
  • 网络ophthalmic examination
  1. 方法误诊为眼底病的患者86例,经眼科检查,CT或MRI检查确诊为听神经瘤后,转入神经外科进行系统治疗,并随访1a。

    Methods With ophthalmic examination , CT or MRl , 86 patients who were firstly diagnosed of fundus diseases were confirmed to have acoustic neuroma . They were treated in the department of neurosurgery and were followed up for 1 year .

  2. 眼科检查发现带有多发深在的左眼脉络膜病变的双侧全葡萄膜炎。

    Ophthalmic examination revealed bilateral panuveitis with multiple deep seated choroidal lesions in the left eye .

  3. 即便如此,美国视光协会(AmericanOptometricAssociation,A.O.A.)并不支持在线的眼科检查。

    Even so , the American Optometric Association does not support online eye exams .

  4. 方法观察8个月~3岁CP患儿斜视85例115眼,治疗前后经眼科检查。

    Methods 85 CP children with strabismus at the age of 8 months to 3 years old were treated with sensory integration curing .

  5. 方法总结了7例眶内视神经胶质瘤的眼部表现、眼科检查、X线检查和CT影像学资料。

    Methods The eye 's manifestations , ophthalmologic examinations , X - ray radiography , and CT images of 7 patients with in - tra - orbital neuroglioma were summed up in the study .

  6. 方法对137例青少年VDT视疲劳进行病史、眼科检查及治疗情况的分析。

    Methods 137 cases were analysed on history of the visual fatigue of young people by VDT .

  7. 方法:分析148例由VDT所致视疲劳的患者的病史、眼科检查及治疗情况。

    Methods : 148 cases were analysed on history of asthenopia by VDT , examination and treatment of eyes .

  8. 所有患者治疗前均行常规眼科检查及眼压、眼底荧光血管造影(FFA)及光学相干断层扫描(OCT)检查。

    All patients were taken general eye examination , intraocular pressure ( IOP ), fundus fluorescein angiography ( FFA ) and optical coherence tomography ( OCT ) .

  9. 方法对小梁切除术后无功能滤过泡,但眼压控制正常的16名患者进行包括一般眼科检查、UBM检查及前房角镜检查,寻找可能的房水排除途径。

    Methods 16 patients whose IOP controlled well with non-functioning filtering blebs after trabeculectomy were underwent general clinical examination , ultrasound biomicroscopy ( UBM ) of sclerectomy site and gonioscopy . And explore the possible outflow pathway of aqueous .

  10. 上星期他作了眼科检查。

    Last week he had a eye test .

  11. 在执行过程中与视网膜病变和视力变化治疗的患者眼科检查。

    Perform eye exam in patients with retinopathy and those with vision changes during therapy .

  12. 结果该例患者反复发生脑卒中,并出现视网膜血管异常、蛋白尿和血尿,眼科检查提示眼底动脉节段性狭窄;

    Results The case had recurrent stroke , retinal vessel abnormality , proteinuria and hematuria .

  13. 研究人员对年龄在35岁到74岁之间的4685人进行了眼科检查和体检。

    The researchers did ophthalmological and physical examinations on 4,685 people ages 35 to 74 .

  14. 所有病例通过影像学和眼科检查,随访1~5年。

    All patients were followed-up from 1 to 5 years by imaging studies and ophthalmological investigation .

  15. 实验前和主要实验阶段结束时进行眼科检查。

    Ophthalmologic examinations were performed both at the end of the pre-experiment and the main experiment .

  16. 方法:主要采用国际标准远、近视力表检查。并进行详细的眼科检查。

    Use a Intemational visual chart to have an eyesight test , and have a detailed check .

  17. 摘要介绍了双目间接检眼镜的特点及其在眼科检查和手术2方面的应用。

    This paper introduces the feature of binocular indirect ophthalmoscope and its application in ophthalmologic examination and operation .

  18. 在这个名为古腾伯格的项目中,他们为对近5000名学生做了眼科检查。

    They gave eye exams to nearly 5000 German subjects in a project called the Gutenberg Health Study .

  19. 躯干部皮肤明显干燥,皮肤角化过度,呈皮革样变化。病理活检为鱼鳞病,耳科检查为先天感音神经性耳聋,眼科检查为角膜血管翳。

    The diagnosis was ichthyosis in histopathological examination , congenital nerve deaf-mutism in otolaryngology and corneal pannus in ophthalmology .

  20. 方法:常规的眼科检查和眼肌专科检查,内科行全身检查及实验室血生化检查以确诊糖尿病;

    Besides routine ophthalmologic examination and ocular muscle examination , general check-up and blood biochemical examination were also included .

  21. 这个检查只要花费两美元,但测验的结果和传统的眼科检查一样准确。

    The cost is two dollars and the researchers say the results are as good as a traditional eye exam .

  22. 由于此种疗法较新,许多医生推荐在用前进行基线眼科检查,并进行年度监督。

    Because this form of treatment is fairly new , many doctors recommend a baseline eye exam and annual monitoring .

  23. 可以说没什么系统性疾病不具有眼科检查可识别的迹象。

    It has been said that there is no systemic disease which does not have a sign identifiable on ophthalmic examination .

  24. 在某些情况下,眼科检查可以帮助确诊某些疾病,或帮助区分不同的病症。

    In some cases , examining the eye can help confirm some of the diagnoses or help differentiate disorders from each other .

  25. 方法选择眼科检查证实的视网膜脱离60例患者,66只眼进行彩色多普勒检查。

    Methods 60 patients ( 66 eyes ) proven with retinal detachment by the ophthalmic exam were screened with color Doppler ultrasound .

  26. 眼底照相机就是这样一种被广泛采用的、有效的糖尿病性视网膜病变筛查工具,并逐渐取代了传统的检眼镜等眼科检查设备。

    Fundus camera is currently one of the effective and popular DR screening instruments and it will gradually replace the traditional ophthalmoscope instrument .

  27. 目的:借助现代眼科检查手段和统计软件,研究调节对儿童屈光构成因素的影响,探讨调节与屈光不正、特别是与近视眼的关系。

    Objective : To study the correlation between ocular accommodation and ametropia by analyzing the effect of accommodation on refractive components in children .

  28. 目的对27例并发有葡萄膜炎的肺结节病人进行肺科及眼科检查,揭示肺结节病并发葡萄膜炎的病程特点,以便指导临床治疗。

    Objective The physical findings and special examinations in 27 patients to discover special features of uveitis complicated in pneumal sarcoidosis by a analyzing .

  29. 而专家建议人们应该去接受专业眼科检查,进而确定适合自己的隐形眼镜曲度和尺寸。

    But experts say that they should go for a professional eye exam to determine the correct curve and size of their contact lenses .

  30. 目的探讨眼科检查前不同年龄患儿对10%水合氯醛不同用药途径制动效果。

    Objective To investigate the anesthetic effects of 10 % chloral hydrate given by different routes in children with different ages before ophthalmic examination .