
  • 网络Phenomenology of Perception
  1. 《知觉现象学》中的他者问题

    Other Discussed in Phenomenology of Perception

  2. 在身体性这个维度上,波兰尼的默会认识论和梅洛一庞蒂的知觉现象学之间存在着某种思想的会聚。

    On the theme of embodiment Michael Polanyi 's theory of tacit knowing and Merleau-Ponty 's phenomenology of perception converge .

  3. 梅洛-庞蒂展开其知觉现象学体系的整个过程就是论证知觉首要地位的过程。

    The whole process Merleau-Ponty expresses his sensational phenomenology system is a process to prove the highest priority of sensation .

  4. 第二章通过对知觉现象学的深入研究,探讨了用知觉现象学分析建筑体验的方法。

    Chapter II discusses the methods on analysis of experience in the architectural space with in depth study of phenomenology of perception .

  5. 知觉现象学正是这样一门试图去除任何现有的成见以获得真实的感知和真正的意义为目的的更为贴近真实、从建筑自身和使用者出发的设计策略。

    Phenomenology Of Perception is such an design strategy which wipes out existing prejudice to get close to the essence of architecture & the real sense comes from users and the meaning comes from building itself .

  6. 依据关系哲学的关系本体和知觉现象学的知觉意识观,承接并超越已有的教师意识本体的研究,提出并构建了关系意识。

    According to ontology of relationship in the Philosophy of Relationship and perception consciousness in the Phenomenology of Perception , based on and also transcending past research on ontology of teachers ' consciousness , relationship consciousness is put forth and constructed .

  7. 他通过对知觉经验本身的现象学的还原,描述了身体知觉的空间性、时间性、运动机能以及情感世界,说明了身体是我们在世存在的媒介,是人与世界的枢纽。

    Through phenomenological reduction of perceptual experience itself , he describes the body perception of space , time , motor function and emotional world , so that the body is the medium of our existence in the world , is the hub of people and the world .