
  • 网络Knowledge Management Strategies;KM Strategy
  1. 最后给出了基于模块化原理的知识管理策略。

    In the end , this paper presents knowledge management strategies based on such a modularity theory .

  2. 第六章针对第五章提出的问题,提供了一些可供选择的个人知识管理策略。

    Chapter VI provides some alternative personal knowledge management strategies for the issues raised for the fifth chapter .

  3. 高校图书馆知识管理策略探析

    Probe into the Tactics for the Knowledge Management of University Library

  4. 学习型学校之建构&知识管理策略

    Using Tactics of Knowledge Management to Become a Learning School

  5. 网络环境下流程导向的新产品开发知识管理策略研究

    Study of knowledge integration strategy for process-oriented new product development under network environment

  6. 基于生命周期的客户知识管理策略

    Strategy of Customer Knowledge Management Base on Lifetime

  7. 教育软件企业研发流程的知识管理策略研究

    Study on Knowledge Management Strategy of Research and Development Process in Educational Software Company

  8. 第四部分从物理教学角度提出班级组织中师生的知识管理策略。

    Part ⅳ points out some strategies of teachers and students ' knowledge management in class organization from the perspective of physics teaching .

  9. 以医院知识管理策略及流程导向知识管理策略为基础,提出基于医疗业务流程的知识管理策略。

    Basing on hospital knowledge management strategy and process-oriented knowledge management strategy , the study proposed strategy for knowledge management based on medical business processes .

  10. 指导模型必须比具体项目的决策日志具有更高的编辑标准,所以创建这样模型的决策必须支持知识管理策略。

    A guidance model must meet higher editorial standards than project-specific decision logs , so a decision to create such a model must support a knowledge management strategy .

  11. 推销人员提高业务素质的途径及其自我管理本文根据核心业务的工作类型研究知识管理策略的选择,不同的工作类型,需要采取不同的知识管理策略。

    On heightening the Business Ability and Self-management of the Salesmen How to enhance the core business ability through implementing knowledge management is the key content of this paper .

  12. 国有企业应结合自身的特点,在财务、顾客、内部流程和全员学习四个方面实施知识管理策略,以实现企业的整体目标。

    They should combine their own features , executing knowledge-management strategy in finance , customer service , internal management structure and personnel study , so as to realize their overall goals .

  13. 然而,我们对江苏、广东和河南三省六所幼儿园178份有效问卷的统计结果却显示,团体学习中幼儿教师个人知识管理策略的运用现状却并不让人乐观。

    We collected 178 effective questionnaires from six kindergartens in Jiangsu , Guangdong and Henan provinces , to study the present strategy utilization of kindergarten teachers ' personal knowledge management within group learning .

  14. 第三,提出适合我国软件企业知识管理的策略,指导软件企业参照CMM展开知识管理活动,实现软件过程改进。

    Finally , the strategies for the knowledge management based on CMM in our software enterprises are put forward .

  15. 我国软件企业知识管理应用策略研究

    To Study on Applying Strategy of Knowledge Management in Chinese Software Enterprises

  16. 我国高科技企业知识管理的策略

    Knowledge Management Strategy in China 's Hi tech Enterprises

  17. 浅谈高新技术企业知识产权管理策略

    Discussion on Strategy for Management of Intellectual Property Rights in High Tech-Science Enterprises

  18. 标准的知识产权管理策略刍议

    Discussion about Management Strategies of IPR of Standards

  19. 流程导向知识管理的策略研究

    Research on Process-oriented Knowledge Management Strategies

  20. 欧洲知识产权管理策略。

    Intellectual Property Management in Europe .

  21. 高校图书馆知识管理模式与策略研究

    Knowledge Management Model and Strategy Study of University Library

  22. 知识管理技术应用策略的研究

    Study on Application Strategy of Knowledge Management Technology

  23. 复合型图书馆的知识管理及实施策略

    Knowledge Management and Development Strategy of Hybrid Library

  24. 基于知识的物流管理策略系统设计方法

    Design method of knowledge-based logistics strategy system

  25. 并据此于第四部分从这两方面提出了农村初中教师个人知识管理的优化策略。

    Based on the analysis , the author puts forward the optimization strategies for teachers ' personal knowledge management in rural junior high schools .

  26. 从编码化、个人化及社会化的角度,提出了教师个人知识管理的实践策略。

    Furthermore the author proposed three personal knowledge management practice strategies from the angle of coding , individuation and socialization in order to promote teacher 's professional development .

  27. 提出了一种设计知识管理的系统策略,并引入了进化算法对设计知识优化搜索、进化设计。

    A kind of systematic strategy on management of design knowledge was advanced . The evolutionary algorithm was introduced for optimal searching of design knowledge and evolutionary design .

  28. 在这里,本文介绍了基于股份回购、投资者关系管理(IRM)和知识管理的价值提升策略。

    The Share Repurchase , Investor Relationship Management and Knowledge Management was introduced in this part .

  29. 产品创新中顾客知识管理能力的提升策略

    The Promotion Strategy of Customer Knowledge Management Ability in Product Innovation

  30. 论知识型员工的管理策略&以设计师的管理为例

    The Strategy of Managing Knowledge-type Employee : The Example of Designer Management