
  • 网络DC servo motor;dc motor
  1. 基于PC的直流伺服电机性能测试虚拟系统

    The DC Servo Motor Performance Testing Virtual System Based On PC

  2. 基于PWM的直流伺服电机电感匹配计算方法

    Inductance matching calculation methods of DC servo motor based on the PWM control

  3. 直流伺服电机轨到轨输出的PWM驱动电路设计

    Design of Rail-to-Rail Output PWM Driving Circuit for DC Servo Motor

  4. CNC系统采用直流伺服电机实现闭环控制

    Closed Loop Control with the Aid of Direct Current Servo-motor on Computer Numerical Control System

  5. 在硬件开发的基础上,论文针对DSP完成了底层控制程序的总体设计和开发,实现了对交、直流伺服电机以及步进电机的控制,并对常见的伺服控制和轨迹规划算法进行了研究。

    Moreover , the paper has also studied the familiar algorithms of the servo control and track programming .

  6. 针对交直流伺服电机的特性,选用了双闭环PID控制算法进行控制,均得到了较好的控制效果。

    It adopts double loop PID control arithmetic to control AC and DC servomotor according to the characteristic of AC and DC servomotor .

  7. 采用脉宽调制技术和CMOS互补H桥驱动技术实现了直流伺服电机的控制和驱动功能;

    It adopts the technology of pulse width modulation and CMOS H-bridge drive to accomplish the function of controlling and driving DC servomotor ;

  8. 本文分别用PI控制器和IP控制器对直流伺服电机模型建立PWM驱动数字型调速系统。

    The numeral timing systems driven by PWM are set up for the direct current servo motor model by using the PI . and IP contrail ers respectively .

  9. 基于Salvo的嵌入式直流伺服电机控制系统

    A Embeded Direct Current Servo Motor Control System Based on Salvo

  10. 系统设计了AVR系列单片机与MAXⅡ系列CPLD相结合的核心控制器,采用PWM方式控制直流伺服电机。

    A key controller is designed with AVR series MCU and MAX ⅱ series CPLD . The DC servo motor is controlled in the PWM way .

  11. 仿真结果表明,动态矩阵控制算法在多变量直流伺服电机模型控制中取得了很好的控制效果,比传统的PID算法控制具有更好的控制品质。

    The simulation results show that the Dynamic Matrix Control algorithm applied to the multivariable DC servo motor control gives good control performance , and the DMC control strategy is more effective than PID control .

  12. 本文应用的控制算法是PID等控制运算规律及各种控制功能都由DSP独立完成,充分发挥了DSP作为直流伺服电机控制器的优势。

    The system fully utilized PID control arithmetic . The arithmetic and servo-control functions are all realized by a DSPs , which fully embodiments the advantages of DSP in this aspect of the direct current machinery controller .

  13. 本文介绍利用80C196KB/KC单片机实现的直流伺服电机控制系统。

    In this paper , the DC servo motor control system using 80C196KB / KC single chip microcomputer is described .

  14. 该系统的控制装置采用MCS-51系列单片机,伺服装置采用自带齿轮减速器的直流伺服电机,传感器采用位置传感器-霍耳开关和接触传感器-微动开关。

    Its control devices were MCS-51 series of single chip microprocessor . Its servo devices were direction current servomotors with gear deceleration devices . Its position sensors were hall switches and its contract sensors were jiggle switches .

  15. 基于dSPACE硬件和软件平台,设计了直流伺服电机的快速控制原型,实现了迭代学习控制应用于直流伺服电机的位置控制。

    Based on the dSPACE hardware and software platform , has designed a fast control prototype of the DC servo motor , and implemented the application of iterative learning control in DC servo position control system .

  16. 机器人关节用三自由度球形直流伺服电机

    A 3-DOF Spherical DC Servo Motor Used For Joints of Robots

  17. 直流伺服电机的微机控制调速装置

    The Adjusting Velocity Apparatus on Microcomputer Control for Servo Motor

  18. 无刷直流伺服电机位置控制过程的研究

    Study on Position Control of the Brushless DC Servo System

  19. 高精度直流伺服电机的数字控制系统研究

    Research on digital control system of high precision DC servomotor

  20. 基于观测器的直流伺服电机速度控制

    DC Servomotor Speed Control Based on Equivalent Disturbance Torque Estimation

  21. 锭子测试系统中直流伺服电机调速装置的研制

    On the Speed Adjustment Apparatus in Spindle Testing System

  22. 绝缘工程陶瓷电火花铣削直流伺服电机控制系统研究

    DC Servo Motor Control System for Electric Discharge Milling of Insulating Engineering Ceramics

  23. 无刷直流伺服电机换向最优控制

    Optimal control of commutation in Brushless DC servo machines

  24. 该放大器用于驱动直流伺服电机工作,该系统结构简单,调速精度较高。

    The system is simple in structure and high in precision of regulating speed .

  25. 髋关节和踝关节是主动关节,采用一个直流伺服电机和一个虚拟的柔性执行机构驱动。

    The virtual flexible actuator and DC servo motor are used for ankle and hip .

  26. 直流伺服电机的步进化控制

    Stepping Control for DC Servo Motor

  27. 随着功率半导体器件的飞速发展,宽调速直流伺服电机得到了越来越广泛的应用。

    With rapid development in the power semiconductor deries the permanent magnet DC servomotors are widely applied in more and more fields .

  28. 由于直流伺服电机电流与力矩成正比关系,因此电流模式也称为力矩模式,对应手臂动力学控制。

    The current mode is called torque mode , since the current of DC servo is in direct proportion to the motor torque .

  29. 首先,通过对非完整轮式移动结构和直流伺服电机模型的分析,建立了移动机器人的控制系统模型。

    Firstly , A whole control model is given after analyzing the wheeled structure with nonholonomic constraints and the model of DC servo-motor building .

  30. 利用直流伺服电机的过载能力,来改善仿人机器人关节在大负载扰动下的动态性能。

    This algorithm utilizes the overload capacity of the DC servo motor to improve dynamic performance of the robot joints under heavy load disturbances .