
  • 网络Cirque Du Soleil
  1. 在澳门,总部设在加拿大的太阳马戏团表演者预演他们的最新节目。

    Performers from Canadian-based Cirque du Soleil preview their latest show in Macau .

  2. 21岁生日时她请了太阳马戏团来表演

    For my 21st , she hired the cast of Cirque du Soleil to perform .

  3. 最可能的选项是,创造一台像《爱》(Love)这样的演出。《爱》是太阳马戏团根据甲壳虫乐队(Beatles)的音乐创造的一个音乐剧。

    The most likely option would be to create something like " Love ," the Cirque du Soleil show built around Beatles tunes .

  4. 今年4月,复星联手私募股权投资者德太集团(TPGCapital),收购了马戏团及娱乐公司——太阳马戏团(CirqueduSoleil)。

    In April it partnered private equity investor TPG Capital to buy circus and entertainment company Cirque du Soleil .

  5. 她用三年的时间编排了一段表演,跟CirqueduSoleil(太阳马戏团)一起多年来都非常成功。

    She spent three years putting together an act . She did it successfully for years with the Cirque du Soleil .

  6. 该集团一举收购法国度假运营商地中海俱乐部(ClubMed),购入太阳马戏团(CirqueduSoleil)部分股权,同时持有英国度假集团ThomasCook部分股权。

    It has scooped up Club Med , the French holiday operator , a stake in Cirque du Soleil and another in Thomas Cook , the UK holiday group .

  7. 今年的西南偏南音乐节(SouthbySouthwest)期间,太阳马戏团(CirqueduSoleil)和Klout就向那些亲临音乐节,同时下载了该移动应用程序的用户发放了各种奖品。

    At this year 's South by Southwest , Cirque du Soleil and Klout provided users who downloaded the mobile app and were at the festival various prizes .

  8. 去年1月,复星曾斥资10亿欧元收购葡萄牙保险公司CaixaSeguros。上个月,该集团还曾与德太集团(TPGCapital)共同收购太阳马戏团(CirqueduSoleil)。

    In January last year Fosun spent 1bn to purchase Portuguese insurer Caixa Seguros and last month it , together with TPG Capital , bought Cirque du Soleil .

  9. 我们这群人里的一位新闻学教师,称之为去太阳马戏团(CirqueduSoleil,加拿大的创新性剧团和杂技团)看表演的食物版。

    The journalism teacher in our group called it a " foodie version of going to the Cirque du Soleil ", the innovative Canadian theatre and acrobatic troupe .

  10. 这是杰米金和太阳马戏团的首次合作。

    This is Jamie 's first show with Cirque du Soleil .

  11. 我没有做太阳马戏团型显示尚未!

    I haven 't done Cirque du Soleil-type shows yet !

  12. 告诉我你有太阳马戏团的票。

    Please tell me you have tickets to see Cirque du soleil .

  13. 加拿大蒙特利尔115工作室&太阳马戏团(培训中心)

    115 Studio of Montreal , Canada-Cirque Du Soleil ( Training center )

  14. 另外一个原因是太阳马戏团缓慢扩充其表演内容的方式。

    Another factor is the way that Cirque expanded its activities slowly .

  15. 你又在练太阳马戏团的舞吗?

    Are you practicing for Circus De Olay again ?

  16. 如果各位喜欢“太阳马戏团”

    If you 've been enjoying Cirque du Soleil ...

  17. 他在找一个完美的地点最终确定了太阳马戏团。

    He 's been looking for the perfect venue and finally settled on Cirque Du Soir .

  18. 在短暂的等待时间里面,游客们可以观赏由太阳马戏团艺人们带来的精彩表演。

    During the short wait time , visitors are entertained by Cirque du Soleil busker style animators .

  19. 这是一场由音乐剧大师安德鲁·劳埃德·韦伯、太阳马戏团、以及功夫皇帝李连杰组成的戏剧盛宴。

    Imagine Andrew Lloyd Webber cozying up to Jet Li with a side order of Cirque du Soleil .

  20. 但外界担心,太阳马戏团已走上通往简单的大规模生产的钢丝绳。

    But the fear is that Cirque has taken a step down the tightrope that leads to mere mass production .

  21. 当盖·拉里伯特召集了一帮子演员开始创建太阳马戏团的时候,他还只是一个高中文化程度的马戏团小丑。

    Guy Laliberte was a high-school-educated circus clown from Quebec when he led a collective of performers to start Cirque du Soleil .

  22. 一个10人的编舞团队正在将节目串联起来,这场表演将成为太阳马戏团有史以来最大型的创作。

    A team of10 choreographers are putting the show together , which is being built to be the largest ever Cirque du Soleil production .

  23. 这场表演将于10月2日在蒙特利尔开幕,太阳马戏团将以为迈克尔·杰克逊的音乐为主题曲进行马戏表演。

    The show opens in Montreal on October2nd and will feature Cirque du Soleil 's signature acrobatic performances set to the music of Michael Jackson .

  24. 在那之后,他将飞到拉斯维加斯去观看“埃尔维斯万岁”,取材于埃尔维斯音乐的太阳马戏团的演出。

    After that , he will be flown to Las Vegas to watch " Viva Elvis ," the Cirque du Soleil show based on Elvis'music .

  25. 此外,加拿大太阳马戏团日前与杰克逊的基金会签署价值2亿美元的协议,拟在拉斯维加斯推出以杰克逊歌曲为主题的马戏节目。

    A $ 200 million contract with Cirque du Soleil to create a Michael Jackson show in Las Vegas is also said to be in the pipeline .

  26. 所有人必须确保所有者兑现承诺,继续让太阳马戏团扎根在蒙特利尔,在这里,该马戏团已发展起一个由约40家马戏公司组成的创意集群。

    All must ensure that the owners honour undertakings to keep Cirque rooted in Montreal , where it has seeded an innovative cluster of some 40 circus companies .

  27. 拉利伯特是加拿大广受欢迎的“太阳马戏团”的创始人,他身家达亿万,是历史上第七位自费花百万美元前往太空旅游的人。

    Laliberte is the billionaire founder of the popular Cirque du Soleil and the seventh person in history to spend millions of dollars from a personal fortune to fly into space .