
  • 网络Knowledge Team;knowledge worker team
  1. 知识团队&图书馆组织变革的新途径

    Knowledge Teams & The New Way of Organization 's Change of Libraries

  2. 关于知识团队心理契约的分析

    Analysis of Psychological Contracts for Knowledge Teams

  3. 可用的DB2专业知识团队已经构建了足够多的MySQL经验,DB2文档,而且在IBM中还有大量的经验和支持。

    Available DB2 expertise While the team built up plenty of MySQL experience , DB2 documentation , experience , and support is abundant within IBM .

  4. 笔者认为:知识团队的MBP建立绝不是组织结构调整为矩阵式,也绝不是成立项目管理办公室(PMO)就解决的。

    I considered the establishment of MBP in the knowledge team is a system engineering , which is not only the readjustment of organization structure but also establishment of project management office ( PMO ) .

  5. 图书馆知识团队心理契约的内涵与构建策略

    Connotation and Construction Strategy of Psychological Contract of Library Knowledge-based Team

  6. 组织公民行为对知识团队效能的影响机理研究

    The Research of Organizational Citizenship Behavior 's Influence on Knowledge Team Effectiveness

  7. 知识团队的激励机制研究

    The Research of Motivation Mechanism of Knowledge Team

  8. 知识团队的绩效管理是企业运营智力资本的重要实践活动。

    Performance appraisal on knowledge teams is the important activity that enterprise runs intelligence capital .

  9. 论动态知识团队的管理

    Talking about Dynamic Knowledge Teamwork Management

  10. 关于知识团队特性的研究

    Research on Characteristics of Knowledge Teams

  11. 有效管理知识团队的能力已成为企业的核心竞争力。

    The capability of managing knowledge teams effectively has become a kind of core competence of enterprises .

  12. 知识团队的绩效评价

    Performance appraisal for knowledge-based teams

  13. 时间框架效应下知识团队任务设计与任务执行冲突研究

    Research on the Conflicts between Task Design and Execution in Knowledge Worker Team under Temporal Framing Effect

  14. 最后引入一个现实的案例对知识团队绩效评价的实践做进一步的探讨。

    Finally , a case is analyzed to show how to operate the knowledge teams ' performance appraisal .

  15. 专家型领导对知识团队的影响力已成为团队管理的一个焦点问题。

    The expert-type leader has already become a focus in group management especially the influence on the knowledge-based teams .

  16. 在建立知识团队组织结构模型的基础上,探讨了知识团队三层结构,并总结了知识团队具有的特点。

    At last , the paper described the three-layer structure of knowledge team and summarized the characteristics of it .

  17. 首先探讨了知识团队的内涵、特征及其绩效评价的特点,并在此基础上对知识团队的绩效做出比较客观的界定。

    In the first part , the thesis proposes a definition of knowledge teams ' performance based on their characteristics .

  18. 在以知识团队为工作模式的知识密集型组织中,个体间的知识鸿沟、个体的知识惯性以及个体和团队的知识健忘症等是影响组织绩效的主要制约因素。

    That knowledge gap , knowledge lost and knowledge inertia / rigidity are the primary factors affecting the performance of knowledge-intensive organization .

  19. 其中在薪酬体系的设计中运用个性化原则,在注重体现知识团队贡献的同时,充分考虑了知识员工个体的特点和主要需要。

    Authors contend that individuality principle should be applied to salary design so as to paying attention to both team and individual .

  20. 知识团队的内部结构和工作特征造就了其在绩效管理的运行机理和评估机制上的特殊性与复杂性。

    Knowledge teams ' intrinsic structures and working features bring up the specialty and complexity on processing mechanism and assessing system of performance appraisal .

  21. 本研究以企业知识团队为研究对象,探讨企业知识团队中真诚型领导、员工心理资本、团队信任与团队绩效的关系。

    This paper mainly studied the relationship among authentic leadership , psychological capital , team trust and team performance in knowledge team of enterprises .

  22. 然后,本文考察了知识团队的薪酬管理,提出知识团队激励薪酬制度,并对知识团队的绩效评价体系的建立进行了针对性的分析。

    Then the paper analyses the management of knowledge team 's salary , and the operating mechanism of knowledge team inspiring salary is concluded .

  23. 传统的绩效管理观念、方法和技术难以满足这一时代知识团队绩效管理的需要。

    It 's difficult for traditional performance management views and methods to meet the necessities of knowledge team performance management in such a knowledge economic time .

  24. 本文首先简要阐释了传统的绩效管理理论与方法,尤其是探讨了其相对于知识团队绩效管理的理论缺口。

    Firstly , this paper briefly reviews the traditional performance management theories and methods , especially the theories gap when it is used in knowledge team management .

  25. 从引入知识团队的概念入手,阐述了知识工作者、知识链与知识团队之间的关系。

    In this paper , the author firstly expounded the concept of knowledge teams , and then discussed the relationship between knowledge employee , knowledge team and knowledge chain .

  26. 而知识团队就是企业发挥知识员王价值作用的重要载体,也是企业提高其竞争力的重要运作单元。

    Knowledge teams are not only important platforms used by knowledge employees to verify their value but also the performance units of enterprises used to promote their competition capability .

  27. 其中组织整合手段是本文探讨的重点,除了企业业务流程再造和知识团队这两种传统的组织整合手段外,本文创新性的提出了模块化和松散耦合系统这两种组织方式。

    The organizational means is the focus . In addition to business process reengineering and knowledge team , the thesis proposes another two organizational means : modularity and loosely coupled system .

  28. 引入动态进化博弈链结构,建立知识团队中持续的动态知识交互行为的进化博弈分析模型,在此基础上讨论其可能的演变趋势。

    An analytic model of evolutionary game of continuous dynamic knowledge interaction behavior is founded based on the structure of the evolutionary game chain . Possible evolution trends of the model are discussed .

  29. 理论研究的滞后使得众多企业在管理知识团队时只能依靠自己的摸索与尝试,而这种尝试的代价却又极高。

    The lagging of the theoretical research makes numerous enterprisers only depend on those trying to find out the way of managing knowledge-based team , but the cost of it is extremely high .

  30. 通过本文对知识团队的激励问题和激励机制的建设进行全面探讨和阐述,希望能对高新技术企业的团队管理实践有所帮助。

    This paper manages to make a comprehensive discussion about knowledge teams motivational problems and the establishment of motivational mechanism , which is expected to be helpful to the practice of team management in Chinese technology enterprise .