
yǎn yā
  • intraocular pressure
眼压 [yǎn yā]
  • [eye pressure] 眼球内部液体对周围组织的压力

  1. 前列腺素F(2α)对正常人眼压的作用

    The Effect of prostaglandin F_ ( 2 α) on Intraocular pressure in Normal Human Subjects

  2. Nd∶YAG激光治疗囊袋内人工晶体眼后发障术后眼压变化

    Intraocular pressure changes after Nd : YAG laser posterior capsulotomy in eyes with bag-fixated IOL

  3. 高眼压持续时间越长轴突损害越严重(P<0.001),两者呈显著相关。

    The more continuous time of elevated IOP . the more serious does the optic nerve damage ( P < 0.001 ), both presented significant correlation .

  4. 对视乳头水肿型行CT颅脑扫描,眼压测量和脑脊液检查以除外颅内病变。

    For papilloedema type cases , cerebral CT , intracranial pressure and cerebrospinal fluid were all examined in order to exclude cerebral defects .

  5. 目的评价Graves病中开角型青光眼及高眼压的患病情况。

    Objective To estimate the prevalence of open-angle glaucoma and ocular hypertension in Graves disease .

  6. 单次眼压测量和1d内的眼压分布图

    Single intraocular pressure measurements and diurnal intraocular pressure profiles

  7. PRK及LASIK眼压读数修正值的研究

    A Study of revised value of IOP readings after PRK & LASIK

  8. 建立慢性高眼压条件下视网膜损害相关基因的抑制性消减cDNA文库,可为今后青光眼视神经损害机制及视神经保护的研究奠定基础。

    The subtractive differentially expressed genes cDNA library could provide valuable information in the research of optical neuro damage and protection in glaucoma .

  9. 结论MMC可提高难治性青光眼术后眼压控制率,而联合可拆式缝线,能减少术后并发症。

    Conclusion Trabeculectomy with MMC and removable suture can increase the success rate and reduce complications .

  10. 结果1高眼压缺血2h后神经节纤维层开始发生空泡变性。

    RESULTS ① Neuroganglion fibrous layer showed vacuolation degeneration when ocular hypertension was maintained to 2 h.

  11. 经Tenon囊球后注射曲安奈得后眼压升高的危险因素

    Risk factors for elevated intraocular pressure after trans-tenon retrobulbar injections of triamcinolone

  12. 目的:研究早期正常眼压性青光眼(normaltensionglaucoma,NTG)的中心视野是否存在视敏度的弥漫性缺失。

    Objective : To investigate the existence of diffuse loss of visual field sensitivity in the patients with normal tension glaucoma ( NTG ) at early stage .

  13. 在慢性高眼压损害下大鼠视网膜内颗粒层和内丛状层小胶质细胞表达表面黏附分子CD11b,证明吞噬功能被激活。

    As ocular hypertension continuing , retinal microglia expressed adhesion molecule CD11b showing phagocytosis action .

  14. 这种产品包含比马前列素,一种FAD通过的能降低眼压的药物中的活性成分。

    The product contains bimatoprost , an active ingredient in an FDA-approved drug to treat elevated intraocular pressure .

  15. 4组均观察到前房有台盼蓝出现,C组的部分兔眼和D组的全部兔眼可以观察到随着眼压的升高有轻到中度的角膜水肿。

    Eyes in all four groups were observed trypan blue in anterior chamber . Part of the group C and all of group D can be observed mild to moderate corneal edema with the increase of IOP . 2 .

  16. 心血IgE测定均在正常范围。(3)眼压均在正常范围内。

    The level of IgE is normal in heart blood . ( 3 ) Intraocular pressure was not changed during the following measurement .

  17. UBM对钝锉伤性低眼压的临床观察及手术效果评价

    Application of ultrasound biomicroscopy in clinical observance and operation evaluation of low-tension eyes after contusion

  18. 目的:评价24h眼压测量在正常眼压性青光眼疑似患者诊断中的意义。

    Purpose : To determine the value of 24-hour IOP monitoring in routine clinical practice of the suspects of normal tension glaucoma ( NTG ) .

  19. 30例单侧ES眼与对侧非ES限比较,眼压升高,C值降低,差异有非常显著性(P<0.01)。

    Intraocular pressure level was higher and C value lower in the diseased than in the normal contralateral eye in the 30 patients with unilateral ES with statistically significant difference ( P < 0.01 ) .

  20. 急性闭角型青光眼发作期cAMP含量与眼压水平正相关,缓解期房水cAMP含量低于正常眼和发作期;慢性闭角型青光眼房水cAMP含量与眼压水平无显著相关性,但明显低于正常眼。

    The level of cAMP in AACG during an acute attack was positively correlated with the intraocular pressure , whereas during remission , the level of cAMP was lower than the normal .

  21. Forskolin降眼压作用的实验研究

    The experimental studies of the effect of forskolin on the lowering of intraocular pressure

  22. 结论急性高眼压启动RGCs凋亡的调控因素,最终导致RGCs凋亡;

    Conclusion It is probable that the acute high intraocular pressure evokes the apoptosis factors to cause RGCs apoptosis ;

  23. 目的通过对急性高眼压下大鼠视网膜一氧化氮(NitricOXide,NO)及其合酶(Nitricoxidesynthase,NOS)变化的分析,探讨一氧化氮在高眼压视网膜损伤中的作用。

    Objective To analyse the changes of nitric oxide and nitric oxide synthase in rat retina under acute high ocular pressure and study the effect of nitric oxide in rat retinal damage under hypertension .

  24. 眼压>21mmHg,C/D0.2~0.5,接受药物治疗的患者。

    The IOP all were > 21 mmHg and with the C / D ratio 0 2 ~ 0 5.All patients were accepted antiglaucoma drug treatment .

  25. 所有患者治疗前均行常规眼科检查及眼压、眼底荧光血管造影(FFA)及光学相干断层扫描(OCT)检查。

    All patients were taken general eye examination , intraocular pressure ( IOP ), fundus fluorescein angiography ( FFA ) and optical coherence tomography ( OCT ) .

  26. 目的:探讨Ahmed青光眼阀植入术后引流盘机化包裹致眼压升高的原因及预防措施。

    Objective : To evaluate the reasons of high intraocular pressure ( IOP ) after Ahmed glaucoma valve implantation and its prevention .

  27. 猫睫状体及外伤后aPVR慢性低眼压模型中Cx43表达的实验研究

    Experimental Study on the Expression of Cx43 Protein in Normal Cat Ciliary Body and Traumatic aPVR Hypotony Model

  28. 5用schiotz眼压计测量急性闭角型青光眼患者的眼压。

    IOP of AACG patients were examined by schiotz .

  29. 前列腺素F2α类似物是一类化学结构新颖、药理作用独特、疗效好、用于开角型青光眼和高眼压症治疗的降眼压药物。

    Glaucoma may be the second cause of blindness . Prostaglandin F2 α analogues are a new category in chemical structure , pharmacological action , and high effect .

  30. 结果示:PC点眼后1h处理眼眼压为(0.70±0.08)kPa,下降率为25%(P<0.01),对照眼眼压无显著变化(P>0.05);

    Results : IOP of PC-treated eye was ( 0 . 70 ± 0 . 08 ) kPa 1 hour after instillation . It had a 25 percent decline . The control eye had no significant change on IOP .