
  • 网络intellectual property licensing;licensing of intellectual property
  1. 文章对知识产权许可制度作了系统地研究。

    This dissertation did a comprehensive research on intellectual property licensing system .

  2. 分别讲述了知识产权许可中的价格限制、地域限制和使用领域限制,以及国内外相关法律对这些限制竞争行为的规制。

    Reviewed individually related to intellectual property licensing of geographic restrictions on the price , and the use of the field , and the domestic and international laws for these limitations of the competition act .

  3. 后者经常发生在货物是真的但该货物上的一些知识产权许可费尚未支付的情形:MPLA就经常使用这招。

    The latter often happens where there are genuine goods but where a licence fee for some IPR in the product has not been paid for : MPLA often uses this technique .

  4. 反垄断视角下的知识产权许可一体化

    Integration of Intellectual Property Permission from the Perspective of Anti-monopoly

  5. 知识产权许可与垄断行为研究

    Studies on Intellectual Property Right Permission and Monopoly Behavior

  6. 知识产权许可通常是有利于竞争与创新的。

    Licensing of intelligent property right usually is benefit to competition and creativeness .

  7. 效率是知识产权许可与合并反垄断审查的目标。

    Efficiency shall be the goal of antitrust review of patent licensing and convergence .

  8. 论知识产权许可中的平行进口问题及对我国立法启示

    Reconsideration on parallel imports of intellectual property rights licensing and legislative revelation to China

  9. 无效知识产权许可中的相关法律问题研究&中美立法比较

    Research on Jural Problems of Invalid Intellectual Property Rights & Contrast on Legislation of China and USA

  10. 第二部分与滥用市场支配力有关的知识产权许可中的反垄断法律问题。

    Part II analyze the antimonopoly problems of licensing of intellectual property right of relevant abuse market domination .

  11. 知识产权许可

    Licensing of Intellectual Property

  12. 知识产权许可是在知识产权包括的所有权利集合中,保留所有权,抽离出其中2之一或全部财产权利让渡给他人。

    Permission is all rights set , retain ownership , pull away out of one of them or many property rights guaranteed to others .

  13. 知识产权许可是权利人行使权利的一种重要方式,其通常是有利于竞争与创新的。

    Licensing of intellectual property right is a kind of important way to exercises the right and is benefit to the competition and creativeness .

  14. 滥用市场支配力的知识产权许可行为主要有独占许可、标准化许可、拒绝许可、歧视性许可和掠夺性许可等。

    The behavior of abusing market domination licensing primarily contain monopoly licenses and standardize to license , refusal to license , discrimination licenses and predatory licenses .

  15. 知识产权许可能将无形的资产转化为有形的资产,鼓励创新、刺激知识产权人对科学研究和技术开发的更多投入。

    Intellectual property licensing can translate Intangible assets into tangible assets , encourage innovation , stimulate the intellectual development of people for more scientific research and technological investment .

  16. 因为我国目前高科技产业的创新率还不是太高,主要依靠引进国外技术,引进技术不是无偿的,引进技术的主要形式就是知识产权许可。

    Our country mainly depend on the introduction of foreign technology now , the rate of high technology industries is not high , the introduction is not free .

  17. 知识产权许可是知识产权得以实施的主要方式,也是知识产权客体不断更新和进步的重要途径。

    Licensing of intellectual property ( IP ) is the main way to implement IP rights , and also the important means to develop and update IP . Rule of law shows its importance first .

  18. 然而知识产权许可协议中往往存在着一些条款,这些条款限制许可当事人从事或不得从事一定的生产、经营、研发活动,因而被称为限制性条款。

    However , there are always some clauses known as restrictive clauses in licensing agreements of IP which require the parties to take or refrain from taking such certain activities as production , marketing and research .

  19. 然而,在知识产权许可的过程中,权利人往往采取扩张自己权利的行为限制其它竞争者以获取更多的利益,造成权利的滥用。

    However , in the process of use the intellectual property , the owner of right usually expanded the right to limit the related competitor in order to gain more befits , which is right abuse .

  20. 收购将为其带来一个在科罗拉多州博尔德城外的数据中心,以及摄像头、图像分析软件和知识产权许可。优步不会讨论收购的具体条款。

    Uber would not discuss the terms of the acquisition , which will bring it a data site outside Boulder , Colo. , as well as cameras , image-analysis software and a license to the intellectual property .

  21. 知识产权强制许可中的反垄断法(英文)

    Anti-monopoly law in the compulsory licensing of intellectual property ;

  22. 第三部分:信息资源数字化项目知识产权的许可。

    Part III : Property license in the information resources digitization projects .

  23. 知识产权拒绝许可的反垄断法规制研究

    Study on the Regulations Against Refuse to License Intellectual Property Rights Through Anti-monopoly Law

  24. 平行进口法律规制的再思考&以知识产权独占许可为视角

    Rethinking on the Legal Regulation of Parallel Imports & from the perspective of exclusive license of intellectual property rights

  25. 第三章介绍了反垄断法规制知识产权拒绝许可所适用的判定原则。

    Chapter ⅲ introduces the doctrine in the judicial practice of the anti-monopoly of the refused permission of intellectual property rights .

  26. 双方将各持有合资企业50%的股权,并把各自的商标和知识产权的许可证授予合资企业。

    Each company will own a50 % stake in the company and will license their respective trademarks and intellectual property to the joint venture .

  27. 第二章分析了反垄断法规制知识产权拒绝许可的法理依据和理论基础。

    Chapter ⅱ discusses the Legal principle basis and the theoretical basis of the anti-monopoly of the refused permission of intellectual property rights from different perspectives .

  28. 论知识产权限制性许可的反垄断法律规制

    On the Anti-monopoly Law Regulating the Restrictive Licensing of Intellectual Property Rights

  29. 知识产权非自愿许可制度研究

    A Study on the Unauthorized License of Intellectual Property

  30. 注意在向终端用户进行演示时需要知识产权的法律许可。

    Note that demonstrations to end users will require legal clearance for your intellectual property .