
  • 网络knowledge marketing
  1. 阐述了油品知识营销的必要性。

    The necessity on knowledge marketing of petroleum products was discussed .

  2. 浅论知识营销对企业营销管理的影响

    Talks on The Effect of Knowledge Marketing on Marketing Management in Enterprises

  3. 谈知识营销在企业营销创新中的杠杆作用

    Knowledge Marketing Is a Powerful Creative Lever of Business Marketing

  4. 知识营销的有效性只能通过实践才能得到检验。

    The effectiveness of KM can only be verified by putting it into practice .

  5. 试论图书馆的知识营销与服务

    On the knowledge marketing and services of libraries

  6. 介绍了内燃机油知识营销案例。

    An example case on knowledge marketing of internal combustion engine oil was presented .

  7. 介绍了汽油、柴油和润滑油的知识营销。

    The knowledge marketing of gasoline 、 diesel oil and lube oil was presented .

  8. 高新技术产品知识营销的逆向选择刍议

    Study on the Converse Selection of the High and New Technology Products ' Knowledge Marketing

  9. 在这样的经济环境中,企业想要实施知识营销还有诸多的困难。

    Thus , enterprises in China still have a lot of difficulties carrying out knowledge-based marketing .

  10. 基于数据挖掘的知识营销

    Knowledge Marketing based on Data Mining

  11. 论产品的知识营销

    Talking about knowledge marketing of product

  12. 知识营销作为一种新型的营销模式,它的产生是知识经济迅速发展的必然结果。

    Knowledge marketing is a new type of sales model , which originated from the development of knowledge economy .

  13. 资源战略包括建设医院信息系统,加强知识营销管理,从财务上支持以知识战略为核心的构建。

    Resource strategy includes building the hospital information system , strengthen knowledge marketing management , support the construction of knowledge strategy as the core from financial affairs .

  14. 文章分析和阐述了知识营销产生的原因与机理、知识营销的内涵与特征以及实施知识营销对消费者、企业和社会的影响。

    The essay analyzed the causes and mechanism given rise to intellectual marketing , its connotation , features and execution 's impact on consumer , enterprises and society .

  15. 结合当前市场条件,重新定义了知识营销这一概念,将其上升为一种理论、一种新型的营销思想。

    This article defines the concept of knowledge marketing in line with the conditions of modern markets and regards it as a new theory and a new model of marketing strategy .

  16. 知识营销作为知识经济下的一种企业营销创新,通过长期的不懈努力,可以培育和打造企业核心竞争能力,为企业的成功奠定基础。

    KM , as a new way of marketing in Knowledge Economy , can cultivate , build , and improve core business competitiveness and lay a solid foundation for business success if making great effort continuously .

  17. 知识营销是组织以知识创新为前提条件,把产品中所蕴含的知识作为营销重点,以知识创造需求,进而使知识产品为社会所接受,实现组织战略目标的过程。

    Knowledge marketing is a process that takes creation knowledge as prerequisite condition , takes the knowledge in products as marketing point , creates demand with knowledge , then makes knowledge products received by society and realizes organizational strategy target .

  18. 知识营销队伍的建设是有效实施知识营销的关键所在,加强组织学习和员工培训可以提高员工的素质和能力,有效的绩效考核对于提高员工积极性意义重大。

    The key to the success of KM is the marketing team building . The competence level and ability of employees can be improved by training and learning . It is also vital to enhance employees ' enthusiasm by setting up the performance appraisal system .

  19. 在市场差异化方面,通过优质优价的价格差异化,短渠道、高覆盖、知识营销的渠道差异化,让用户认知和接受差异化价值,并为此支付差异化溢价。

    Concerning the issue of market differentiation , increase users ' differentiation awareness through price differentiation of high quality and reasonable price ; short-channel , high-coverage and knowledge marketing , to form channel differentiation , and make buyers accept then pay for a premium price .

  20. 珠宝专业知识在营销中的应用

    The Application of Jewellery Professional Knowledge in Selling

  21. 知识型营销人员的能力建设作为组织战略,已经得到越来越多组织的重视。

    Nowadays , more and more organizations take the capacity building of knowledge-based marketing staff as an organizational strategy .

  22. 文章以农村某商业银行为案例,对知识型营销人员能力成熟的分析模型和一般评价模型做了验证性研究。

    We verify the analysis model and general measurement model by taking a commercial bank in rural areas as an example .

  23. 本文从营销管理的理论开始,首先分析了与白酒经销商目前存在的几个主要问题相关的的基础知识:营销决策理论、营销合作中的冲突、应收账款的管理和营销代表的管理。

    This text starts from the marketing manage theories , analyzing first is decision theories , marketing cooperate theories , accounts receivable theories and the management theories of marketing represent , which are related to a few key problems of current white spirit dealer .

  24. 知识经济与营销创新&论知识经济条件下企业产品开发与创新

    On knowledge marketing On the Knowledge Economy and Marketing Innovation MARKETING

  25. 高新知识产品隐性营销模式初探

    Primary Probing of Model of Implicit Marketing of Highly New Knowledge Products

  26. 知识经济对营销管理的八大挑战

    The challenge of marketing management in the knowledge economy age

  27. 个人营销是知识经济时代营销理论在个体行为的扩展,较之于组织营销既有相同点,也有明显不同的特点。

    Person marketing is the extension of marketing theories in the knowledge era .

  28. 浅析知识经济时代营销人才的精神特征

    The Exploration of Characteristics of Marketing Talent 's Spirit in the Era of Knowledge Economy

  29. 论知识服务的营销战略问题

    On Marketing Strategies of Knowledge Services

  30. 知识创造者的营销;

    A creator of marketing knowledge ;