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xiānɡ duì diào jié
  • relative regulation
  1. 44眼为人工品状体眼。方法采用综合验光仪(TOPCON)测量调节幅度、相对调节,采用Pearson相关分析其相关性。

    Methods The accommodative amplitude and relative accommodation were measured using phoroptor ( TOPCON ), and compared using Pearson correlation .

  2. 假性近视、真性近视、混合近视正相对调节研究

    Positive relative accommodation of pseudo-myopia , true myopia and mixed myopia

  3. 主要指标调节幅度、相对调节。

    Main Outcome Measures The accommodative amplitude and relative accommodation .

  4. 目的:探讨假性近视、真性近视、混合近视正相对调节差异。

    AIM : To observe the differences of positive relative accommodation of pseudomyopia , true myopia and mixed myopia .

  5. 眼正负相对调节力比值变化与近视眼发病关系的研究

    Eyes Adjust the Relative Power Ratio of Positive and Negative Changes and Myopia Study on the Relationship between the Incidence

  6. 方法:应用标准对数视力表对31名视力正常大学新生进行远、近视力及相对调节力正、负贮备的测定。

    Methods : Distant and near vision , positive and negative reserve of relative accommodative capabilities were measured on thirty one freshmen with normal vision by standard vision chart .

  7. 眼动参数测量包括远、近距隐斜、调节反应、调节性辐辏及正、负相对调节,对每组的反应性、计算性AC/A等眼动参数进行分析比较。

    Phoria at distance and near , positive and negative relative accommodation ( NRA / PRA ), accommodative convergence and accommodation response were measured . Results Response AC / A ratio of P.M.

  8. 包装内相对湿度调节控制是保证果蔬产品气调保鲜包装质量的重要技术环节。

    Water-releasing factor technology to modify the internal relative humidity of concrete and its application ;

  9. 该方法在已有水下机器人手爪的机械模型基础上,通过环境设置和相对位置调节,模拟水下作业过程;

    Based on the made underwater robot hand model in SolidWorks , simulation of dynamic manipulation process was made by setting the circumstance and adjusting the relative position .

  10. 文摘:在综合阐述室内空气质量控制的暖通空调技术措施的基础上,着重讨论转轮除湿制冷机组在室内相对湿度调节、室内空气质量控制、余热利用、节能等方面的重要意义。

    Abstract : based on comprehension research into HVAC technology for in indoor air quality control , this paper discusses desiccant-wheel based cooling unit , its application in indoor air relative humidity control and the great importance of the unit on the field of energy saving and human comfortability .

  11. 本工作还观察到,阻断细胞Na+-H+交换后并不影响由PKC激活导致的蛋白质合成增加,提示可能存在着PKC和Na+-H+交换彼此相对独立地调节心肌细胞生长的途径。

    However , inhibition of cellular Na + - H + exchange did not affect the increase in protein synthesis due to activation of PKC , a finding indicating that the two resorts to regulate cell growth are mediated by independent pathways .

  12. 胶原代谢主要是由胶原的合成与降解维持相对平衡来调节的。

    Collagen metabolism is mainly composed of collagen synthesis and degradation .

  13. 通过调节两种硅源的相对含量可以调节两种介孔的比例。

    The ratio of two different pore volume can be adjusted by changing the relative contents of two silica sources .

  14. 对于相对湿度的调节上,同一植被恢复模式随着高度的增加,各层次相对湿度逐渐减弱。

    For the regulation of relative humidity , the relative humidity of the same pattern gradually weakened with height increasing .

  15. 结果预设的相对宽度可调节和控制可信区间精度并决定样本含量的大小。

    Results Prespecified relative width may regulate and control the precision of confidence interval and may reflects magnitude of the sample size .

  16. 通过构晶离子相对浓度的调节,可制备出具有纤维状和六方棱柱状的大颗粒羟基磷灰石晶体,同时可控制晶粒大小尺寸。

    Fibre-like and big size hexagonal prism-like hydroxyapatite crystal , and controllable crystal size particles are available by adjusting the relative ion concentration of hydroxyapatite components .

  17. 振幅是通过一个液压回路来调整活动偏心块(活塞)与静偏心块(液压缸加配重块)的相对位置来调节。

    Amplitude adjustment by a hydraulic loop to change the relative position of activities eccentric block ( piston ) and static eccentric block ( Hydraulic cylinder block with counterweight ) to achieve . Stimulating frequency regulation also by a hydraulic loop control .

  18. 通过改变Te的相对含量,可以调节施主掺杂浓度。

    The doping concentration can be optimized by changing the content of Te .

  19. 通过改变阀芯和阀套的轴向相对位置,即可调节开关阀的PWM占空比,并PWM占空比从0到100%连续可调。

    By changing the relative axial position of the valve core and the valve sleeve , can adjust PWM duty ratio of the on-off valve . PWM duty ratio adjustment range is0to100 % .

  20. 多芯片白光LED的色温、能效(辐射光效)和显色性可以通过选择LED芯片的峰值波长以及改变各个LED芯片的相对功率来进行调节与优化。

    The correlated color temperature ( CCT ), luminous efficacy of radiation ( LER ) and color rendering of multi-chip white LED may be regulated and optimized by selecting the peak wavelength of LED chips and changing the relative power of each LED chip .

  21. 结论飞行人员高血压病患者心血管自主神经调节功能明显异常,交感神经调节活动相对增强,迷走神经调节活动受到抑制。

    Conclusions The results suggest that hypertensive civil flying personnel is accompanied with the significant abnormality in regulatory function of autonomic nervous system .

  22. 为了节省节点能量、均衡节点能耗,利用节点的剩余能量比例辅以相对距离信息的调节来确定其状态。

    In order to save energy and balance energy consumption , the status of sensor node is determined by the ratio of residual energy and adjusted by the relative distance information .

  23. 磁悬浮电梯控制系统中的关键技术难点之一便是对轿厢定位后根据轿厢相对位移大小,调节定子线圈中电流大小使轿厢受力平衡。

    However , one of the key technical problems in maglev elevator control system is positioning relative displacement of the car , and adjusting the current of the stator coil to balance the car .

  24. 环境水分状况变差时,雌株具有相对较高的渗透调节物质含量、稳定的保护酶体系和较低的膜脂过氧化物含量,综合表现出较强的干旱适应性。

    Sinensis adapted drought environment by accumulating Osmotic Adjustment and changing protective enzymes activity , while being worse water condition , the female was of higher content of Osmotic Adjustment 、 comparatively stable protective enzymes system and lower linolenic acid content , which showing greater drought adaptability .

  25. 本文在变风量调节的基础上,建立了按相对热指标来调节运行地铁中央空调系统的理论模型,在满足人体舒适性要求的前提下,解决了站台和站厅温湿度耦合问题。

    In this paper , the theory model of running the subway air-conditioning system based on VAV technology was established , the couple problem of temperature and RH in platform and station hall would be solved and the thermal comfort level would not be influenced at the same time .