
  • 网络Intellectual property subject
  1. 提升企业的知识产权主体地位。

    Promote the subject status of intellectual property of enterprises .

  2. 网络信息资源知识产权主体包括创作者和邻接权人、知识产权中介者、网络信息资源运营机构、网络信息资源终端用户、网络信息资源知识产权的管理者五部分。

    The subjects include creator , the neighboring right owner , intellectual property agency , network information resource operating organization , network information resource terminal user , network information resource intellectual property manager .

  3. IP(Intellectualproperty)是集成电路知识产权的主体,IP技术已成为片上系统SoC(Systemonchip)设计的主流方法。

    IP ( Intellectual Property ) is the abbreviation of integrated circuit intellectual property . The IP reuse technology has been the main design methodology of SoC ( System On Chip ) design .

  4. 企业要成为保护自有知识产权的主体&在接见全国企事业单位知识产权保护试点工作会议代表时的讲话

    Enterprise : the Major Entity of Protection on Its Own Intellectual Property

  5. 知识产权出资主体的适格性研究

    On the Eligibility of Subjects of Intellectual Property Investments

  6. 同时,展会知识产权保护主体范围广,包括展会主办方、参展方、第三方(计算机软件权利人)。

    The subjects of rights of the IPR protection are extensive , including exhibition organizers , exhibitors , the right holder of a third party ( computer software ) .

  7. 首先明确了网络服务者的概念,进而提出应在法律上明确网络服务者地位的知识产权法律主体。

    This paper firstly clarifies the definition of the network practitioner , then puts forward that the legal status of network practitioner as a main body of intellectual property should be established .

  8. 通过科学技术的孵化器可以使科学技术成果在不同知识产权的主体之间建立技术转移的无缝连接;同时这个过程也是价值增加的过程。

    Through science and technology incubator can make scientific and technological achievements in the different intellectual property rights between the main set up technology transfer seamlessly ; At the same time , this process is also a value added process .

  9. 知识产权犯罪具有主体特征、主观特征、客体特征及客观特征。

    Intellectual property crime has the characteristics of main body character , subjective character , objective character and impersonal character .

  10. 知识产权是民事主体所享有的支配创造性智力成果、商业标志以及其他具有商业价值的信息并排斥他人干涉的权利。

    Intellectual property rights ensure domination of intellectual creation , commercial logo and other valuable business-related information by the entitled parties and their exclusion of interferences .

  11. 本文着重对民间非物质文化知识产权的权利主体、权利性质以及独创性问题进行了思考,并对民间非物质文化知识产权保护的立法提了几点建议。

    The problems of the subject of object , the nature of the rights , as well as the original question are discussed , and then several suggestions are made to establish some protection legislations about the intellectual property rights of the folk non-matter culture .

  12. 面对多元化的数据库资源使用环境,相关知识产权保护的主体、客体及权利变得更加丰富和复杂,知识产权保护形式与数据库资源传播和利用之间的矛盾更加尖锐。

    Facing the application environment of diversified database resources , the subjects , objects and rights of intellectual property rights protection become more various and complex , and conflicts between the form of intellectual property rights protection and the usage and spread of the database resources become more violent .

  13. 作为私法规范的知识产权法为何要对知识产权的权利主体作出诸多权利限制,隐藏其中的是利益均衡理念的支撑。

    As the criterion of private law , Intellectual Property Law has many limits to the right subject , for supporting the viewpoint of interests equilibrium .

  14. 知识产权法最基本的制度是知识产权的主体制度、客体制度和知识产权的保护制度。

    The basic systems of Knowledge Property Rights Protection Law are the subject system , object system and the protection system .

  15. 进而,我们还要确立知识产权保护模式的正确价值观,即在维护我国国家利益的同时,注重维护本土知识产权主体的合法权利。

    Furthermore , we have to establish the correct values of intellectual property protection system .