
  1. 无奈的现状急需我们找到一条激励创新、促进知识产权产业化的新途径。知识产权信托便在这种形势下应运而生。

    In this helpless circumstance , we need to find a new way which encourage innovation and promote intellectual property industrialization .

  2. 本文论述了我国企业走中国特色自主创新道路应注意的几个问题,提出了在努力培育自主知识产权产业,大力推进自主民族品牌战略方面的政策思路。

    This thesis discusses several problems which our enterprises should pay attention to in the China 's characteristic self-innovation , puts forward the policy proposal of cultivating self-innovation intellectual property & industry and promoting national brand strategy .

  3. 自主知识产权成果产业化,能够提高我国自主创新能力、转变经济增长方式、增强我国核心竞争力。

    Industrialization of independent intellectual property can promote enterprise independent innovation ability , change economic growth mode , and enhance core competitiveness .

  4. 建立自主知识产权的产业技术基础,推进知识产权的商业化与产业化是建设创新型城市不容忽视的问题。

    To establish industrial technology base of independent intellectual property rights , and promote the commercialization and industrialization of intellectual property rights can not be ignored .

  5. 中药产业是我国为数不多的具有自主知识产权的产业,在当今知识经济时代下,中药产业有着比较强的发展优势以及广阔的市场前景。

    Traditional Chinese medicine industry is one of few industries owning independent intellectual property in China . In the era of knowledge economy , traditional Chinese medicine industry has strong development advantages and broad market prospect .

  6. 从2003年至今,经过短短几年的发展,电动自行车产业已成为一个拥有众多自主知识产权、产业规模超千亿元的新兴产业。

    From 2003 up to now , within a few years development , Electrical Bicycle industry has become an emerging industry of owning lots of independent intellectual property rights and the scale of industry exceeded trillion-Yuan .

  7. 第一,本文介绍了Linux和Windows的发展历史,并对知识产权与软件产业市场结构的相关理论做了简要综述,在此基础上提出了本文研究的问题。

    First , this thesis introduces the histories of Linux and Windows development , then surveys the theoretical and empirical studies in term of intellectual property and the market structures of software industry from economics , which is aimed to induce the main problem of the thesis .

  8. 知识产权与软件产业市场结构

    Intellectual Property and the Market Structures of Software Industry

  9. 韩国的技术路径:专利、知识产权保护与产业选择

    The Path of Technology Development in Korea : Patent , Intellectual Property Right Protection and Industry Choice

  10. 从分析医药知识产权对医药产业的作用入手,论述了医药知识产权教育的意义。

    The significances of pharmaceutical intellectual property education are discussed with the effect upon the pharmaceutical industry .

  11. 这理应成为拥有自主知识产权的中药产业在国际天然药物市场的竞争优势。

    Traditional Chinese medicine industry with independent intellectual property should have strong competitiveness in the international natural medicine market .

  12. 双方在讨论中还强调了知识产权在创意产业部门和国民经济总体发展方面的重要战略意义。

    Discussions also underlined the strategic importance of intellectual property in the development of both the creative industries sector and the national economy in general .

  13. 知识产权保护是创意产业发展不可缺少的核心要素,是创意产业生存和发展的关键。

    Intellectual property is the core elements of creative industries .

  14. 制定适合相关产业发展的知识产权政策,促进产业结构的调整与优化;

    Intellectual property policies suitable for development of relevant industries shall be formulated to adjust and optimize industrial structures .

  15. 积极发展对经济增长带动作用大和拥有自主知识产权的高新技术产业。

    We will energetically promote the development of new and high technology industries capable of spurring economic growth and with proprietary intellectual property rights .

  16. 第5章总结了数字图书馆数据库知识产权保护对信息产业及整个国民经济发展的重要性和深远意义。

    Gives a summary of the importance and significance of intellectual property protection of the digital library databases for the information industry and the national economic development .

  17. 受教育水平、通信状况和知识产权保护都对产业集群风险的影响为正,尤其是知识产权保护的影响最为明显,但交通状况对产业集群风险的影响与预期的状况相反。

    The education level , communication status and intellectual property protection both has a negative effect on industry cluster risk , especially the protection of intellectual property rights , but traffic condition present a reverse result .

  18. 建立和发展高新技术产业开发区的任务和目的,就是要创造一个适合高新技术产业特别是具有民族知识产权的高新技术产业高速发展的良性环境。

    The task and the goal of establishing and developing new and hi tech industrial development zones are to create a favorable environment adapting to the fast development of new and hi tech industry especially that with national intellectual property .

  19. 伴随知识经济和经济全球化的深入发展,知识产权成为所有产业创造财富的核心资源。

    Along with the further development of knowledge economy and economic globalization , intellectual property rights to create wealth for all industry core resources .

  20. 尽快完善我国的知识产权融资制度,加大金融支持企业自主创新的力度,形成知识产权产业化的良好金融环境,对于加快自主创新成果的转化,促进我国经济长期稳定发展具有重要意义。

    Improving IPR financing institution , enhancing financial sustentation of independent innovation and building up favorable financial circumstance for industrialization of IPR , have profound meanings for accelerating the transformation of independent innovation fruits and sustaining long-term stabilized development of Chinese economy .

  21. 但从湖北省高等学校知识产权现状来看,由于知识产权保护体系不完善,导致高等学校知识产权流失严重,知识产权产业化水平低,制约了高等学校的发展与创新。

    However , due to the imperfectness of the IP protection system in Hubei province , the IP of institutions of higher education badly loss and was at low level , which have hampered the development and innovation of the university .