
  • 网络relative utility
  1. 用相对效用表示个人从一种商品或服务中得到的效用与获得此效用的代价之比。

    Let relative utility denote the ratio of utility which derived from consuming a goods or service to the cost of it .

  2. 以视觉系列呈现,序列回忆和自由回忆的方法比较了音、形、义三维编码维量在听力正常人与聋人短时记忆和长时记忆加工过程中的相对效用。

    Using visually serial presentation and the method of serial and free recall , the relative efficiency of the phonetic , formal and semantic three coded dimensions in short-term and long-term memory processing in normal hearing and deaf people were compared .

  3. 考虑到不确定条件下前景理论相对期望效用理论更符合人类实际的决策模式,运用上述直觉模糊环境下基于多参考点的前景价值确定方法来计算直觉梯形模糊多属性决策中方案单属性价值。

    Taking into account prospect theory instead of the expected utility theory being more in line with the actual human decision-making mode , this paper use the proposed prospect value determination method based on prospect theory and intuitionistic trapezoidal fuzzy numbers to compute single attribute value in the multi-attribute decision-making .

  4. 结果表明,不同于指数效用,对具有常值相对风险回避系数效用函数的投资者而言,不确定性投资机会的定价与择时与投资者当前财富数量有关。

    Thirdly , we assume utility is a function with the constant and relative risk aversion coefficients . Some results are derived about the value and timing of the option to invest .