegmental Area Dopamine Neurons in Vitro

  2. Corti氏器的盖膜显示出非特异性的自身绿色荧光。

    Membrana tectoria of the organ of Corti shows a possible unspecific autofluorescence in green color .

  3. 利用两个群体各二个轮回选择周期的材料,研究了ASI(散粉至抽丝间隔)在盖膜与露地以及直播与移栽条件下的反应。

    The gain via 2 cycles of recurrent selection for ASI ( anthesis-silking interval ) in two maize populations was investigated under conditions with or without plastic cover and direct seeding or transplanting .

  4. 盖膜对地麦生长发育的影响

    Influence of Film - mulching on Growth and Development of Upland Wheat

  5. 人胚胎内耳盖膜的发育

    The Development of the Tectorial Membrane in Human Fetuses ' Inner Ear

  6. 鸡内耳盖膜的超微结构观察

    Ultrastructure of the tectorial membrane in chick inner ear

  7. 春小麦垄盖膜际条播栽培研究

    A Study on Cultivation of Drill Seeding of Spring Wheat Between Film-mulched Ridges

  8. 切割式自动盖膜装置的研究设计

    Design of automatic device for covering the mouth of bottles with cutting film

  9. 基底乳头在内淋巴腔面有感觉毛细胞,其表面可见盖膜。

    Sensory hair cells with overlymg tectorial membrane could be identified in the basilar papilla .

  10. 不同花生品种和肥料在小畦盖膜栽培中的效应

    The effects of different peanut varieties and fertilizers in small furrow culture covered with film

  11. 水分利用率变化情况表现为秸秆覆盖优于地膜覆盖优于不盖膜。

    Changes in water use efficiency performance superior to no better than mulching straw mulch membrane .

  12. 凹型盖膜种植对坡地玉米生长发育的影响

    Effects of concave mulching with polythene film on growth and development of corn growing in sloping land

  13. 敌敌畏-盖膜与几种杀线虫剂防治甘薯茎线虫病研究

    Study on using ddvy & covering membrane and several nematicides to control stem nematode disease of Sweetpotato

  14. 秸秆覆盖经济效益最优,地膜覆盖次之且与不盖膜处理差异并不明显。

    Straw mulch optimal economic benefit , mulching followed membrane and not deal with differences is not obvious .

  15. 叶日积规律在坡地玉米凹型盖膜种植中的意义新探

    New Study on significance of LAI Accumulation over Time in Corn Cultivated with Concave Polythene Mulching on Sloping Land

  16. 使用预制盖膜,机械手吸、放盖,准确、快捷、卫生可靠。

    Use prefab cover , suck and put cover automatically , more exact , fast , healthful and reliable .

  17. 盖膜层数及酿热物厚度对烤烟苗床微气象特征的影响

    Study on the Effect of Layers of Film and Deepness of Underlying Ferment Materials to Microclimate Feature of Tobacco Seedbed

  18. 在烟株生长发育前期,地膜覆盖优于秸秆覆盖,而到了成熟期优势开始减弱,相反不盖膜则开始优于地膜覆盖。

    The early growth and development in tobacco plants , mulching is better than straw mulch to maturity advantage began to weaken , contrary membrane is better than mulching .

  19. 但由于条件限制,目前还未获得有关柯蒂氏器内螺旋神经元、内毛细胞、盖膜上皮细胞及支持细胞等记录。

    But the recordings still could not be obtained from primary auditory neurons , inner hair cells , tectorial membrane epithelial cells and supporting cells in organ of Corti .

  20. 新根数量在揭膜后迅速下降,与枝叶早衰相关,新梢补偿性生长后又上升,但强度远不及盖膜阶段。

    The number of new roots decreased rapidly with opening the mulching film because of leaf premature senescence , and increased with shoot compensatory growth in a slight degree .

  21. 除草膜与光解膜产量差异不明显,但与普通地膜和不盖膜的差异均达极显著;

    The yield difference of peanuts between weeding film and light-degrading film was not obvious , but the crop under weeding or light-degrading films gave more yields , compared with the crop under common film or without film .

  22. 有机肥无机肥配合提前施基肥,前期盖膜后期及时揭膜对烤烟的开片,产量及品质的提高有一定的积极作用。

    In addition , application of inorganic and organic fertilizers and advanced fertilized base fertilizer , and the treatment that polyethylene mulch was covered early period and uncovered later was more positive for tobacco expanding , output and quality .

  23. 对甘蔗实生苗大田移栽进行地膜覆盖,与传统移栽(不盖膜)相比较,甘蔗实生苗前期生长速度快,分蘖早且多,入选后代有效茎多、主茎长、入选率高。

    Comparing the traditional planting practice for sugarcane seedling with covering with plastic film , the later showed that the seedling grew faster at early stage , and got more tillers , more millable stalks and higher selected ratio .

  24. 盖上保鲜膜,室温醒发面团直到双倍大,约2-3小时。

    Cover again and proof at room temperature until double in bulk , 2-3 hours .

  25. 勺取出1杯放入玻璃罐,盖上保鲜膜存放到冰箱。

    Scoop out a cup and put into a glass jar , covered loosely , in fridge .

  26. 面团放在一个大盆内(下面最好也撒一点面粉防粘),盖上保鲜膜,放到温暖的地方,发酵到2倍大。

    Place the dough in a large , lightly floured bowl , cover with plastic wrap , place in a warm place .

  27. 腐殖质是已知能够覆盖滤膜的物质。面团盖上保鲜膜后再铺条湿布巾。

    Humic substances are known to coat membrane filters . Cover the dough with a plastic wrap and top with a wet towel .

  28. 面团盖上保鲜膜后再铺条湿布巾。布里尔小姐抬起手来摸着狐皮围巾。

    Cover the dough with a plastic wrap and top with a wet towel . Miss Brill put up her hand and touched her fur .

  29. 如果你冰箱架子上盖的是保鲜膜,那么如果什么东西洒在上面,你只要再换一层就可以了。

    If you cover your fridge with cling film , you can easily remove and replace it with another layer after any spills .

  30. 不过要记得上面要记得盖一层保鲜膜,否则发生化学反应坏掉就不好了。

    Just make sure you have a something over the bowl of the salad so that there wouldn 't be any chemical reactions in the salad and it goes bad in the fridge .