
  • 网络Intellectual Property Pledge;Pledge of Intellectual Property
  1. 知识产权质押问题研究

    The Research on the Pledge of Intellectual Property

  2. 知识产权质押担保是其最重要的间接利用方式之一。

    Using the theory developed by J. chinensis was successfully expressed in E. The pledge of intellectual property is one of the most important indirectly utilized ways .

  3. 知识产权质押破解科技型中小企业融资难题

    Intellectual property impawn solving science style small and medium enterprise financing problem

  4. 知识产权质押贷款问题探讨

    A Study of the Hypothecation Credit for Knowledge Property Right

  5. 知识产权质押融资风险分散和防范机制研究

    The Prevention and Spread Risks Mechanism of Intellectual Property Pledge

  6. 陶瓷行业知识产权质押面临问题及其对策补析

    An Analysis of the Pledge of Ceramic Intellectual Property Rights

  7. 知识产权质押贷款难的法律探讨

    Intellectual property impawn loaning difficulty 's legal probing

  8. 一种新型的融资担保方式&知识产权质押担保应运而生。

    A new type of financing guarantee-intellectual property right hypothecation might be of help .

  9. 但由于知识产权质押涉及因素十分复杂,推广缓慢。

    But intellectual property pledge , this is very complex and involve factors that promote slow .

  10. 齐鲁银行“知识产权质押融资业务”被视为破解科技型中小企业融资难题的一次大胆尝试。

    It is regarded as a bold attempt in solving the financing problems of high-tech SMEs .

  11. 知识产权质押融资为广大农业科技企业提供了一条新的融资渠道。

    IP pledge financing provides a new financing channel for the majority of agricultural science and technology enterprises .

  12. 然后通过一个案例分析,探讨了质押影响系数法在知识产权质押估值中的应用。

    Then , this paper discussed the application of the Pledge Influence Coefficient Method by a specific case .

  13. 鉴于此,本文初步探讨了知识产权质押中相关的法律问题。

    In view of this , this article discusses legal problems which are related to the intellectual property pledge .

  14. 制定知识产权质押融资、创业贷款等方法,完善支持高层次艺术人才创业金融服务。

    Development of intellectual property impawn financing , business loans and other methods , improve support high-level art talent business financial services .

  15. 知识产权质押融资是解决知识产权企业资金紧张的一个重要途径,这个途径对于中小企业来说尤为重要。

    Intellectual property in enterprises pledge financing is an important way to financial constraints , this approach is particularly important for SME .

  16. 但到目前为止,银行知识产权质押贷款业务开展的并不顺利,贷款发放比例仍很低。

    But so far , Intellectual property impawn loan business has poor development for banks . The proportion of loan is very low .

  17. 第4章提出解决我国中小企业融资难题的创新途径&知识产权质押贷款。

    The fourth points out the innovation way of solving the financing problem of SMEs , that is intellectual property as security for loans .

  18. 著作权质押是知识产权质押的一种,在担保法体系中属于权利质押。

    The pledge of copyright loan , as a part of intellectual property rights pledge , is belong to rights pledge in guarantee law system .

  19. 但从目前来看,知识产权质押贷款发展举步维艰,大多数商业银行仍对知识产权质押贷款采取观望态度。

    But for now , the development of intellectual property rights pledge loan is very difficult . Most commercial banks are still on the sidelines .

  20. 重点分析了日本在亚洲金融危机之后知识产权质押融资得以蓬勃发展的原因。

    The author pays attention to the reason why Japan has developed its intellectual property pledge financing much faster after the Financial Crisis in Asia .

  21. 知识产权质押贷款有利于把更多的资金吸引到支持自主创新、形成自主知识产权的领域和行业中来,实现金融改革与科技创新的良性互动。

    Intellectual property pledged loans help to attract more funds to support independent innovation , advancing the financial reform and Science and Technology Innovation simultaneously .

  22. 因此,开展知识产权质押贷款为商业银行应对中小型企业的融资需求提供了新的思路。

    Therefore , the intellectual property pledge loan has becoming a way for commercial Banks to cope with the financing needs of small and medium enterprises .

  23. 在本部分,笔者针对第四章涉及的风险,提出对质押融资风险控制的措施,从而完善知识产权质押的理论和实践。

    In this chapter , the author proposed control measures of risks mentioned in Chapter IV to improve the theory and practice of Intellectual Property pledge .

  24. 近几年来,我国逐步开展了知识产权质押贷款业务,这无疑为高新技术企业融资提供了新的路径。

    Recently , China has gradually carried out intellectual property rights pledge loan business and this will undoubtedly provide a new finance path for the high-tech enterprises .

  25. 制约知识产权质押融资发展的主要问题是质押知识产权的价值无法准确的评估,致使金融机构开展知识产权质押贷款业务的信贷风险过大。

    Constraining the development of intellectual property rights pledge financing is a pledge of the main issues of intellectual property value can not be an accurate assessment .

  26. 知识产权质押融资则符合科技企业无形资产特别是自主知识产权所占比重较大的特点,为科技企业提供了适合的债权融资渠道。

    Intellectual property pledge financing is accord with the characteristics of intangible assets is the most important assets in technology enterprise , provides the suitable debt financing channels .

  27. 该部分指出了我国现行知识产权质押担保制度的不足,并提出了作者关于完善我国知识产权质押担保制度的几点思考。

    Some pointed out that current system of intellectual property rights secured under the pledge , and the authors on the improvement of the intellectual property system security pledge and several thoughts .

  28. 近年来,知识产权质押贷款作为科技型中小企业的融资新途径备受关注,但开展状况并不理想。

    Recently , as a new channel of small and medium size enterprises ' financing , intellectual property pledge loan is progressively concerned by the public , but its situation to carry out is not ideal .

  29. 文章第二部分分析了我国与科技型中小企业融资有关的《中小企业法》、《担保法》、知识产权质押法律制度、征信法律制度以及地方的政策性规定。

    Part Two analyzes the Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Law , Security Law , Legal System of Pledged Intellectual Property Rights , Credit Legal System and local policy rules related to financing issues of the small and medium-sized enterprises .

  30. 鉴于此,本文结合对政策性保险机构相关问题的阐释和分析,提出了通过建立知识产权质押融资国家担保机制来分担商业金融机构开展业务的风险。

    This combination of policy-oriented insurance agency interpretation and analysis of issues related , to proposed financing of the national pledge of intellectual property through the establishment of mechanisms to guarantee the allocation of commercial financial institutions to conduct business risks .